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If Afghanistan Collapses…which it might

Good lord, what do you think you are ? A super power ? a country which could not even guard its GHQ , could not guard its air force base , has failed civilian institutions, an army which has failed in every war. A failed education system and a failing political class while you comfortable sit in the UK while dishing at Afghanistan ? Have some shame.... :rolleyes:

Ashamed ? Why don't you feel ashamed to have the most poor in the world? or making them live in conditions that would make Somalia and Chad look like Germany . Just because you are geographically bigger doesn't mean you are better :)

For starters clean up your country (it looks like a garbage can) , Start making toilets for people and stop the Dog- Human marriages that Happen in India alot and then we can talk of regional powers and superpowers.
The problem with Afghanistan is that its people are heavily divided along ethnic lines, Pukhtoons, Hazaras, Tajiks, Uzbeks etc etc. The division is being exploited by war lords more than foreign powers. What Afghanistan needs is a national leader that will unite the people, only then will Afghanistan have peace.

I pray that day comes soon, inshallah
Afghanistan will stabilize if you stay out now, really..even the Afghans don't want you...

This pea size logic baffles me. When you are facing proxy wars from Afghanistan with every Anti Pak element residing in Afghanistan these days. Which insane country would remain stay out so not to counter these elements ?
Najibullah was President of Afghanistan, part of People's Democratic Party of Afghanisan, he was oustered during the civil war which led to the Mujahideen takeover in 1992 of Afghanistan. The civil war ravaged Afghanistan.
Now u said 2nd najibullah as mujahiideen and 3rd talibs
My question was wts diff b/w mujahedeen and Talibans :coffee:
Now u said 2nd najibullah as mujahiideen and 3rd talibs
My question was wts diff b/w mujahedeen and Talibans :coffee:

Mujahideen those days included all fractions, Paktoons, Afghans including Northern Alliance Ahmad Shah Masud, Arabs, under Pakistani Military command General Abdul Rehman fighting together for the ouster of Soviet Russia from Afghanistan, Taliban were made by Benzair, and Pakistan out of the Mujahideen faction, Taliban are mostly Paktoons tribes, FATA tribals, and due to civil war between Ahmad Shah Masud NA, and new group of Taliban. The taliban took power. Here it is the internal fights creating NA & Taliban groups, Afghan civil war continued in the 90s, when finally Taliban took over exclusive power in Kabul, Mullah Umar, Osama group. Afghanistan remain ravaged and collapsed.
their non interference probably is best for Afghanistan's interest.Any normal afghan will tell you the same.Let Afghan themselves and NATO/USA sort their problem out.

But we know,thats not gonna happen.

Then practice what you preach and stop interfering
their non interference probably is best for Afghanistan's interest.Any normal afghan will tell you the same.Let Afghan themselves and NATO/USA sort their problem out.

But we know,thats not gonna happen.
well, india can do that we cant..why..well wht happened in 1970s...we didnt interfere, Russia came, screwed up all Afghanistan and sent over 10 million refugees across the boarder

ironically is nt this the original excuse india used for 1971 east pakistan invasion
What do you mean by collapse? Are you talking about the government or how Gen. Durrani calls it, the Kabul regime? There's really nothing to be collapsed in Afghanistan to begin with.
Mujahideen those days included all fractions, Paktoons, Afghans including Northern Alliance Ahmad Shah Masud, Arabs, under Pakistani Military command General Abdul Rehman fighting together for the ouster of Soviet Russia from Afghanistan, Taliban were made by Benzair, and Pakistan out of the Mujahideen faction, Taliban are mostly Paktoons tribes, FATA tribals, and due to civil war between Ahmad Shah Masud NA, and new group of Taliban. The taliban took power. Here it is the internal fights creating NA & Taliban groups, Afghan civil war continued in the 90s, when finally Taliban took over exclusive power in Kabul, Mullah Umar, Osama group. Afghanistan remain ravaged and collapsed.
Yes .
Now hikmet yar ,NA are on gov side and on other side only taliban so how can 2rd fraction u reff# can come into power isn't it either taliban or Na (karzai Ghani abdullah)all under Na cap
Isn't it ?
Here is another clown sitting in UK,
Unfortunately there is lot of these clowns. Living in the West, they might get fat, they might even learn to speak English but common sense, now that is another matter. You can take a fool out of a country but you can't take the fool out of him/her.

I would struggle to abuse the Afghan refugees in Pak for the simple reason that I myself am son of migrant in UK. I would struggle to say ill of the Afghans in Pakistan even if some do bad (which I know they do) when I know many of my fellow British-Pakistani do bad in UK (which I know they do) and indeed the far right dogs say exactly the same things about people like me in UK as these people who have no moral compass say about Afghans in Pakistan.
pakistan should be careful for what they wish for. A collapsed afghanistan will drag entire sub continent to chaos. ppl who think they can control afghanistan are simply out of their mind.
Oh your intellect...little Holy than thou @Kaptaan common sense. There is a difference between 10 Million REFUGEES from Afghanistan thrown inside Pakistan with burden who had no visa, passport or any money to live and You/anyone being a UK IMMIGRANT who spend thousands of pounds/dollars to study, live & work ur a$$ off. Am neither an immigrant like u try to join me with u....despite indefinite visa, eligible to take British Nationality like papa & son got. Infact m never interested for UK nationality. Spent money to study & earned money through hard work and paying heavy taxes both in UK and Pakistan.

I know ur giving a warm huggy lovey dovey to bruised Afghan A-team fellow and his Afghan brothers n not direct on me...but he was the one laughing/blaming on others while forgetting that his own Afghanistan & government is living under foreign occupation and enslavement while the Afghan state is on the brink of collapse.
afghanistan will not collapse but only fall to taliban who had kept afghanistan together for few years before.
well, india can do that we cant..why..well wht happened in 1970s...we didnt interfere, Russia came, screwed up all Afghanistan and sent over 10 million refugees across the boarder

ironically is nt this the original excuse india used for 1971 east pakistan invasion

At that very moment,you should've to take a stand.

War or no War.You chose somewhat between,Proxy war.

But tell me,Soviets left 3 decades ago.Then why you're still stuck in 1983?

Is it justified action if India sends its covert operatives to Bangladesh to wage war against government because we did the same in 1971??

Then practice what you preach and stop interfering

Actually,India never interfere in Afghanistan.

You can hear what Afghan Ex president and Present President as well as Afghan Nationals are saying.Are they accusing us for interfering or training terrorists or whatever??

Instead of that...


I wonder when they showed similar gratitude towards Pakistan..

Logically not possible.

It consists of people from different ethnicity, different nations and different cultures.
All they have done since centuries is killed each other,
when every they got tired of that, they would turn east to loot and plunder.

That is where the fertile grounds were, that is where culture was, these animals were naturally attracted.

Well,looks like you've detailed knowledge of human history,or atleast Afghanistan's.
But isn't this is same for each and every country???

What interest drove India to interfere in East Pakistan in 71 is the same interest which drove Pakistan to interfere in Afghanistan so to make it stabilize. Doesnt take an Einstein to figure this out

Same answer applies to you as well...

India did that in 71.Pakistan did that post 83.

But that doesn't justify what Pakistan is doing today.Tell me,is it justified to roll Indian Tanks on the road of Dhaka because we waged 71 war??

No one is blaming what Pakistan did in 83.But they're asking what Pakistan is doing post Soviet Withdrawal???
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