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Incompetence of intelligence agencies ? Why These Attacks were not stopped

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
I have a one Simple Question
Which is
When Intelligence already had prior Alerts
Why no security measures were taken,

How come they were able to track so many targets in this small time gap but why erent able to stop before so many attacks

If they had prior knowledge why they didnt stop them before the attacks
So many attacks means intelligence failure , there is problem somewhere
What is Stopping Pakistan from confrinting Afg, after so much loss,
Why after years off almost to zero respone and losing tens of thoudands , Army still hesitant to capture and bring justice to real culprits
Who should be charged so others do there work properly
@somebozo we where having this discussion
Intelligence agencies have infiltrated as deep as Indian GHQ but they cannot catch a few rag tag terrorist breeding under their nose. The prime cause of terrorism is false glorification of past and present terrorist. This problem roots back to education system and every mosque / madrassah...no action has bee taken over this so far...we dont call spade a spade...Mohammed bin Qasim = great hero...Abdali and Ghaznavi = Great heros, OBL = Great hero..Talibans = great allies...look at our historical priorities..every terrorist scum is our great hero /ally.

Second fold of the problem is influx of destructive foreign culture...wether it is blasphemy laws or eid milad..nothing has been done to curb it so far..Ashura processions, Eid Milad celebrations, keep growing in their pomp and glory extravaganza each year...demanding holidays for khalifa death anniversary, no issues we will comply..wether it is youm e ali or youm e farooq...regardless of its cultural and social implications..such events only lead to divide nation further...breed communal-ism and eventually outright brutal violence...the country is stuck is permanent competition of Shia having something or sunni not having something..we will turn to Syria very soon..no body agrees to look at cultural aspects of religion..its too holy..! If arabs shat in a plate..we would call it holy too!

Terrorism breeds in individual mind, when like minded thought together they explode in a form of terrorism!
As long as religion remains core political ideology of this country, we will only fare worst..!

failure is inability to perform..we are looking are willful complicity here rather than failure..its hard to argue that the security establishment is not aware of ground facts or is incapable of doing anything against it..in reality they bred this situation and they are fully aware of and in relation with the figure heads.. why are they not acting begs the question??? WHY???
Yes Pakistan as Whole Country anf Society Needs a major Overhaul

These Problems are so deep in our society we wont be able to cure them in 1 or 2 decade

Till That Pakistan Needs Major improvements in its Justice Department

Politicians and Army Both Should be judged for there mistakes ,
Army needs to understand this necessary evil which they Keep to keep Politicians in Check must be put Down ,

The Evil in Afghanistan will only grow if you leave it and will hurt Pakistan and its people even more
Solution is Corporation kill the disease before it grows
TTP was weak but why Army is letting them leave find them
Whats the point in having soldiers and assessts when you not gone use them to defend your country
Yes Pakistan as Whole Country anf Society Needs a major Overhaul

These Problems are so deep in our society we wont be able to cure them in 1 or 2 decade

Till That Pakistan Needs Major improvements in its Justice Department

Politicians and Army Both Should be judged for there mistakes ,
Army needs to understand this necessary evil which they Keep to keep Politicians in Check must be put Down ,

The Evil in Afghanistan will only grow if you leave it and will hurt Pakistan and its people even more
Solution is Corporation kill the disease before it grows
TTP was weak but why Army is letting them leave find them
Whats the point in having soldiers and assessts when you not gone use them to defend your country
Faith, Unity, Discipline: The Inter-Service-Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan 1st Edition
Why these attacks were not stopped?

Let's see,
Pakistan is on the front of the war on terrorism, we should be grateful for the security we already have. The terrorist attacks this week have been devastating and tragic: but out of a population of 190 million (excluding 5m+ illegal immigrant) with many sympathisers and sleeper cells - it is impossible to stop every single attack. If you were to learn how many disasters are foiled by our security forces, you'd be stunned.

We shouldn't bash our security forces, they have sacrificed and bled more than any other institution in the world while fighting this cancer. Our own people are giving a blind-eye to the menacing radicalization around our society and throwing all the burden on our security forces.

These attacks were very well-coordinated, planned for months and initiated in sudden bursts to make it seem like 'terrorism is back' in Pakistan. But it also shows how much they have been weakened, they once had the power to attack GHQ but now are going after soft and undefended targets like mosques, shrines, protests and schools. Stand with our security forces and actually play a part in combatting this cancer, instead of blaming those who have sacrificed more than you ever could.
Bro!:guns: Blasphemy. GHQ aur Aabpara ka shan main Gustakhi.

And this Jinn can't be bottled back. No one has the guts to tackle the monster which breeds in every corner of Pakistan.

At partition time, we had 300 Mdaras and Islam was well alive. Now reportedly there are 35000. So, they can't keep the fake interpreation of Islam to themselves and are spreading it in the form of blasts. Even if locals don't do the attacks, they are facilitators for the peole who come across from Borders.

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Don't know about the other attacks, but intelligence did pick up on a possible bombing in Lahore and forwarded information to the CM, Police, Defence Minister, and Army. The problem was with the Chief minister, police, and local garrison not coordinating and setting up adequate protection for high-risk targets.

The government and police need to be held accountable, not the intelligence agencies who did their jobs as best as they could.

As for the next move; the government needs to set up proper surveillance apparatus for certain people (fundamentalists, right-wing activists, hate-preachers, suspicious ex-military/police personnel etc.), these terrorists obviously had sympathisers and safe houses which need to be found and eliminated. I don't know if we have an FBI-type organisation, but if we do then that department needs its funding boosted immediately.
If everything has to be done by Intelligence agencies then what other LEAs are for?
Across the globe, its common practice that police station has the best intelligence network in its boundary, but here in Pakistan, police is one of the most incompetent and corrupt institution.

When Bannu prison break incident happened back in 2012, there were reports by Intel. agencies for such incident. Security was high-alert. Drills were there inside prison by police and FC but still 400 criminals/terrorists were able to escape in that incident. Now who is to blame for that incident? Intelligence agencies or other LEAs?
Yes Pakistan as Whole Country anf Society Needs a major Overhaul

These Problems are so deep in our society we wont be able to cure them in 1 or 2 decade

Till That Pakistan Needs Major improvements in its Justice Department

Politicians and Army Both Should be judged for there mistakes ,
Army needs to understand this necessary evil which they Keep to keep Politicians in Check must be put Down ,

The Evil in Afghanistan will only grow if you leave it and will hurt Pakistan and its people even more
Solution is Corporation kill the disease before it grows
TTP was weak but why Army is letting them leave find them
Whats the point in having soldiers and assessts when you not gone use them to defend your country

The act of accountability does not exist in Pakistan..in civilized countries you see head of police step down in event of major security failure or intelligence chief resign in case of major intelligence failure..argue this with any Pakistani officer and they will shrug their shoulders saying...so what..9/11 was also CIA failure...others failures dont make you look good or sucessfull!

If everything has to be done by Intelligence agencies then what other LEAs are for?
Across the globe, its common practice that police station has the best intelligence network in its boundary, but here in Pakistan, police is one of the most incompetent and corrupt institution.

When Bannu prison break incident happened back in 2012, there were reports by Intel. agencies for such incident. Security was high-alert. Drills were there inside prison by police and FC but still 400 criminals/terrorists were able to escape in that incident. Now who is to blame for that incident? Intelligence agencies or other LEAs?

Pakistani police stations have the best intelligence networks in their boundary...infact better than any western police station can expect..after all they are the guardians of all crimes happening in their boundary..be it drug trade or prostitution!
Intelligence agencies have infiltrated as deep as Indian GHQ but they cannot catch a few rag tag terrorist breeding under their nose.

It is not difficult to infiltrate someone's GHQ as you just need one blind mole, the word GHQ might be a stretch but I got your point.

The problem with your country is "procrastination" when it comes to any matter inside. Our external agency RAW is not responsible to stop terrorist attacks in India but IB is. How strong is your IB? Do they enjoy freedom in taking decisions? That you need to ask. How good and accountable is your homeland security apparatus as a whole (ISI is external)? That you need to ask.

If India can manage 1.3 billion people with much lesser terrorist attacks (I'm discounting Kashmir and yet so Kashmir doesn't suffer large scale terrorist attacks like this) in the whole country?

How good is your coordination betweeen provincial police and federal teams?

The actual surveillance lies on state police how good are they morally?

At the end of the day (while agreeing to what you said about education etc) it's the enforcement that matters. You also have a bigger issue of refugees from Afghanistan but there are things that can be done better than just bombing them, you are bombing them just like USA and in return creating more of them and it will not help.

You need to create a system and it has to be robust. Out of every hundred planned in India we stop 99 that too every 5 year or may be more.

Your procrastination is taking you there. Nothing else.
Bro!:guns: Blasphemy. GHQ aur Aabpara ka shan main Gustakhi.

And this Jinn can't be bottled back. No one has the guts to tackle the monster which breeds in every corner of Pakistan.

At partition time, we had 300 Mdaras and Islam was well alive. Now reportedly there are 35000. So, they can't keep the fake interpreation of Islam to themselves and are spreading it in the form of blasts. Even if locals don't do the attacks, they are facilitators for the peole who come across from Borders.


The very idea of Madrasa is a sick phenomena that one needs to isolate themselves of all their life and modern education and spend it on repeating infinitely the same book...! This create mental impairment and dysfunctional society! The fact that madrassa have been allowed to mushroom in every corner of country itself represents the failure of intelligence and LEA..or perhaps ther collusion in this crime..I have seen many mullahs brag about how many generals they have got on their thumb..Pakistani LEA officers have a huge undeclared wealth stashed overseas with no obvious origins!

I suggest on humane grounds and social good of the society we legalize suicide and ask mullahs to create a halal fatwa for it..with promise of 82 virgins...this will allow a lot of scum to be eliminated for society peacefully..next in we need to bring enforced birth control and sterilization program...! over breeding like parasites will turn the value of human life into parasites too!
Pakistani police stations have the best intelligence networks in their boundary...infact better than any western police station can expect..after all they are the guardians of all crimes happening in their boundary..be it drug trade or prostitution!
Baat to sach ha magar baat ha ruswai ki. :(
Why Pakistan ISI got new Chief ? Inside Story

Story has many deviations..again playing the popular India card..much of the terrorism in Pakistan is a Pakistani problem..emerging from years of our own failed policies..nothing else!

If intelligence agencies are occupied with neighboring countries, bloggers, activists, valentine day celebrators then it not only represents a pathetic failure but also rotten mentality!

Terrorism dont happen because bunch of madrasa decide to brain wash few kids...roots go back to sick culture...the mushrooming of madrassa, islamic terrorism and sucide bombers is the short coming of our own culture..

we are all byproduct of our culture..good culture produces good nation..bad culture produces criminals and terrorist...

strong ethical and tolerance values are infused via culture..to reform Pakistan..we need to reform the culture..Hindu style conservatism has to go out!
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ISI Chief should be kicked out and Home Minister should be sacked.... Continuous bomb blast and nothing to stop.
Someone must take the moral responsibility and step down.
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