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If atoms are mostly empty space, why do objects look and feel solid?

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Chemist John Dalton proposed the theory that all matter and objects are made up of particles called atoms, and this is still accepted by the scientific community, almost two centuries later. Each of these atoms is each made up of an incredibly small nucleus and even smaller electrons, which move around at quite a distance from the centre.

If you imagine a table that is a billion times larger, its atoms would be the size of melons. But even so, the nucleus at the centre would still be far too small to see and so would the electrons as that dance around it. So why don’t our fingers just pass through atoms, and why doesn’t light get through the gaps?
To explain why we must look at the electrons. Unfortunately, much of what we are taught at school is simplified –- electrons do not orbit the centre of an atom like planets around the sun, like you may have been taught. Instead, think of electrons like a swarm of bees or birds, where the individual motions are too fast to track, but you still see the shape of the overall swarm.
Electrons ‘dance’
In fact, electrons dance – there is no better word for it. But it’s not random dancing – it’s more like ballroom dancing, where they move in set patterns, following steps laid down by a mathematical equation named after Erwin Schrödinger.

Electrons are like a swarm of birds. (Image: John Holmes/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA)
These patterns can vary – some are slow and gentle, like a waltz whereas some are fast and energetic, like a Charleston. Each electron keeps to the same pattern, but once in a while it may change to another, as long as no other electron is doing that pattern already. No two electrons in an atom can do the same step: this rule is called the Exclusion Principle.
Although electrons never tire, moving up to a faster step does take energy. And when an electron moves down to a slower pattern it loses energy which it gives out. So when energy in the form of light falls on an electron, it can absorb some energy and move up to a higher, faster “dance” pattern. A light beam won’t get far through our table, since the electrons in all the atoms are eager to grab some energy from the light.
After a very short while they lose this gained energy, perhaps as light again. Changes in the patterns of absorbed and reflected light give reflections and colours - so we see the table as solid.
Resistance when touched
So why does a table also feel solid? Many websites will tell you that this is due to the repulsion – that two negatively charged things must repel each other. But this is wrong, and shows you should never trust the internet. It feels solid because of the dancing electrons.

The table resistance is strong. If you touch the table, then the electrons from atoms in your fingers become close to the electrons in the table’s atoms. As the electrons in one atom get close enough to the nucleus of the other, the patterns of their dances change. This is because, an electron in a low energy level around one nucleus can’t do the same around the other – that slot’s already taken by one of its own electrons. The newcomer must step into an unoccupied, more energetic role. That energy has to be supplied, not by light this time but by the force from your probing finger.

So pushing just two atoms close to each other takes energy, as all their electrons need to go into unoccupied high-energy states. Trying to push all the table-atoms and finger-atoms together demands an awful lot of energy – more than your muscles can supply. You feel that, as resistance to your finger, which is why and how the table feels solid to your touch.

Source: By Roger Barlow, Research Professor and Director of the International Institute for Accelerator Applications, University of Huddersfield

Chemist John Dalton proposed the theory that all matter and objects are made up of particles called atoms, and this is still accepted by the scientific community, almost two centuries later. Each of these atoms is each made up of an incredibly small nucleus and even smaller electrons, which move around at quite a distance from the centre.

If you imagine a table that is a billion times larger, its atoms would be the size of melons. But even so, the nucleus at the centre would still be far too small to see and so would the electrons as that dance around it. So why don’t our fingers just pass through atoms, and why doesn’t light get through the gaps?
To explain why we must look at the electrons. Unfortunately, much of what we are taught at school is simplified –- electrons do not orbit the centre of an atom like planets around the sun, like you may have been taught. Instead, think of electrons like a swarm of bees or birds, where the individual motions are too fast to track, but you still see the shape of the overall swarm.
Electrons ‘dance’
In fact, electrons dance – there is no better word for it. But it’s not random dancing – it’s more like ballroom dancing, where they move in set patterns, following steps laid down by a mathematical equation named after Erwin Schrödinger.

Electrons are like a swarm of birds. (Image: John Holmes/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA)
These patterns can vary – some are slow and gentle, like a waltz whereas some are fast and energetic, like a Charleston. Each electron keeps to the same pattern, but once in a while it may change to another, as long as no other electron is doing that pattern already. No two electrons in an atom can do the same step: this rule is called the Exclusion Principle.
Although electrons never tire, moving up to a faster step does take energy. And when an electron moves down to a slower pattern it loses energy which it gives out. So when energy in the form of light falls on an electron, it can absorb some energy and move up to a higher, faster “dance” pattern. A light beam won’t get far through our table, since the electrons in all the atoms are eager to grab some energy from the light.
After a very short while they lose this gained energy, perhaps as light again. Changes in the patterns of absorbed and reflected light give reflections and colours - so we see the table as solid.
Resistance when touched
So why does a table also feel solid? Many websites will tell you that this is due to the repulsion – that two negatively charged things must repel each other. But this is wrong, and shows you should never trust the internet. It feels solid because of the dancing electrons.

The table resistance is strong. If you touch the table, then the electrons from atoms in your fingers become close to the electrons in the table’s atoms. As the electrons in one atom get close enough to the nucleus of the other, the patterns of their dances change. This is because, an electron in a low energy level around one nucleus can’t do the same around the other – that slot’s already taken by one of its own electrons. The newcomer must step into an unoccupied, more energetic role. That energy has to be supplied, not by light this time but by the force from your probing finger.

So pushing just two atoms close to each other takes energy, as all their electrons need to go into unoccupied high-energy states. Trying to push all the table-atoms and finger-atoms together demands an awful lot of energy – more than your muscles can supply. You feel that, as resistance to your finger, which is why and how the table feels solid to your touch.

Source: By Roger Barlow, Research Professor and Director of the International Institute for Accelerator Applications, University of Huddersfield

Wow! Cool stuff. The nature of (physical) reality is amazing.
It's all about perception. Our mind persevies them as we want them to be percieved. Natural law.
Wow! Cool stuff. The nature of (physical) reality is amazing.

Very amazing indeed, I should rather say that they are extraordinarily amazing, from the microcosm to the macrocosm..
Can Atom Dance Gangnum Style ?

Physics Stuff is always interesting , Thanks for Sharing :)
It's all about perception. Our mind persevies them as we want them to be percieved. Natural law.
It is a natural law, because human 5 senses are limited in space and time..So not too many choices, one can only perceive things according to his/her capabilities which in the case of humans are quite limited..

Can Atom Dance Gangnum Style ?

Physics Stuff is always interesting , Thanks for Sharing :)
They are capable of that dance of course, since everything that dances is composed of Atoms, be it humans, planets or galaxies..
I think distance between atoms is so narrow that human body is unable to detect empty space
What I may say , will astound some however here it goes

If you argue , about void/space between atoms and yet humans able to experience solidity of objects. We live a Level above this world , we can only see the invisible world with aid of tremendously powerful micrscopes or theoretical science.

What if I told you now to expand your veiw of void/space to scope of our Galaxies and the void in between. A level we are actually part of to us these Galaxies just appear like a distant reality not connect to ours

But just like atoms , the galaxies and all inside it is run by same law of attraction.

Perhaps when viewed from a Level that is "above" our existance this would all look like part of a giant solid physical structure

Do you think an enity above our level views our world with (their version of microscope) microsope ? Would they be able to pin point us (our planet)

Level 0 - World of atoms and smaller objects, tremendous void between Atoms

  • People of Level 1 : View this world (Level 0) using Microscope , in one glance they may view or hold Trillion of objects of Level 0 world. They may see Trillion of atoms from their distance and it may look like shape of apple.

Level 1 - Human World , galaxies exist but tremendous void exist such entities, from our vintage point we cant visualize that shape

  • People of Level 2 , would view this world from their version of Microscope and to them they would only see galaxies littered all over place. We technically would not register to them, since Universe we know of has billion and billion of galaxies
  • We exist in Level 1 , part of one of galaxies , we have invented the most power "Telescopes" but our vision can't go beyond the existance far enough to visually see our Level 1 as a one GIGANTIC object. We are desperately trying to look at the Level 2 world but the distance between us and the inhabitants of Level 2 world is so large. So we can't visualize the shape of our Universe

Level 2 - ?????????? , they would view our Universe from far and all the galaxies would to them would look like building blocks of some "Object". They might look at Galaxies as a building block and assume no smaller entity exist below that level.

  • They have such a vintage point from which they can view all the glaxies of the universe or all the stuff in Level 1 in one glance

Scientist have theorized that glaxies tend to like to cluster together into lumps
and hypothesized the Level 2 beings would view our world in a recurring pattern such as the image below


If light was to travel for 16 billion years , this is how far we would be able to view

Now strangely , when we view the atomic world with our telescope the world looks quite similar

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First, empty space at atomic level is not the same thing as we assume empty space to be. Because of quantum mechanics and uncertainty regarding exact positions and discrete energy states of electrons, nucleus are surrounded by electron 'cloud'. So the repulsive force between electrons make an atom solid. Moreover, the there is Pauli exclusive principle that states that two electronics cannot occupy the same quantum space, so there is a limit to which you can squeeze an atom.
What I may say , will astound some however here it goes

If you argue , about void/space between atoms and yet humans able to experience solidity of objects. We live a Level above this world , we can only see the invisible world with aid of tremendously powerful micrscopes or theoretical science.

What if I told you now to expand your veiw of void/space to scope of our Galaxies and the void in between. A level we are actually part of to us these Galaxies just appear like a distant reality not connect to ours

But just like atoms , the galaxies and all inside it is run by same law of attraction.

Perhaps when viewed from a Level that is "above" our existance this would all look like part of a giant solid physical structure

Do you think an enity above our level views our world with (their version of microscope) microsope ? Would they be able to pin point us (our planet)

Level 0 - World of atoms and smaller objects, tremendous void between Atoms

  • People of Level 1 : View this world (Level 0) using Microscope , in one glance they may view or hold Trillion of objects of Level 0 world. They may see Trillion of atoms from their distance and it may look like shape of apple.

Level 1 - Human World , galaxies exist but tremendous void exist such entities, from our vintage point we cant visualize that shape

  • People of Level 2 , would view this world from their version of Microscope and to them they would only see galaxies littered all over place. We technically would not register to them, since Universe we know of has billion and billion of galaxies
  • We exist in Level 1 , part of one of galaxies , we have invented the most power "Telescopes" but our vision can't go beyond the existance far enough to visually see our Level 1 as a one GIGANTIC object. We are desperately trying to look at the Level 2 world but the distance between us and the inhabitants of Level 2 world is so large. So we can't visualize the shape of our Universe

Level 2 - ?????????? , they would view our Universe from far and all the galaxies would to them would look like building blocks of some "Object". They might look at Galaxies as a building block and assume no smaller entity exist below that level.

  • They have such a vintage point from which they can view all the glaxies of the universe or all the stuff in Level 1 in one glance

Scientist have theorized that glaxies tend to like to cluster together into lumps
and hypothesized the Level 2 beings would view our world in a recurring pattern such as the image below


If light was to travel for 16 billion years , this is how far we would be able to view

Now strangely , when we view the atomic world with our telescope the world looks quite similar

The Universe is both Isotropic and An-isotropic at different levels of observation. Which leads to the possibility of a Multiverse filled with infinite universes that continue to expand.
Radial acceleration has to with an objects orbit, not expansion of the universe.
It has something to do with the expansion of the universe in the context of gravity and dark matter with both still being mysteries.. it is the sum of accelerations in objects' orbits that relates to the expansion of the universe..
From the article:
"The team's research so far has focused on galaxies in the nearby universe. Lelli and his colleagues plan to test the relation in more distant galaxies, just a few billion years after the big bang. They are hoping to learn whether the same relation holds during the lifetime of the Universe."
And we know that the universe is expanding..
I think distance between atoms is so narrow that human body is unable to detect empty space
If you put the scale of the atom the same as our solar system, the amount of empty space would be ginormous.


It has something to do with the expansion of the universe in the context of gravity and dark matter with both still being mysteries.. it is the sum of accelerations in objects' orbits that relates to the expansion of the universe..
From the article:
"The team's research so far has focused on galaxies in the nearby universe. Lelli and his colleagues plan to test the relation in more distant galaxies, just a few billion years after the big bang. They are hoping to learn whether the same relation holds during the lifetime of the Universe."
And we know that the universe is expanding..
You're taking that out of context and misunderstanding, radial acceleration is not the same as expansion. They are trying figure out if the orbit of objects within the galaxy (radial acceleration), is constant. It doesn't matter where or when the galaxy is found, they want to see if the radial acceleration remains the same.

Radial acceleration measures circular motion and is not related to the expansion of spacetime (Universe Expansion) which is linear expansion in all directions.

The metric expansion of space is the increase of the distance between two distant parts of the universe with time.

@Gillani88 , you sound smart, I think he's confused. And I'm not sure I explained it clearly above ^^^ or maybe I misunderstood @The SC .:undecided:

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