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India abruptly puts off border talks with China

Actually India is 6th most favoured nation for U.S. after U.K., Canada, Japan, Germany, Israel. China is consider as one of the most unfavoured nation in U.S. after Iran, Iraq, N.K, Pakistan. :rofl: :welcome:


That's fine, we aren't the ones being dumped with toxic waste. Bring on the "hate" :lol:
Did Nepal exist back then ?

No, now you understand.

It is stupidity for India to claim all the historical events that happened in the subcontinent as happening in "India", since clearly the Pakistanis/Bangladeshis/Sri Lankans/Nepalese do not buy that "Akhand barat" BS. And the fact that India did not even exist back then.

Buddha was born in what is now modern day Nepal, that is a fact. The Indus Valley Civilization was situated in what is now modern day Pakistan, that is a fact.

Pakistanis, Bangladeshis Sri Lankans and Nepalis do NOT claim to be Indian, that is an insult for them.
Indians are always trying to steal culture from their neighbours, even claiming that the mighty Indus Valley Civilization was theirs, despite it being situated almost entirely on what is now modern day Pakistan. And claiming Buddha as being an Indian despite everyone knowing that he was born in what is now modern day Nepal. :rofl:

As before, India did not even exist back then, you were just a collection of independent kingdoms who were only united by the British colonialists.

we've had our fair share of massive empires, but I don't expect you to know our history. neither do we need your approval.
buddhism borrows heavily from hindu culture so I don't see how that amounts to us stealing other cultures, but then I dont have a narrow vision as yours.
That's fine, we aren't the ones being dumped with toxic waste. Bring on the "hate" :lol:

Still, China is considered as one of the most unfavoured nation for Americans after N.K., Iraq, Somalia, Iran.

India is next to Japan, Israel, Canada, U.K., Germany. :tup:

---------- Post added at 05:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:30 AM ----------

No, now you understand.

It is stupidity for India to claim all the historical events that happened in the subcontinent as happening in "India", since clearly the Pakistanis/Bangladeshis/Sri Lankans/Nepalese do not buy that "Akhand barat" BS. And the fact that India did not even exist back then.

Buddha was born in what is now modern day Nepal, that is a fact. The Indus Valley Civilization was situated in what is now modern day Pakistan, that is a fact.

Pakistanis, Bangladeshis Sri Lankans and Nepalis do NOT claim to be Indian, that is an insult for them.

Do you know anything about Nepal ?? :lol:

50% Population of Nepal are actual Indian. 25% Nepalese live in India. There is no Visa system also, No border. Same culture. India is Hindu majority which is 5,000 years old religion and born in India only. So Buddhism too. Even Sidhartha is considered as One of the avatar of Hinduism. When you don't know, don't comment. BTW, Chinese are know for Killing Buddhist people specially in Tibet.

No one is talking about Akhand Bharat.

BTW, Why China claims Tibet ?? Historically it was never part of China. Akhand China ? :lol:
That's fine, we aren't the ones being dumped with toxic waste. Bring on the "hate" :lol:

atleast india is helping the world to get rid of harful toxins but on other hand china is the one which export most of toxic waste i.e Chinese products to the world. i don't think i need to tell u that what is the reputation of Chinese products globally.
Still, China is considered as one of the most unfavoured nation for Americans after N.K., Iraq, Somalia, Iran.

India is next to Japan, Israel, Canada, U.K., Germany.

Hahaha colonial mentality, not only do you cheer for Americans of Indian ethnicity while your country has more poor than Africa, but you crave their approval as well.

Too bad you don't get even that. :azn:

China Bests Japan in Americans’ Eyes - Wall Street Journal

According to results from the 2011 edition of an annual opinion poll commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, some 39% of “general public” respondents selected China as “the most important partner of the U.S. in Asia,” while 31% chose Japan.

While the 2010 version of the poll showed the Asian rivals tied with a 44% rating, the 2011 numbers, compiled from interviews with 1,200 citizens from February to March, represent a stark change compared with just three years ago. In 2008, 43% of the general public selected Japan as the most important partner for the U.S., while 34% plumped for China.

The result of the poll, which the ministry commissioned the Gallup Organization to conduct, is part of a broader consultation on what the public, and opinion leaders, in the U.S. make of Japan. As well as the general public segment, pollsters also interviewed 200 opinion leaders for a separate set of results.

The opinion leaders’ view of which country in Asia is the most important partner for the U.S. offers even more emphatic confirmation that trade relations, usually cited as the main reason for a preference for China, are increasingly carrying more weight than political or general ties with the U.S., usually cited as a reason for choosing Japan. Over the past three years’ surveys, opinion leaders’ preference for Japan has nearly halved, to 28% from 54%, while their preference for China increased to 46% from 38%. The results in part reflect China officially overtaking Japan as the world’s second-biggest economy earlier this year.

Americans chose China as their number 1 partner in Asia, after that it was Japan. No other country in Asia scored high enough to warrant a mention. :lol:
aww aren't you chest thumping about american approval? white slave mentality much? :azn:

Hahaha didn't you read my post, I was laughing about the fact that despite the Indian colonial mentality, the American public did not even think to select India as an important partner for the USA. India didn't even score high enough to be mentioned in that Wall Street Journal article in the first place.

Like I said: "Too bad you don't get even that. :azn:"
atleast india is helping the world to get rid of harful toxins but on other hand china is the one which export most of toxic waste i.e Chinese products to the world. i don't think i need to tell u that what is the reputation of Chinese products globally.

Believe me with more people in poverty than the entire africa and only a pathetic 300 billion in fx there is nothing much you can do to help the world, stop living in delusion, wake up and smell the coffee.
Believe me with more people in poverty than the entire africa and only a pathetic 300 billion in fx there is nothing much you can do to help the world, stop living in delusion, wake up and smell the coffee.

Chinese are also suffering in same way but Chinese Media is worst so no Free reporting.

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Allow Free media then we will compare not when everything is Hidden. :no:
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