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India and Pakistan are united by language and history, divided by commerce

That is unfair, they are also developing their own brands, it would be foolishness in the extreme to underestimate the power of the Dragons innovation.

I'm not underestimating the power of Chinese innovation. I'm only trying to put the value of cheap Chinese labor in perspective.

It won't remain that cheap for very long now.
So are we?

Or you do not read international publications?

Almost all of them talk of India AND China, not China alone.

I don't want to offend you but, in terms of trade and size of economy their is no contest between the two countries,
I don't want to offend you but, in terms of trade and size of economy their is no contest between the two countries,

O bhai mere! When did I try to compare the economies of China and India.

I'm trying to compare the products and not the economies.




Chinese products will not remain so cheap for long. Not with the rate at which their per capita income is increasing.
Actually not, they have an export driven market, so they played their game in fulfilling the global consumer demands and gaining their share of the market.
its pure business.
Can you explain us how they saved the world economy from global melt down?

In layman's terms by growing, also their products prevented inflation in many countries.
I don't want to offend you but, in terms of trade and size of economy their is no contest between the two countries,

At present yes, we don't have any competition with our Chinese counterparts.
In future, time will tell.
In layman's terms by growing, also their products prevented inflation in many countries.

That's what i said, they captured their share of the market in foreign countries coz' of their cheap products.
When you don't have any job in your hand, you don'y care about the quality. :)
I'm not underestimating the power of Chinese innovation. I'm only trying to put the value of cheap Chinese labor in perspective.

It won't remain that cheap for very long now.

That my friend is sheer speculation :) And that door swings both ways, in that case in IT india will also loose it's market, because of the very same reasons you state.:)
That my friend is sheer speculation :)

It's not speculation. It's basic economics.

As per capita income increases, the cost of manufacturing the product goes up.

It's basic economics.

And that door swings both ways, in that case in IT india will also loose it's market, because of the very same reasons you state.:)

What India might lose in IT, it will make up for in manufacturing. Also, our IT products mostly cater to developed markets like the US.

Pakistan anyways doesn't have such a huge market for IT products.
That my friend is sheer speculation :) And that door swings both ways, in that case in IT india will also loose it's market, because of the very same reasons you state.:)

You have no Idea my friend, we may turn out from job snatchers to job givers.
Our companies may outsource their jobs to Indonesia or philliphines or so, and they are so this as we speak.....
But India have a huge educated population, and IT is not about cheap labors.
ohhhh ho very nice thread going . what i can say keep it up hate and trolling.

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