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IDEAS 2016 Preview: Blitzkrieg Solution MRAP to be unveiled on IDEAS 2016

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has it been to the proving grounds and tested or is it still in completion?
This is just the first prototype which was hurried into production to be showcased at IDEAS. So to answer your question, no. This was born out of the army's dissatisfaction with the Dragoon I am told, which is very cramped and very expensive to produce (assemble).
This is just the first prototype which was hurried into production to be showcased at IDEAS. So to answer your question, no. This was born out of the army's dissatisfaction with the Dragoon I am told, which is very cramped and very expensive to produce (assemble).
Engine and chassis are local too?If impressive.
what sort of weapon systems and protection (anything like APS?) does it hold @JamD
what sort of weapon systems and protection (anything like APS?) does it hold @JamD
This is just the first prototype so the only electronics it has right now are the cameras and the turret optics. If the army likes it then things like these will be considered for future prototypes and production models.

EDIT: The main gun, I am told, is 30 mm.
don't you think its quite early to present it in IDEAS-2016 ....???
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