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India airlifts military hospital to Tajikistan

It's not going to serve much of a "geo-strategic" advantage or benefit, it's really just a waste of money a show-off move more than anything else. Having a small military "hospital" isn't really going to "strengthen geo-strategic footprint".

Yes, this small "military outpost" is going to prevent "any anti-Indian activity", it sure helped with the bombing of the Indian embassy in 2008. This is how you know the idiotic Indian media wrote this stuff, and fortunately for us this is what population of that country consumes as brain food.

Though on the bright side, at least Tajikistan is earning good profits off the lease, these days growing number of countries have their hands in the Indian pockets, the Russians, Tajiks, Israelis, and French.

If you put some pressure on brain cells you will see some points in the same news.

1. India already has over 100 Indian military personnel stationed at the Ayni airbase in Tajikistan

2. Tajik President Emomali Rahmon’s visit to India last August, during which the long-standing bilateral partnership was elevated to a strategic partnership

3. two of the newly-acquired C-130J "Super Hercules" aircraft of the IAF airlifted medical stores, equipment and 55 personnel

4. Indian Army, IAF and Border Roads Organisation personnel had worked hard to upgrade the airbase, which includes extension of the runway and construction of three aircraft hangars, an air-control tower and perimeter fencing around the base, at a cost of over Rs 100 crore.

a.) The sudden rush or movement of military personals will raise a alarm bell we are taking it step by step.

b.) It will be a RAW base to look into our interests in Afghanistan, pakistan, Central Asia.

c.) The air base is now equipped to land and base any type of modern aircrafts as its runway is extended, hangers are build while its fencing will make it secure and secrete from general eyes.

d.) When India will have enough Su30MKIs/Rafale/Mig 30 to spare them for this base we will build a full fledged fighter aircraft base.

It may not be a attack base but it will divert the assets of PAF/PA and make them thin at our borders.
It will be discouraged by our neighbours as unimportant but they know moment we base some long range fighters like Su 30 they will start feeling the heat.
It's not going to serve much of a "geo-strategic" advantage or benefit, it's really just a waste of money a show-off move more than anything else. Having a small military "hospital" isn't really going to "strengthen geo-strategic footprint".

If it is a show off move, it will be done with a lot of fanfare and brouhaha, not in the quiet manner that it is being done now. "Strategic interest" can be a whole host of things, not simply dropping nukes at the drop of a hat. Central asian countries are going to be important for our future energy needs, from natural gas (turkmenistan) to Uranium (Kazakhstan). Having a small military hospital there can earn us the goodwill of many people. We built field hospitals for the frontline fighters of the Northern Alliance during their fight against the odious taliban regime, and we are reaping the benefits of that relationship today. From mining rights to intelligence activity, India is enjoying many priviledges that few other countries are. So what strategic purpose was served by courageously treating wounded fighters on the frontlines? The ability to initiate or control every conflict in that region? No, but much more rewarding things like access to mineral wealth and covert intelligence activity, whicch will secure the prosperity and security of our people for decades to come.

Similarly, a small military hospital to help the local population and armed forces of Tajikistan will also earn us benefits which may not bee visible to the naked eye - no jets strapped with nukes thundering from there, no imposing missile complexes. But we will see strategic benefits for our population, like access to energy supplies.

There were also rumors that India will set up helicopter and jet facilities there, and Musharaff himself protested loudly at the prospect, complaining that Indian migs can reach islamabad in four minutes from tajikistan. Now those were simply rumour that was never confirmed or denied by anybody officially. However, an antenna on top of or near the hospital that can eavesdrop on communication from neighbouring countries is not too far fetched an idea. (A listening post like we have in Oman.)

If we do eventually base a few jets or mi-17 V-5s there, it need not be to attack pakistan. Offering a helping hand to the countries nearby can be very worthwhile in the long run. Offering help to bangladesh in its freedom struggle eliminated a potential enemy on our east. Look at our relation with them today; other than a few border guards, we do not need to place any significant military resources there. We have their friendship, despite what you see on PDF. Besides, stationing a couple of squadrons of jets or a heliborne battalion there will mean that pakistan will have to divert a lot of its resources from its eastern border, to counter them. Now before you or other pakistanis start proclaiming about the base being blown up by pakistan during war - as I said, yes, it will be possible for pakistan, but at the price of diverting a lot of its meager resources. And its not like it will be easy either, because India will do its beest to keep things under wraps, keep pakistan guessing about what assets we have there or not. And as I said before, basing combat aircrafts there was only a rumour, so even if it is not true, all the rest of my points hold, and for those reasons, the money we spend there will be eminently well spent.

Even if we really have no military advantage, we will still have immense strategic and economic benefits by such moves.

All said and done, we do trust our armed forces, diplomats and other govt officials to not squander our money for show-off purposes. That has never happened in our military affairs. Not spending enough for their needs has been the norm.
It is almost given that India is trying to get a foothold in Central Asia for
a. Strategic Reasons
b. Huge Energy reserves in form of Gas, Uranium (Kazakhstan) and possibly oil.
I'm only guessing but it looks like India is trying to get First Mover's advantage and that explains presence of armed forces personnel. Several erstwhile Soviet states do have good relations with India and there is no harm in taking advantage of the same and may be taking relations to next level.
Military co-operation between these states and India should also be on cards considering the diplomatic closeness, these are small steps in building a much bigger partnership in future.
If we just compare the same India is already trying to do the same in Afghanistan and steps like these will go a long way in building a bigger partnership.
May be we can stop looking all this as a threat to any nation's sovereignty.
a stupid Junior TT showcasing his stupidity... comprehension fail at so many levels and then analysis fail as well !

Such outposts are not there to parade military power at the drop of a hat or petty issues like theft in street of Kabul. Pakistanis think that just like every military discussion starts and ends with nukes, everything must be interpreted through a single pov only.
So silly of them ..

Anyways, those are there to be activated in case of extreme situations like surprise SEAD attacks in case of war ( extremely extremely unlikely situation ) and other emergency situations like airplane hijack and so many other things. This hospital is like a clean chit to indian military officials to be present there without a fuss and do as much counter intelligence as possible !

Another Indian goon who fails to understand the article states

The Indian "military outpost" at the Ayni airbase, around 15 km from Tajik capital Dushanbe, also helps New Delhi keep tabs on its economic and strategic interests in Central Asia as well as "any anti-Indian activity" in the terrorism-infested Af-Pak region.

Keeping tabs on "any anti-Indian activity in the terrorism infested Af-Pak region" how is this "military outpost" allowing India to "keep tabs"? Tabs as in intelligence gathering, no, that's why India has opened many embassies in Afghanistan to keep tabs for it. The article is suggesting as if the "military outpost" projects influence in "Central Asia", it for the past years has been dormant. A show piece rented base.

Go ahead and park your air craft there, makes for easy target; then we will see how much "geo-strategic" benefit it has for India.

Such outposts are not there to parade military power at the drop of a hat or petty issues like theft in street of Kabul. Pakistanis think that just like every military discussion starts and ends with nukes, everything must be interpreted through a single pov only.
So silly of them ..

That's not what I'm suggesting you moron that's what this Indian article is suggesting when it says it is there to keep tabs on terrorism in the Af-Pak region specifically tabs on "any anti-Indian activity".
It is almost given that India is trying to get a foothold in Central Asia for
a. Strategic Reasons
b. Huge Energy reserves in form of Gas, Uranium (Kazakhstan) and possibly oil.
I'm only guessing but it looks like India is trying to get First Mover's advantage and that explains presence of armed forces personnel. Several erstwhile Soviet states do have good relations with India and there is no harm in taking advantage of the same and may be taking relations to next level.
Military co-operation between these states and India should also be on cards considering the diplomatic closeness, these are small steps in building a much bigger partnership in future.
If we just compare the same India is already trying to do the same in Afghanistan and steps like these will go a long way in building a bigger partnership.
May be we can stop looking all this as a threat to any nation's sovereignty.

Don't get too excited you are not being given a "foothold" in Central Asia, you are just renting a lousy low-tech once abandon air strip in the middle of Tajikistan. Tajikistan on their part made a smart move leasing the abandon strip to a customer-country stupid enough to pay for it thinking it was giving them "geo-strategic" advantage.

The "foothold" you are looking for is still in your behind... :lol: pathetic Indians.

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