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Imran Khan vs Homophobia

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Apr 8, 2013
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It might be present in a jocular format, but it's a very serious issue. This is the only BJP policy I don't support.
Is this Imran Khan bi sexual? Why is he promoting homosexuality in public media? Such a loser.
There we go, the first one.

He also supports animal welfare, is he an animal? As well as environmental protection, does that make him a tree?

Indian court made a good decision to ban this evil carnal intercourse and gay kissing in public places. Westerners do gay kissing in public buses. Do you need to be more westerners? You can do sex with even an animal in your private room. No one will even say a word but promoting such things in public will only spread smelly shits in Society.
Indian court made a good decision to ban this evil carnal intercourse and gay kissing in public places. Westerners do gay kissing in public buses. Do you need to be more westerners? You can do sex with even an animal in your private room. No one will even say a word but promoting such things in public will only spread smelly shits in Society.
1. Indian court did not ban
2. nobody is promoting sex in public
Indian court made a good decision to ban this evil carnal intercourse and gay kissing in public places. Westerners do gay kissing in public buses. Do you need to be more westerners? You can do sex with even an animal in your private room. No one will even say a word but promoting such things in public will only spread smelly shits in Society.

Don't be daft. It wasn't 'gay kissing in public' that was the issue, it was homosexuality itself. BTW straight kissing in public is also prohibited in India, if I'm not mistaken.

It is a victorian law, not somethking the supreme court came up with.

BTW what do you want homosexuals to do? Become heterosexual because of an archaic law? Tomorrow if a law was passed that makes heterosexuality illegal, would you become homosexual? These are not choices, but who they are.

Oh and BTW, you can't do sex with an animal in your private bedroom, bestiality is a crime in most countries. If you have been doing that, stop before somebody gets to know about it.
Same here.
BJP is wrong here
Don't be daft. It wasn't 'gay kissing in public' that was the issue, it was homosexuality itself. BTW straight kissing in public is also prohibited in India, if I'm not mistaken.

It is a victorian law, not somethking the supreme court came up with.

BTW what do you want homosexuals to do? Become heterosexual because of an archaic law? Tomorrow if a law was passed that makes heterosexuality illegal, would you become homosexual? These are not choices, but who they are.

Homosexuality is a psychological disorder. I don't support killing or punishing a person for his disorder but promoting this act will only do more harm to society. I have a friend who had some mental disturbance due to his personal matters. One day he wanted to kiss me when I tried to calm him down. I had then discontinued all relations with him but after few days I realized may be he was suffering from any disorder. He apologized to me and consulted with a doctor. He now has near happy life with a GF.
Homosexuality is a psychological disorder. I don't support killing or punishing a person for his disorder but promoting this act will only do more harm to society. I have a friend who had some mental disturbance due to his personal matters. One day he wanted to kiss me when I tried to calm him down. I had then discontinued all relations with him but after few days I realized may be he was suffering from any disorder. He apologized to me and consulted with a doctor. He now has near happy life with a GF.

No, homosexuality is not a psychological disorder. That's what people thought at one time, but later on, the people who do the actual science, the psychologists and psychiatrists, realized the mistake of classifying it as one, and declassified it from being a disorder. You can check the manual of psyhological disorders if you dont believe me - you will not find homoexuality listed there. Some people are gay or lesbian by nature, and trying to change their sexual orientation only leads to severe psychological problems later.
Homosexuality is a psychological disorder. I don't support killing or punishing a person for his disorder but promoting this act will only do more harm to society. I have a friend who had some mental disturbance due to his personal matters. One day he wanted to kiss me when I tried to calm him down. I had then discontinued all relations with him but after few days I realized may be he was suffering from any disorder. He apologized to me and consulted with a doctor. He now has near happy life with a GF.

its not a disorder
even some animals are also homosexual
so the argument homosexuals goes against the nature is also vague

maybe ur friend was having a disorder but that doesnt mean the millions of homosexuals are ill....
its not a disorder
even some animals are also homosexual
so the argument homosexuals goes against the nature is also vague

maybe ur friend was having a disorder but that doesnt mean the millions of homosexuals are ill....

Homosexuality is widespread in many animal species, I think the mallard duck was the first observed case of male homosexual behavior outside humans. For some primates, the rate of homosexuality is more than 25 percent. Anyway all that is irrelevant - if some people are homosexual, and they do it with consenting partners, then it is nobodyy else's business.
Homosexuality is a psychological disorder. I don't support killing or punishing a person for his disorder but promoting this act will only do more harm to society. I have a friend who had some mental disturbance due to his personal matters. One day he wanted to kiss me when I tried to calm him down. I had then discontinued all relations with him but after few days I realized may be he was suffering from any disorder. He apologized to me and consulted with a doctor. He now has near happy life with a GF.
you did not reply the 'promoting' bit. who is promoting it? Imran is simply trying to educate people because lot of people have misconceptions.
Did you watch the video btw.
I think its our fault to make a widespread disorder in name of homosexuality. I have sympathy for homosexuals. They wanted solution but we didn't help them to overcome but only promoted it to next level by saying its perfectly 'normal' to be abnormal. This is wrong. If you can't give solution then its okay but please don't make it look like normal. What homosexuals need it thorough consultation. A doctor needs to know whether the patient had any bad experience in life , any abuse during childhood, Do his parents live together happily, Is there any incident constantly haunting him etc etc.

But really I don't support criminalizing homosexuality and give them death penalty or even any penalty unless its rape. Homosexuality in Islam and Christianity is condemned. While Islam doesn't prescribe any earthly punishment until the gays spread mischief in society by openly doing carnal acts its Christianity which is most hostile to homosexuals.
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