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Im not responsible for NRO, to contest from Dera Bugti: Musharraf



PML-N will bring change to country, says Nawaz Sharif

Jo Khud Change ki Baat karaien who Change se Kyun Ghabraien gay? Tu Bacho Bewaqoofon ki baaton pay ziyada tawajo nahin daitay
I can say LHC order Qadri and Musharaf a liar in the court but I know that's not true.. But why this small thing some ill brains always unable to understand...

PML-N Quit the Government in June 2008 (just after 3 months of elections), NS was not even part of assembly. But some Stupid brains has very limited IQ.. What I can do, just to stay with those people....

This is what Musharaf's Followers are .... TYNO Syrup



Shahbaz Sharif started damage control of daughter Rabia Imran’s mess

Posted October 18, 2012

In latest development in Lahore Bakery beating incident Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s son-in-law Ali Imran Yousuf and Elite Police squad’s personnel were reportedly included in Bakery beating incident on CM’s orders. It was reported in media that Mr. Yousaf went to the Defence-B police station by shimself where he was arrested by Police under Section 109 of the PPC. Earlier the CCTV footage was aired by various news channels showing Elite Police force personnel brutally assaulting a poor bakery employee apparently on the instructions of CM Shahbaz Sharif’s daughter Rabia Imran. She has verbally abused and threatened the bakery guy hours before the incident. It seems that Khadim-e-Aala Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has started the damage control to safe his daughter Rabia Imran. The incident took place on October 7, 2012 that shows Rabia Imran verbally threatening a poor bakery employee who had only advised her to come back later as bakery was closed for business at that time.

Rabia Imran and Ali Imran Yousuf have claimed that they have nothing to do with the beating incident and their guards and Elite Police force personnel has carried out assault on their own. Mr. Yousuf has also said that he will fully cooperate with the ongoing investigation. Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, who is known to be a strict administrator, has said that no one is above the law. He further added that if any member from the ruling elite has broken any law, they will be brought to justice. If CM Shahbaz Sharif intentions are true then the arrest of Ali Imran Yousuf should be applauded. Similarly, he should also order Police to take action against his son Hamza Shahbaz who was accused by his third wife Ayesha Ahad Malik for torturing her. Ayesha Ahad has alleged that Hamza has tortured her for making their secret marriage public. Ayesha Ahad Malik has sought court interference as Police turned down her request to register FIR against his alleged husband. Critics are of the opinion that no action will be taken against Rabia Imran and Ali Imran Yousuf as it was reported that their guards and Police personnel have already accepted their mistakes for the obvious reasons. Human Rights activist have also demanded Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry to take immediate ‘Suo Motu’ action against Rabia Imran to ensure that justice is served to poor bakery employee who was brutally mishandled by Daughter-e-Aala‘s man and Police.

Bakery torture case: Shahbaz Sharif’s son-in-law acquitted
DAWN.COM | 16th January, 2013
LAHORE: A local court in Lahore on Wednesday acquitted Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s son-in-law, Ali Imran Yousaf, in a case over the torture of a bakery employee in Lahore, DawnNews reported.

The court said the complainant and victim of the Defence bakery torture case had told a judicial magistrate that Yousaf and his Elite Force guards were not involved in the torture.

Imran had earlier been granted bail and released on Oct 19 last year after he turned himself in, facing charges over the bakery employee’s torture.

He was accused of ordering his private security guards to torture the bakery employee.

The incident had taken place in the T-Block market of Lahore’s Defence Housing Authority in Lahore on Oct 7, 2012.

On Nov 6, 2012, the Defence B investigation police had submitted challans of Yousaf, seven policemen and a private guard to a Cantonment court in connection with the case.

They were declared guilty in the police investigation.

Later on Dec 22, 2012, the complainant and victim had told a judicial magistrate that Yousaf and his Elite Force guards were not their accused.

Complainant Muhammad Umar and victim Irfan in their statements had stated that the nominated accused in the FIR, including Yousaf and others, were not the real culprits. Irfan had added that nobody had kidnapped him nor did he recognise the persons who beat him up.

However, he had stated that the nominated accused (Elite police personnel) were not those who had tortured him.

LAHORE courts zindabad!
Really.. then let me bring in the facts.

Ayub Khan was outlined as a failed officer by the Quaid. Yet he used manipulation in cohesion with whatever elements he could find to bring himself into power(as outlined by him in his own book). So the first sinner was a dictator.

Ayub's favorite guy for quite a while was none other than ZA Bhutto.. who later would take power.
Ayub reneged against every principle he so called stood for when he handed over power to his orgy loving subordinate Yahya khan instead of a civillian political caretaker government.

Yahya left quietly due to Bhuttos popular support among the masses. The same Bhutto who gave you the nuclear program..
Bhutto selected Zia because the man was a deceiving shrew who would keep his head down all the time when in reality he was simply taking his opportunity...

All your Sharifs, the Taliban,Blasphemy laws.. people who shoot little girls.. are thanks to Zia.. Who while lying to the whole country about holding elections within a year... kept power for over a decade and made millions in corruption within the armed forces that were the talk of scandals in the daily papers.

Then comes the Bhuttos and the Nawazs.. while the Army actually played its correct role.. With both massive corruption and projects like the Motorway being initiated..along with the Atomic bomb blast decision. Come Musharaaf who was yessiring to Nawaz Sharif as late as May 99 in front of yours truly during a reception in PC Bhurban for Nelson Mandela..appointed to uphold the constitution.. instead deposes "ameel-ul-tikkas" Mian sb.. takes over.. tried reform and then finds himself holding referendums since he likes power too.
So then the appointers of these saviors were deceived as they had deceived their saviors and so forth.

So the answer to your question should then be phrased as Pakistani Army Chiefs have all been opportunists who find no problem in betraying their benefactors when the time was right for them to take over... But there is proof to the contrary in Gen Karamat.. who was also present in a political crises but acted according to his professional boundaries..
Why do you not make a pithy quip about that?

But that would be too complex for the extremely simple.. and rather dumb question you pose based on the idea that somehow the politicians should have been smarter not to appoint these men if they are usurpers of power.

Even when these feudal dynasties have repeatedly demonstrated little different characteristics from the dictators they so vehemently opposed... So if I refuse to be a simpleton and give you an intellectual answer.. please come to that level to listen to it rather than dragging me down below.

Ayub Khan was outlined as a failed officer by the Quaid.
plz bring proves!
or just say, i hate pakistan army, never mind many pakistanis do that, to become librls, social activists, human rights followers, & discredited politicians, to show thier intellectulity?
bt when same khaki wearing bastrd backs them for thier abilities, they call them daddy & whenever they see the opportunity they use to become ZAB or NS is this the fault of army too ?
bt its been allways was a truth, that politicians were the basic problem in pakistan? ask hennry kissenger? Cause he knows all that when the opportunity comes in our ZAB finds to show himself a commrade too?
Its sometimes funny & stupid that the so-called politicians we ever try to paint the gods of hummainty often found english speaking actors?
& our highly intellectual high lords, becoming jealous from a less educated khaki wearing , man who just kept out performing those high lords, with his rough tough skills which means even going into floods & quaks & all the mess rainned over & over again? isnt this the secret behind the hate against pakarmy!
I think we follow the same shadow, bt in different direction,I may accept with any fear or guilt, that yes youu are a better & well versed acdmic ghost, & like your style bt you can't imagine the war I hve been fighting ?
Its still 100% dangerous hving all the luxries in islamabad thn facing the death on LOC or in KPK?
Its our bad luck , we couldn't hve agreed on a national policy on anything specilly EDUCATION ,to hve better leadership thn the comming lot of gillanis, bilawals, mehmoods, bugtis,sharifs, memons, gabols,only thing we can do now is to put smarter reforms, to make the way of power becomes harder with our, joint unity & that's itn for this we need army & no one else cause they are ones ,among us?
He has snowball's chance in hell to become a President/PM of Pakistan. However his goal currently should be to win one seat. That may be possible.


He has snowball's chance in hell to become a President/PM of Pakistan. However his goal currently should be to win one seat. That may be possible.


He has snowball's chance in hell to become a President/PM of Pakistan. However his goal currently should be to win one seat. That may be possible.



I doubt it, people are seriously overestimating the loyalty the current Chief(or any of his cabal) has for Musharraf..
Perhaps a token security force.. but that will not save him.

Why do you think he has not come in yet?
His last "supporter" show in Islamabad was such a disappointment that not even 50 people showed up.
His friends keep discouraging him not to come in, his close bruhahas like Odho arent in touch either.
Had he stayed around, and perhaps survived a few attacks.. his popularity would have risen..but his self-imposed exile has worked against him.
There is a difference in support and facebook likes...
I like this slogan, "Sab sy pehlay Pakistan". No other party has introduced,it. I also Like Pakistani flags in PAT jalsa in Lahore and long march in Islamabad.
Han apnay ap ko change ker lain to acha hai mgar purana gunnah nahi dhul jata. I mean you want to say Change?? Change in party loyalty.... Ha ha ha, it is happening in PMLN

What I am saying it requires Brain to understand, Unfortunetaly I can't see here... Go back and read again What I am trying to say.. If still not helps, then... Like Musharaf Says, Tumhara Allah hi Hafiz...

I like this slogan, "Sab sy pehlay Pakistan". No other party has introduced,it. I also Like Pakistani flags in PAT jalsa in Lahore and long march in Islamabad.

It's like saying, If for Pakistan I have to accept Nazubillah "Two Gods" then its fine.. Like Musharaf did after 9/11, accepted another God i.e. USA.

Another Lie, Musharaf didn't introduce CNG but Nawaz Shareef did... What Musharaf Introduce was no Enegry Planing for future (Not a single Power Generation Source). He did only selling Pakistani Assets for Cheap Prices... Which removed all the source of Government for income.. So we have it here... No CNG, No Electricity, High Rates for Oil and Gas. And because of his NRO introduction, when Zardari/PPP came into power....
Ayub Khan was outlined as a failed officer by the Quaid.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
This is in response to Mr Gohar Ayub Khan’s rejoinder ‘Clarification’, published in the ‘Letters to the Editor’ section (Daily Times, February18, 2010) in response to my article ‘Reassessing Liaquat Ali Khan’s role’ (Daily Times, February15, 2010). In my article, I had deliberately not discussed Ayub Khan’s appointment as Pakistan’s first native army chief as these details are quite painful, not to mention controversial. Now that Gohar Ayub Khan has decided to challenge my assertions, I have no choice but to bring all the facts to light.

Mr Gohar Ayub admits that Ayub Khan was a colonel in 1947. He gives the example of General JN Chaudhuri who was also a colonel in 1947 and went on to become the Indian army chief. The fact is that General JN Chaudhri did become the Chief of Army Staff of the Indian Army, but on November 19, 1962, full 11 years and 11 months after Ayub Khan became Pakistan’s army chief! In his memoirs Glimpses into the Corridors of Power, Mr Gohar Ayub admits that his father was of the opinion that the rank of a full colonel was the most he could attain during British control.

The promotion from colonel to general in less than four years for Ayub Khan had strategic consequences for Pakistan, as Ayub Khan had neither attained the experience or the gravitas needed to do justice to the office of the Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan Army. His shortcomings became apparent during the 1965 War into which he had led the country, thanks to the ill thought and badly executed ‘Operation Gibraltar’. Compare this to the Indian Army. Field Marshal Kodandera ‘Kipper’ Madappa Cariappa, who was its first native army chief, was the senior most Hindu officer serving in the British Indian Army on partition. He was the first Indian officer to be given command of a unit (by the British in 1942) in 200 years of the British Raj. For his military exploits against the Japanese as division commander of the 26th Division, Cariappa was given the Order of the British Empire (OBE). Ayub Khan had the honour of serving under him as a colonel in the Frontier Brigade Group in 1946.

Gohar Ayub considers participation in Kashmir was inconsequential, deeming my assertion that Ayub Khan did not participate in the Kashmir war as ‘ridiculous’. The Indians, however, think otherwise. Cariappa, as general officer commanding-in-chief of the Western Command in 1947-48, captured Zojilla, Dras, Kargil and Leh for India, and to this day the Indians worship him for that. On the other hand, what does Pakistan’s first native commander-in-chief have to show for him in terms of gallantry awards or mention in despatches?

The fact that Pakistan got a person to lead its army who had no experience of commanding division level operations and had not participated in the Kashmir war ensured that during an actual battle, Pakistan Army’s performance would be below the optimum and that operations in the Kashmir sector would be badly botched up. And that is exactly what happened during the 1965 War. The Indians, however, were lucky to get an army chief under whom the Indian Army had gotten its first baptism of fire.

What very few people know is that Ayub Khan was so junior at the time of independence that he was given Pakistan Army No10 (PA10) and was not selected to represent Pakistan in the partition council that was set up to divide the assets of the British Indian Army between the Pakistani and Indian armies. There were nine officers senior to him on August 14, 1947, amongst which there were at least five full brigadiers (Mohammad Akbar Khan, Muhammed Iftikhar Khan, Faiz Muhammad, Fazal-ur-Rehman Kallue, Nawabzada Agha Mohammad Raza). In his memoirs Friends Not Masters, Ayub clearly states, “A Council was then set up to divide the armed forces. We had Raza, Akbar and Latif on this council representing Pakistan...I had little direct connection with the division of the armed forces” (page 20).

Mr Gohar Ayub denies that the British gave Ayub Khan a horrible Annual Confidential Report (ACR) for timidity and refusal to participate in combat in Burma in World War II. Furthermore, he states, “Ayub Khan commanded 1st Assam Regiment from January 4 to December 27, 1945 in the Burma Campaign during which the battalion participated in heavy fighting till the Japanese surrender in mid-1945.”

Both of the above claims made by him are false and untrue. Ayub Khan’s timidity and refusal to participate in combat in World War II is an established fact. AH Amin and Dr Ayesha Siddiqa Agha, who are the only defence analysts and military historians in Pakistan of international stature, testify to this. Reviewing Shuja Nawaz’s book on Pakistan Army, Crossed Swords, in Newsline magazine in August 2008, Dr Ayesha states, “In fact, he completely ignores the information that Ayub Khan had received a bad ACR from his bosses prior to the partition of India and had become a general through machination.” Furthermore, there are written testimonies in this regard from Lieutenant Colonel Parson and Lieutenant Colonel Mohatram who served in the same unit as Ayub Khan in Burma. The former in his presentation, ‘Battle of Kohima’, in 1984 categorically stated that, “Ayub Khan refused to command the regiment on the grounds that its men were no longer fit to carry on the battle and that he requested that he be sent back to India.” Lieutenant Colonel Parson’s revelations were published in the Daily Telegraph of Calcutta as well in Daily News of Karachi on April 28, 1984. From here the story gets really weird. Major General Joginder Singh, who was Ayub Khan’s battalion mate, asserts in his book Behind the Scenes (1993) that Ayub Khan was not considered fit to command his parent Punjab Regiment and was relegated to serving in Chamar Regiment, which was disbanded after the war ended. The point is that Ayub Khan did not serve in the prestigious Assam Regiment, which Gohar Ayub claims he did! For more on this issue and on Quaid-e-Azam’s order to transfer and freeze Ayub Khan’s career, I recommend the readers to read Major General Sher Ali’s The Story of Soldiering and Politics in India and Pakistan, Air Commodore Sajjad Haider’s Flight of the Falcon and Hasan Abbas’s Pakistan’s Drift into Extremism.
I would suggest you go buy at least one or two of these books and read them as I have.. to be able to comment better on the issue through intellect and not reactionary haystack arguments.

The rest of your post is typical defensive all in or out denial.. Branding me an army hater or liberal or extremist is simply your inability to defend your PoV and nothing more. Now if you wish to look helter skelter for would-be saviors you will be running around to Musharrafs and Tahirs trying to find some "Ameer-ul-Pakistan" to lead you out of this mess.
When infact the only solution will come from the continuation of the democratic process and massive knowledge available to the masses today. People will be better informed.. maybe they will bring in the PPP back.. maybe they will hate each other for it.
But its their choice and they will learn more about the process and the players.. and be able to elect better ones around.

OR if they are smarter.. find out that there are only a few one-eyed among the blind and elect them.
A dictator-ship or savior will only be popular for a while since they bring with them high expectations.. and less results to show..
eventually even the smallest mistakes are looked into ..with the end result being that all these dictators are fighting for power and compromising on all those promises they made on their principles.
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