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If china had not attacked india, would pakistan have won the 65 war?

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Mar 15, 2011
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If china had not attacked india, would pakistan have won the 65 war?

I am inclined to think so.

Till 1962 nehru was kicking out scores of military men by the day, replaced competent officers with yes-men, kept a lousy defence minister, completely neglected the military in favour of the economy.

Not to mention we hardly had any weapons (when war came nehru had to beg US for weapons), nor the ammo for the few we already had (indian soldiers had to fight the chinese with sticks so to speak)
Our logistics and supply chain were lousy and the troops were sent to fight the chinese in their summer outfit in sub zero temperatures.

So these same conditions would have prevailed in 1965 when pakistan made a major thrust, which may have led to an indian defeat.

In the words of a pakistani analyst:

Till 1965 Pakistan Army keeping in view its equipment and training was relatively superior to the Indian Army. India under Nehru was a peaceful country but the Sino-Indian Conflict of 1962 transformed the whole scenario. Thus while Indian Army had by and large registered no major expansion since 1947 after 1962 the Indians embarked on a highly ambitious expansion programme.It was Pakistan’s good luck that in 1965 this process was at a very rudimentary stage, however by 1971 the whole strategic scenario had changed
Stupid question to ask. There are way too many "if this happened, then this would have happened" in history. But the fact is no one would know. Also, the only reason Pakistan tried attacking us in 1965 was precisely because of our defeat in 1962. They felt that they could take advantage of low morale and capitalize in Kashmir.

That being said, the Indian armed forces have always been superior to the Pakistani counterparts and I dont think they would have lost to Pakistan.
The better question to ask, had 1962 not happened , would Pakistan even have thought of launching the audacious Operation Gibraltar?

you still have not come up with a good argument against what i said
you still have not come up with a good argument against what i said

Keep in mind that China won in 1962 because of poorly guarded eastern sector...It doesn't mean that our western sector was equally pathetic...secondly they were very quick to declare cease-fire and retreated before our reinforcement landed there...So you cannot say for sure...We might have lost to Pakistan as we were the weakest at that time but if you compare the men/machines/ammo during that time we were still numerically superior...
Keep in mind that China won in 1962 because of poorly guarded eastern sector...It doesn't mean that our western sector was equally pathetic...secondly they were very quick to declare cease-fire and retreated before our reinforcement landed there...

the reason for that is not only were the indian reinforcements on their way, but i believe the main reason to be logistics. its impossible to get supplies over the himalayas

So you cannot say for sure...We might have lost to Pakistan as we were the weakest at that time but if you compare the men/machines/ammo during that time we were still numerically superior...

the numerical superiority was marginal. pakistan also possesed greater equipment and better pilot training in 65
Keep in mind that China won in 1962 because of poorly guarded eastern sector...It doesn't mean that our western sector was equally pathetic...secondly they were very quick to declare cease-fire and retreated before our reinforcement landed there...So you cannot say for sure...We might have lost to Pakistan as we were the weakest at that time but if you compare the men/machines/ammo during that time we were still numerically superior...

We did not lose to Pakistan. The war resulted in a stalemate and then a UN sponsored ceasefire was accepted by both the countries. According to neutral assessments Pakistan lost heavily. check wikipedia
bro what this is history now do what ever you want create what ever sinario you want skys the limit :pop:
If china had not attacked India,Had they not defeated us in 1962,


Nehru would have been the Prime minister and Menon would have been defence minister.While Nehru lived in fear of a military coup,Menon was a Attention Wh0re who hated the generals.

The defeat in case of war with pakistan would have been certain.Not only would we had lost kashmir but unless someone somewhere would have shown extreme valour,the wet dream of pakistan of reaching Delhi would have materialised.

It is like asking whether Indian railway could avoid bankruptsy with mamta bannerjee/mukul roy as railway minister.
Ah we can only speculate now. Certainly though defeat in 62 had tremendously increased our military preparedness. Which certainly helped in 65. On the other hand with a non-hostile China watching idly, we could have thrown our full might on Pakistan in 65 with possibly different result. Again mere speculation.:unsure:
We did not lose to Pakistan. The war resulted in a stalemate and then a UN sponsored ceasefire was accepted by both the countries. According to neutral assessments Pakistan lost heavily. check wikipedia
When did i say we lost?? Secondly wikipedia is not a neutral resource but anyhow a good place to start..

the reason for that is not only were the indian reinforcements on their way, but i believe the main reason to be logistics. its impossible to get supplies over the himalayas

Both were the reasons..without logistics they would not been able to hold up against Indian reinforcements...

the numerical superiority was marginal. pakistan also possesed greater equipment and better pilot training in 65

Marginal?? By the end of war India had exhausted only 20% of her supplies as compared with 80% of Pak...I wish our generals had given correct assessment to Lal Bahadur Shastri...Anyhow bygones are bygones...
I don't agree.......
India never expected that China could attack........ Our eastern border was not secured enough....China was not a strong army that time...but we were not ready for them and that is why China got the edge...........For Pakistan we always knew they could attack any time so we were strong on western border...There was no effect of western border of 1962.....But 1962 war ensure India to secure all the border line....
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