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Imran Khan's indecisiveness makes Pakistan a joke after no action on airspace ban.

Even Indians are making fun of us regarding this fiasco, as of right now at 0700z on 29/8/19 Airindia flights are flying in and out of pakistan's airspace unobstructed.

That is not the answer to the question I have posed, Please RE- READ what I wrote regarding that.

So now the Indian who presents their highest gallantry award to a loser pilot who got shot down and was captured their insult would matter to us? ?

Do tell me I am not talking to an emotional Fanboy child but to a mature adult
They are all patwaris N league supporters they want war with India but don't dare to Name kulboshan. Fawad just said thinking not saying doing.
We now had two monkeys in addition to Kulbushan Yadhav. Letting abhinonedone go was a blunder. And PURE COWARDICE.

First of all thanks for the good news, about abhinandan..... the twitter exchange between ISPR and Sharukh Khan also reflects, we made a blunder.

Even Indians are making fun of us regarding this fiasco, as of right now at 0700z on 29/8/19 Airindia flights are flying in and out of pakistan's airspace unobstructed.


Either we are dumb fucks or this is another one of super strategy of Imran Khan to make India self destroy, as he tried last time to help modi win elections.
Airspace ban that targeted non indian airlines would have been a bad move. Airline industry has major influence in foreign capitals. Pakistan should avoid being isolated.

Government trade ban is more impactful to indian public. Importantly upto Pakistani public to end dependence on Indian products.

Even Indians are making fun of us regarding this fiasco, as of right now at 0700z on 29/8/19 Airindia flights are flying in and out of pakistan's airspace unobstructed.


Atleast your giving us money, for us doing nothing.
Anyone who is of the view that Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan and his government are a failure by not imposing the Air-Space Ban on india, are either dumb, or stupid or both.

In order to impose a comprehensive airspace ban on another country, that too which has a direct border with the country imposing a ban. There are many factors that come into play, which have to be mitigated tactfully. Otherwise you may just be a "Jahil, Gawaar" and end up hurting Pakistan's already battered economy.

First things first, Government of Pakistan has to all it's bases in terms of litegatative blowback. Secondly, Government of Pakistan must replace revenue source with other countries and airlines for air-routes through it's territory in order to minimize or eliminate any losses incurred. Thirdly, this ban, when imposed, will not be a temporary measure since the enemy's actions were also of permanent nature.

Look before you leap is not an act of cowardice, rather an act of intellect. Something which is seriously lacking in some Pakistanis on this forum. I mean to say man, come on, some of these "Jiyalay" are worse than a pregnant woman on a hot day! Get a friggin grip on yourselves and stop behaving like a mad cow.
Time has already told nawaz friendship with modi, pagri exchange etc but patwaris who sold their souls and even country just for few money cant see it
They are paid idiots and rotten to core like NS they know everything that Bao jee and Modi love now they want war with India. Not they love Kashmir beacuse war suits them they believe Bao jee will out and same old days will return with loot and plunder
They are paid idiots and rotten to core like NS they know everything that Bao jee and Modi love now they want war with India. Not they love Kashmir beacuse war suits them they believe Bao jee will out and same old days will return with loot and plunder

It should be the mission of every Pakistani (all 200 million of us), man/woman/child, to fight hard and make sure that there is not ever another Sharif, Zardari, Bhutto or any other sell-out/traitor like them, come to power in Pakistan, ever again. This is the end-game now, it is DO or DIE now for Pakistan. Every Pakistani MUST RECOGNIZE this and fight for our very existence. For we are being attacked from all sides, outsiders and munafiq amongst us.
Fawad Chaudhary needs to shut his mouth sometimes on twitter, what was the point of announcing that "we are CONSIDERING a ban"

Well, to be fair, he never said he opposed it, he is just saying that the decision is under consideration which is what any logical government would do, it was Fawad Chaudhary who spoke to soon about this on twitter because he couldnt keep things inside him i guess
@Nasr I understand youthiyas will defend Imran Khan's cowardice in any manner but the way your stupid defense has come is kinda hilarious.

One poster was worried about IATA another is trying to blame the one questioning this loserly policy.

Paksitani and Indian air force are already on forward bases. India has closed its airspace in 2002 and 71, every country has the right to close its airspace. If there was a severe blowback the indians would not have begged for opening of airspace during kartarpur discussions. The things is PTI govt. is pathetically indecisive and you can't hide its shameful posture at a time when its asking Paksitani public to come out and do maatam [chest-beating] on the roads for half an hour on Friday for Kashmir while they help Indian airlines and India connect with Europe and North America.

I was initially angry with the public announcement of closing airspace but this PTI govt. is making all of us look fools and dumb in the intl. community.

KAshmir is Pakistan's core interest if we allow massacre or demographic change their this would be the worst catastrophe in history and protests and randi rona on twitter by Imran Khan is not going to help them.

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