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Independence Day Celebrations Around The World (PHOTOS)


If u remove ur green colored specs for a moment, Red dot here can also mean "Rising Sun".

But i guess it is in ur mentality to diagnose any one/any thing religiously.

are u blind son?
sun is yellow/orange not red....maybe in india a red sun rises and sets or could be your red shades
are u blind son?
sun is yellow/orange not red....maybe in india a red sun rises and sets or could be your red shades

yes it is in kanyakumari


are u blind son?
sun is yellow/orange not red....maybe in india a red sun rises and sets or could be your red shades

thank you for ur concern of my eye sight..

But Red Sun denotes a Sun at dawn or a rising Sun.It happens everywhere, even in Pakistan ..may be u thought Sun at sunrise in Pakistan is green in color..
if that is the case may be u should be more worried about color blindness in ur eyes..or may be it is loss of memory..u know which is not uncommon among old people...
The pictures from the streets of Pakistan are what really matters, every body, no matter rich or poor or middle-class, has a flag on the corner of his house at the highest point, and children have Pakistan stickers all pasted over their bicycles, people paint there faces green and white, Cars have Pakistan flag draped all over them, Buildings have the flag, everybody is a Pakistani. Just shows that Pakistani people still love thier country, they just dont love the state!
The pictures from the streets of Pakistan are what really matters, every body, no matter rich or poor or middle-class, has a flag on the corner of his house at the highest point, and children have Pakistan stickers all pasted over their bicycles, people paint there faces green and white, Cars have Pakistan flag draped all over them, Buildings have the flag, everybody is a Pakistani. Just shows that Pakistani people still love thier country, they just dont love the state!

As Mark Twain said, "Loyalty to the country always, loyalty to the government when it deserves it."
sir can u shed some light on who designed you flag and what that the red dot means?
its the indians who usually put a red dot on their forehead.....dont there could have been something better in the center..like a star or a cresent or even a bengal tiger would have looked great....i think the man who made it just copied the japanese flag and changed the colours

It was designed by Kamrul Hasan. The red disc represents the sun rising over Bengal over the blood of those who died for the independence of Bangladesh. The green part represents green nature of our country and also power of youth.
Sadly this independence day took away the independence of Palestine, do we have any celebration pictures from Palestine? The answer is NO because their independence and sovereignty has been taken away illegally
They never had independence. Impossible to take away something that does not exist.

I hope soon we can put pictures from Palestine in this thread as well :)
I also hope, but they do everything that it wont happen.

Meanwhile in Israel:





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