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Imran has literally taken PPP by SURPRISE - and no one noticed.

Well, this time around, people of Karachi have no one for whom we can vote. MQM has been decimated which should not have been done, Minus 1 was the best solution and a better stream of leaders should have been brought forward instead of trying to insert leaders from PTI or PSP as leaders of Karachi. Karachi has not voted PPP in decades but the heavy Sindhi migration into Karachi from interior Sindh all vote for PPP......and they all magically get a domicile to vote in Karachi! PTI is on the path to decimate the entire country, they have already decimated the economy and commerce, led by none other than than the PPP failure Hafeez Shaikh. And the senseless egoistic person at the top is soo into himself that he cannot see what he has done to the country in the past 3-4 years.
That is the problem. I'm from Lahore and I face the same issues regarding the next election... Imran has failed to deliver his promises, the economy is in shambles and we have no one to vote for. The other party leaders are corrupt to the core and lets face it PTI ministers are ex ministers from those corrupt parties. By changing parties you don't become uncorrupt.

I see vast potential in Karachi, at one point it was the most developed city of Pakistan however today's state of affairs make it look like there is no hope for the city. Karachi will remain like this until we get someone who is one in a trillion.
We don't need provinces. Each city should be a self governing body in itself. Similar to how the UK has city councils.

That works as well. We have counties here in the UK. Large cities, such as London and Manchester are not part of counties and they have their own governess.

Call a county a province or a province a county. We just need to delegate power from large sections to smaller sections. This way large cities will continue to get their funds and smaller cities will also be responsible for their own spending. It will also delegate power from the few powerful people.
@PaklovesTurkiye did you listen to NDMA chairman press conference today? Made me overjoyed. Next 3-4 months are important.
He mentioned that he had two closed door, one-on-one meetings with the CM. Then he had a meeting with the CM and the Corps Commander. And the Corps Commander himself had two closed door meetings with the CM.

I find it interesting that the NDMA chairman did not have to mention this, but he did. I wonder if they made an offer to the Sindh government that they cannot refuse.
Everything can change...

Nothing will change has literally been the electioneering campaign of N and PPP.

Unfortunately for them, Pakistan is a very different place now. The infallibility of both parties has not only been challenged, but broken to pieces.

N have become fugitives and a laughing stock.

Pressure on PPP is mounting.
He mentioned that he had two closed door, one-on-one meetings with the CM. Then he had a meeting with the CM and the Corps Commander. And the Corps Commander himself had two closed door meetings with the CM.

I find it interesting that the NDMA chairman did not have to mention this, but he did. I wonder if they made an offer to the Sindh government that they cannot refuse.
I'm more interested in what he said that short term they have to clean the mess and in the next 3-4 months have to find a PERMANENT solution.
Asalam Alikum, guys.

Chaand Raat Mubarak :) Have a blessed Eid ahead.

Now, did you guys care to look what just happened recently w.r.t Karachi?

Let me give you my opinion.

What Imran just did here has thrown PPP in shock. Absolute brutal SHOCK.

I read in news today that cabinet approved summary regarding Karachi on urgent basis - Hungami Manzoori.

The decision to invite Army/NDMA in the city was taken and got approved in such a surprisingly quick manner that PPP didn't even have stamina or courage to challenge that.


I am hardly seeing any criticism by PPP on this....Why?

1. The decision was made and passed like a bullet. PPP was not ready.

2. Involvement of Army - PPP pisses in her pants before they think they can challenge Army.

3. Huge Noise by media. PPP still struggles to face media questions. They are just dumb.

4. PPP is already stuck on so many fronts.

The thing is when you have A WILL, then THERE IS a way. The excuse of 18th amendment should not be given as it makes PTI looks weak.

PTI has mandate in Karachi. Excuses of 18th amendment will piss her voters off. People seek improvements in their lives. They will not tolerate bullshit of some stupid amendment passed by thugs once in power. Going for accountability against PPP thugs and yet holding/respecting the amendment passed by PPP in high regard...Bullshit

PTI has the power. Involve all stakeholders w.r.t Karachi and make a MOVE. Make inroads in Interior Sindh...PPP try to appears strong but they are NOT. Challenge them where they are not challenged yet.

Another thing which NO BODY notices. When it comes to Karachi, media sides with PTI.
A bonus point for IK/PTI which otherwise faces hostile media. How Kamran Khan, respected journalist on Dunya news in his prime current affairs show, was praising IK was a thing to be listened.

All agree that this move is a short term solution. Karachi needs a PERMANENT solution.

So, what are you waiting for, PTI? Karachi/Sindh is ALL SET to be taken over.

When good men move, Allah paves the way.

Karachi has the most loyal supporters of PTI. Karachi seats played a role in making IK a PM...Time to return the favor.

My prayers are with that honest chap, Khan. That's all, guys...

What do you guys say by the way? How do you look into this?

@IceCold @RealNapster @MastanKhan @Blacklight @Zibago
Simple!!! Take a note from Reis Erdo'an - make "siyaset" extremely difficult for the opposition, who are nothing but the traitor terrorists under the payroll of the Imperialist intelligence agencies.......
He mentioned that he had two closed door, one-on-one meetings with the CM. Then he had a meeting with the CM and the Corps Commander. And the Corps Commander himself had two closed door meetings with the CM.

I find it interesting that the NDMA chairman did not have to mention this, but he did. I wonder if they made an offer to the Sindh government that they cannot refuse.

What possible offer it can be? any idea :)

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