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Images: the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression

Why would i? I benefit nothing from that. Remember we in europe dont see cjina as a threat contrary to U.S and Japan. What has China ever done in history that threatens us?lol Russia is our msin threat, not you. Reason we cooperate/transfer tech to china with ease, sometjing even the U.S/Japan have chastised us for doing so :)

EU states strike lucrative military contracts with China overriding embargo - report — RT News
EU Firms Help Power China's Military Rise | Defense News | defensenews.com
US anger at Britain joining Chinese-led investment bank AIIB | US news | The Guardian

So No, we dont really care much seeing a strong china as much as we care seeing a strong/powerful russia. :azn:
Well,but you always cannot control your mouth to pick on China:D. And I like your realistic and practical attitude.:tup:
EU is the biggest trade partner of China, we have cooperation in all fields. "one belt, one road" link the two ends of us. Russia is always the our big threat, a crippled Russia is preferred by both of us.
Your Brits's maturity of experience to process international affairs and insight to international situation changes is very admirable for us.:tup: In many fields, you are more experienced than US.:cheers:
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Agree, me as well. I dont agree at times with some of his views/way of saying things. But he indeed is quite honest/frank in his way of saying things. What he said is the truth.

However, chiang wasn't a brilliant military strategist/leader. I think had Mao been in control of China back then he would have done better, though he couldnt have defeated japan as well. Since when the KMT itself took over from the qing, china was already in total chaos and divided with warlords ruling over their own territories, the KMT had to fight hard to bring these warlords under its control and unite the country(sometimes even cooperating with the communists to do so). However when the communist insurgency /civil war began,it undermined the KMT even more. For example imagine Syria's government position today(only that KMTs China was in an even far worse shape) of fighting a civil war with rebels/militants supported by foreign powers and taking on japanese at the same time. Now imagine israel decides to invade Syria today do you thiink Syria stands any chance? It doesnt matter if syria's leaders are competent or not, they will be defeated. Same like KMT against mighty industrial Japan. They stood no chance(though they miraculously managed to hold china from bring fully occupied by japan after over 8 years of war). Mao being in Chiangs position wouldnt have changed the outcome. Theres only so much a peasant country in civil war with itself can do against an industrial snd military powerhouse.

This is another fact: without japan the CCP would have longggg been wiped out by KMT. Mao was right to acknowledge this. :) chinese members here can deny this just like their vietnamese buddies here deny that china support was crucial in saving the VCP from being annhilated by the U.S. These two are so alike. :lol::lol:

I only preach good. No one not even a dog will insult somebody who laid down their life, for greater humanity, but I am seeing the shit sprouting from the mouth of PDF PRC. These people lied and lied, shitting on good martyr of China. PDF PRC is hell bent to destroy China.

No French will shit on Napolean, and no USA will shit on their founding fathers. Some PDF PRC are hell bent to shit on those who died for their countries.

Nothing can compare to these maggots. So Lux need to preach good and point out to them.
@Hu Songshan take care of this guy Lux d V.

No, let him stay.

He is interesting in his own way and sometimes make quality posts. Not at the moment though, hes just venting his usual anti commie litany.

I only preach good. No one not even a dog will insult somebody who laid down their life, for greater humanity, but I am seeing the shit sprouting from the mouth of PDF PRC. These people lied and lied, shitting on good martyr of China. PDF PRC is hell bent to destroy China.

No French will shit on Napolean, and no USA will shit on their founding fathers. Some PDF PRC are hell bent to shit on those who died for their countries.

Nothing can compare to these maggots. So Lux need to preach good and point out to them.

Shit this, shit that.

What a shitty post.
No, let him stay.

He is interesting in his own way and sometimes make quality posts. Not at the moment though, hes just venting his usual anti commie litany.

Shit this, shit that.

What a shitty post.
True. He get emotionally upset with Mao and CPC for some reason. Like if CPC killed all his family members, which I hope is not the case.
My grandfather is a soldier of the Eight Route Army, he killed personally eight Japs in the war. He died 20 years ago.:(

Salute to the HERO!
Probably the only regret he had was not to have killed a dozen of the invaders!

Thanks, my friend.

Looking forward to your postings.

@Nihonjin1051 , thank you, my friend, for getting entertained and educated simultaneously.

Many years ago when I watched a documentary about WW2 on TV about the Nazis on the Jews, gas chambers, concentration camps, heaps of gold teeth and ornaments, human slaughtered en masse.... I was horrified, sad and never felt the tiniest bit of getting "entertained". I was attending primary school then. The victims were not my People.

Some years back when there was a a century-scaled disaster known as tsunami, I was shocked and sad for the people who suffered. Never gotten the faintiest bit of "entertainment" out of what I saw on the newscast. The victims were not my People too.

New evidence of Japanese biological warfare found at Unit 731 site in Harbin
| 2015-07-29


A researcher shows relics excavated from the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, July 28, 2015. Incineration pits and traces of explosives left by Japanese invaders destroying evidence have been found at the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin. The new findings were part of an operation to destroy a bacteria lab and burn experimental facilities at the site. Unit 731 was a top-secret biological and chemical warfare research base established in Harbin in 1935 as the center of Japan's biological warfare in China and Southeast Asia during WWII. The retreating Japanese invaders blew up the base when the Soviet Union took Harbin in 1945. (Xinhua/Wang Kai)


Photo taken on July 28, 2015 shows relics excavated from the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. Incineration pits and traces of explosives left by Japanese invaders destroying evidence have been found at the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin. The new findings were part of an operation to destroy a bacteria lab and burn experimental facilities at the site. Unit 731 was a top-secret biological and chemical warfare research base established in Harbin in 1935 as the center of Japan's biological warfare in China and Southeast Asia during WWII. The retreating Japanese invaders blew up the base when the Soviet Union took Harbin in 1945. (Xinhua/Wang Kai)


A researcher shows incineration pits left by Japanese invaders at the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, July 28, 2015. Incineration pits and traces of explosives left by Japanese invaders destroying evidence have been found at the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin. The new findings were part of an operation to destroy a bacteria lab and burn experimental facilities at the site. Unit 731 was a top-secret biological and chemical warfare research base established in Harbin in 1935 as the center of Japan's biological warfare in China and Southeast Asia during WWII. The retreating Japanese invaders blew up the base when the Soviet Union took Harbin in 1945. (Xinhua/Wang Kai)


Photo taken on Oct. 17, 2014 shows a bird's-eye view of a bacteria lab and prison used to house people for biological experiments of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. Incineration pits and traces of explosives left by Japanese invaders destroying evidence have been found at the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin. The new findings were part of an operation to destroy a bacteria lab and burn experimental facilities at the site. Unit 731 was a top-secret biological and chemical warfare research base established in Harbin in 1935 as the center of Japan's biological warfare in China and Southeast Asia during WWII. The retreating Japanese invaders blew up the base when the Soviet Union took Harbin in 1945. (Xinhua/Wang Kai)


Photo taken on July 28, 2015 shows relics excavated from the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. Incineration pits and traces of explosives left by Japanese invaders destroying evidence have been found at the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin. The new findings were part of an operation to destroy a bacteria lab and burn experimental facilities at the site. Unit 731 was a top-secret biological and chemical warfare research base established in Harbin in 1935 as the center of Japan's biological warfare in China and Southeast Asia during WWII. The retreating Japanese invaders blew up the base when the Soviet Union took Harbin in 1945. (Xinhua/Wang Kai)


Photo taken on July 28, 2015 shows relics excavated from the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. Incineration pits and traces of explosives left by Japanese invaders destroying evidence have been found at the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin. The new findings were part of an operation to destroy a bacteria lab and burn experimental facilities at the site. Unit 731 was a top-secret biological and chemical warfare research base established in Harbin in 1935 as the center of Japan's biological warfare in China and Southeast Asia during WWII. The retreating Japanese invaders blew up the base when the Soviet Union took Harbin in 1945. (Xinhua/Wang Kai)


Photo taken on July 28, 2015 shows relics excavated from the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. Incineration pits and traces of explosives left by Japanese invaders destroying evidence have been found at the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin. The new findings were part of an operation to destroy a bacteria lab and burn experimental facilities at the site. Unit 731 was a top-secret biological and chemical warfare research base established in Harbin in 1935 as the center of Japan's biological warfare in China and Southeast Asia during WWII. The retreating Japanese invaders blew up the base when the Soviet Union took Harbin in 1945. (Xinhua/Wang Kai)


Researchers check glass vessel relics excavated from the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, July 28, 2015. Incineration pits and traces of explosives left by Japanese invaders destroying evidence have been found at the remains of Japan's notorious Unit 731 headquarters in Harbin. The new findings were part of an operation to destroy a bacteria lab and burn experimental facilities at the site. Unit 731 was a top-secret biological and chemical warfare research base established in Harbin in 1935 as the center of Japan's biological warfare in China and Southeast Asia during WWII. The retreating Japanese invaders blew up the base when the Soviet Union took Harbin in 1945. (Xinhua/Wang Kai)


There is surely a lot to tell in this chapter - one of the most horrifying in history that only the Nazi's can campare - the notorious " Unit 731 camp"
Stay tuned
I only preach good. No one not even a dog will insult somebody who laid down their life, for greater humanity, but I am seeing the shit sprouting from the mouth of PDF PRC. These people lied and lied, shitting on good martyr of China. PDF PRC is hell bent to destroy China.

No French will shit on Napolean, and no USA will shit on their founding fathers. Some PDF PRC are hell bent to shit on those who died for their countries.

Nothing can compare to these maggots. So Lux need to preach good and point out to them.
You must be sure you are Dog shit,You don't have the qualification evaluation of the Chinese government.
China to hold exhibitions worldwide on anti-Japanese war victory


A photo exhibition depicting the combined war effort of China and Russia against fascist forces has opened in the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in Moscow. (Photo/Xinhua)

China will hold photo exhibitions in more than 150 countries and regions throughout August and September to mark the 70th anniversary of its WWII victory on Sept. 3, an official said on Monday.

The Ministry of Culture will jointly hold the exhibitions with National Archives and Xinhua News Agency to display more than 300 historical pictures in order to underline the oriental battleground's contribution to the victory of the world anti-fascist war, Dong Wei, deputy minister of culture, told a press conference.

The exhibitions will be translated into six languages.

Meanwhile, between July 15 and September 15, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) General Political Department will stage an exhibition on the important role the Communist Party of China played in the war, in the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution

The exhibition is to illustrate the Chinese people's bitter journey towards victory and highlight the Party's anchoring role, said Li Zhensheng, a publicity official of the PLA General Political Department.

This year marks the 70 anniversary of the end of World War II. Japan signed its formal surrender on Sept. 2, 1945, and China celebrated its victory the following day.

China announced a military parade will be held on Sept. 3 at Beijing's Tian'anmen Square to commemorate the event earlier this year.

China's silver screens and theater stages will be dominated by war stories about Japan's invasion of China in the early half of the 20th century.

Officials with China's cultural, publication and archive authorities said 183 war-themed stage performances, ranging from symphonies and concerts to traditional operas, puppet shows and acrobatic performances, will be staged nationwide from this month.
CCTV's post-WWII documentary shows Berlin’s tough repentance lesson for Tokyo
Globaltimes.cn Published: 2015-7-3 11:04:48

Name: Truth and Denial - Germany and Japan's Postwar Redemption
Episodes: Four
Length: 23 minutes per episode

Introductions to each episode


Episode one (click to see the full video)

After WWII, the United States exonerated Emperor Hirohito of war crimes, ensuring that it could use his authority to control Japan. Subsequently, Japan was made to partner up with The United States during the Cold War, which left no room for Japan to consider its actions in World War II. On the other hand, the postwar generations of Germany have been brave enough to uncover the scars left by their country's actions in the war and face history head-on.


Episode two (click to see the full video)

Even today, Japanese right-wing politicians continue to deny or blur the facts of the Nanking Massacre to try to distract the general public from seeing the truth. Meanwhile, modern-day Germany has enacted laws to punish those who deny the massacres committed by Nazi Germany during World War II.


Episode three (click to see the full video)

Japanese politicians use the Yasukuni Shrine to promote right-wing thought among ordinary people in Japanese society, while German politicians are introspective about the crimes their country committed in WWII, and make efforts to build and maintain a new and noble national identity.


Episode four (click to see the full video)

The success of the EU today is largely based upon postwar reconciliation and cooperation between Germany and France. Germany has made a series of efforts to aid the postwar recovery of the EU, while Japan remains in conflict with its neighbors due to its disinterest in earning redemption.
CCTV's post-WWII documentary shows Berlin’s tough repentance lesson for Tokyo
Globaltimes.cn Published: 2015-7-3 11:04:48

Name: Truth and Denial - Germany and Japan's Postwar Redemption
Episodes: Four
Length: 23 minutes per episode

Introductions to each episode


Episode one (click to see the full video)

After WWII, the United States exonerated Emperor Hirohito of war crimes, ensuring that it could use his authority to control Japan. Subsequently, Japan was made to partner up with The United States during the Cold War, which left no room for Japan to consider its actions in World War II. On the other hand, the postwar generations of Germany have been brave enough to uncover the scars left by their country's actions in the war and face history head-on.


Episode two (click to see the full video)

Even today, Japanese right-wing politicians continue to deny or blur the facts of the Nanking Massacre to try to distract the general public from seeing the truth. Meanwhile, modern-day Germany has enacted laws to punish those who deny the massacres committed by Nazi Germany during World War II.


Episode three (click to see the full video)

Japanese politicians use the Yasukuni Shrine to promote right-wing thought among ordinary people in Japanese society, while German politicians are introspective about the crimes their country committed in WWII, and make efforts to build and maintain a new and noble national identity.


Episode four (click to see the full video)

The success of the EU today is largely based upon postwar reconciliation and cooperation between Germany and France. Germany has made a series of efforts to aid the postwar recovery of the EU, while Japan remains in conflict with its neighbors due to its disinterest in earning redemption.

@TaiShang , thanks for the video links. Am watching Episode 4 now, took me a while to buffer, but its playing now.
My pleasure. Hope you are entertained.

I apologize if i used the word 'entertained' in the prior post, it was poor taste of me, and after some time of reflection, i noticed it was wrong to use such a word. I should have said "educated" , "enlightened". Anyways, just finished watching that video, all 28 minutes of it.

There were many valid points.
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