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Imran Khan's Karachi Protest; Malala's Nobel Reactions; Indian Held Kashmir Elections


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
What does Imran Khan hope to accomplish with his multi-city protest campaign in Pakistan? Will PTI-PML talks succeed in stopping protests?

Is Pakistan really the 8th most dangerous country as claimed by a US-based group? Is Pakistan more unsafe than Mexico where the death toll from drug wars is higher and climbing?

Why are some Pakistanis critical of Malala's Nobel Prize?

What was the real voter turn-out in Indian-occupied Kashmir? Will India return to talks with Pakistan after the state elections in India?

ViewPoint from Overseas host Faraz Darvesh discusses these questions with panelists Sabahat Ashraf (iFaqeer), Misbah Azam (politicsinpakistan.com) and Riaz Haq (www.riazhaq.com)

Haq's Musings: Imran Khan's Karachi Protest; Malala's Nobel Reactions; Indian-Held Kashmir Elections

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

India's Israel Envy: What If Modi Attacks Pakistan?

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Viewpoint From Overseas-Vimeo

Viewpoint From Overseas-Youtube
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Elections in Kashmir -The record number of Kashmiri's participated in this festival and voted in record number's, ignoring the demands of Separatist & threat from Terrorist's. Hats off to them and big win for Indian Democracy. :toast_sign:
Elections in Kashmir -The record number of Kashmiri's participated in this festival and voted in record number's, ignoring the demands of Separatist & threat from Terrorist's. Hats off to them and big win for Indian Democracy. :toast_sign:

Only 11 percent of eligible voters showed up to vote in Srinagar, the center of a 13-year insurgency against Indian rule, although majorities turned out in the two other districts voting Tuesday, adjacent Budgam and Hindu-majority Jammu in the south of the state.

Kashmir's Separatists Hail Near Total Election Boycott
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