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If the US defaults on its debts on August 2



New Recruit

Jul 2, 2010
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How many would you be curious to see that scenario (albeit an extremely scary one)? Millions of Americans could lose their jobs if the US defaults on August 2, & the US will not be the same country as its been in its history. It will have an extremely large (detrimental) international impact as well, as there is a possibility of a global depression with the fall of the dollar.

But something has to give on August 2. Obama promised to cut out the wars, but he has only increased the international conflicts. He promised tax cuts for citizens earning less than $250k per year, & tax increases for those earning more than $250k per year. He hasn't done that.

The increased national debts in Obama's regime can be seen as follows:


It is safe to say that the Obama regime has failed miserably on most counts.

As long as US citizens gets easy credit, ranging from student loans to all other kinds, the US will not revive. It is high time America starts to revamp itself, & revive. Americans today have a sense of entitlement in them. Then there is domestic spending on stuff like social security, medicare, medicaid, unemployment, food stamps; as well as huge spending on the EPA, FDA, US Department of Education & all other kinds of things, with little reward (except serving the big corporations); something has to give. Many institutions in America would dissolve, people will have to pay higher taxes with less reward, but it is time Americans start living like 'every other citizen in the world', & not just be entitled to things.

I think the US should 'be allowed' to default, & then pick itself up again.
Looks like OP is rejoicing the news that US may default on debt. I can't fathom even in dreams insulting country that I am citizen of. But this guys is living all his life in all luxuries but his loyalty belong to somewhere else i seems..you guys will never change..and it is waste of time to think about your loyalties and honesty..your type of guys are disgrace to humanity..:cry:
Looks like OP is rejoicing the news that US may default on debt. I can't fathom even in dreams insulting country that I am citizen of. But this guys is living all his life in all luxuries but his loyalty belong to somewhere else i seems..you guys will never change..and it is waste of time to think about your loyalties and honesty..your type of guys are disgrace to humanity..:cry:

No one is rejoicing anything, this is an extremely anxious time, but can also be an extremely pivotal & essential one. I think that something has to give in America, the US can't live like this anymore. There is too much easy credit available, people can't pay loans back. They pile on debt. Then there are bodies like the FDA & EPA that just serve their corporate interests. Then there are programs like medicare, medicaid, social security, unemployment, food stamps that are utter failures. Despite all the money spent on education, the US Board of Education has failed miserably.

On the foreign policy front, the US is currently engaged in 5 open military conflicts around the world (Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya; & soon to be Syria & Somalia). Failure should be 'rewarded' with failure. This would be good for America in the long run, because America desperately needs to revamp itself, & get rid off corporate America, & work on the restoration on America the people (small government), & not get rid off the civil liberties than have been taken away from us.
The Obama regime will fall once he cannot fix the budget and debt ceiling. It would not literally fall but he might as well not run for the 2nd term.
It is in China's interest that the debt is breached.

If the US debt is called it, there will be a world recession and China will be hurt financially and economically.

China will not be able to maintain her development at the pace as it doing even now. There will have to be layoff and the food prices will spiral sky high.

China cannot afford discontent within its population because it will excite ugly incident and if it becomes a brushfire, it may even totter the pristine position of the Communists in China. That the CCP can afford to happen.
No one is rejoicing anything, this is an extremely anxious time, but can also be an extremely pivotal & essential one. I think that something has to give in America, the US can't live like this anymore. There is too much easy credit available, people can't pay loans back. They pile on debt. Then there are bodies like the FDA & EPA that just serve their corporate interests. Then there are programs like medicare, medicaid, social security, unemployment, food stamps that are utter failures. Despite all the money spent on education, the US Board of Education has failed miserably.

On the foreign policy front, the US is currently engaged in 5 open military conflicts around the world (Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya; & soon to be Syria & Somalia). Failure should be 'rewarded' with failure. This would be good for America in the long run, because America desperately needs to revamp itself, & get rid off corporate America, & work on the restoration on America the people (small government), & not get rid off the civil liberties than have been taken away from us.

BS. My point was about loyalty. How many times have you seen Chinese guys highlighting their country's drawbacks? how many timeS did you see same thing done by an Indian about his/her own country? How many times have you seen any Pakistani (citizen or Pakistani origin) have done disgrace to their own country? but why not a Pakistani origin of USA citizen can do the same thing? isn't their loyalties lies some where else while they WANT to live their life in USA!!!!
It is in China's interest that the debt is breached.

If the US debt is called it, there will be a world recession and China will be hurt financially and economically.

China will not be able to maintain her development at the pace as it doing even now. There will have to be layoff and the food prices will spiral sky high.

China cannot afford discontent within its population because it will excite ugly incident and if it becomes a brushfire, it may even totter the pristine position of the Communists in China. That the CCP can afford to happen.

Yes, it is China that will suffer (along with many other Western countries tied to the US economy) initially, but in the long run, China will come out the strongest, as they have a strong base in manufacturing, infrastructure development as well as other things.
BS. My point was about loyalty. How many times have you seen Chinese guys highlighting their country's drawbacks? how many timeS did you see same thing done by an Indian about his/her own country? How many times have you seen any Pakistani (citizen or Pakistani origin) have done disgrace to their own country? but why not a Pakistani origin of USA citizen can do the same thing? isn't their loyalties lies some where else while they WANT to live their life in USA!!!!

Forget about sentiments & loyalty talk, & start talking facts.
Looks like OP is rejoicing the news that US may default on debt. I can't fathom even in dreams insulting country that I am citizen of. But this guys is living all his life in all luxuries but his loyalty belong to somewhere else i seems..you guys will never change..and it is waste of time to think about your loyalties and honesty..your type of guys are disgrace to humanity..:cry:

I think he mentioned its a scary scenario. Not even America's top foe - China, wants the US to default. The US won't go down alone, it will take everyone down, since everything is tied to it. So lets not get personal or try to garner empathy by being more Christian than the pope.
It is in China's interest that the debt is breached.

If the US debt is called it, there will be a world recession and China will be hurt financially and economically.

China will not be able to maintain her development at the pace as it doing even now. There will have to be layoff and the food prices will spiral sky high.

China cannot afford discontent within its population because it will excite ugly incident and if it becomes a brushfire, it may even totter the pristine position of the Communists in China. That the CCP can afford to happen.

LOL, you said "China" five times in that post.

Yes, it will be bad for us if they default, but nowhere near as bad as the 2008 credit crunch. Not even on the same scale.
Bilal, what's the issue with August 2nd? The US can't borrow more to offset the deficit?

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