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IAF losing edge over PAF:Military Intelligence.

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East Pakistan held its own with just a squadron aircrafts...It wasnt indian but rather it was defections and mukti bahini terrorism against national pilots that caused the tides to turn.

On western front i would definitely say we held our ground. Despite numerical and qualitative superiority the PAF was still standing strong. I could easily go into detail if need be.

as for 1965, the writing is on the wall. Again, PAFs only advantage was being a defensive force. The indians were taught a valuable crash course lesson on how serious PAF is about defence of skies. In fact offensive defence missions like Pattankot showed PAF meant business. Your loud-mouth generals were talking about capturing Lahore and instead they had POWs and burning, tattered tanks to bring home
The discussion here is Airforce... Not the victory which India got by doing a years long state terrorism.

This was the post which Blain2 replied to....(where he is talking about the end result of the war...

Who cares who attacked or who defended...............what really matters is the outcome.................you know what I mean; don't you???

and this Blain@'s reply...where he claims that here was no conclusion of 1971 war..

What was the outcome? It was inconclusive as always in 71, in 65 we more than held our own against the IAF.

........hope this helps you understand what is being discussed..and yes, the thread is about the air force, but next time try reading the whole posts before making a fool of yourself.

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lol..the only thing I gave was some reality check to few pakistani members.may be MODS found that enough to promote me.
but I guess my post qualities are too good for you to even comprehend them, and thats why you jumped in to quote Ramu and me without even knowing what he was discussing...
Seriously? Must I post the 'Pakistan is about to attack us!', 'Pakistan is using the kala pathar to practice how to injure Sachin!', 'Pakistan has tweaked the harpoon into a sea to ground missile!', 'all Pakistan thinks about is the destruction of India!', etc. videos????

it's ingrained in those brains of theirs.....

the jingoism and their sensationalist media has done little justice to those people; just sinking their credibility
The discussion here is Airforce... Not the victory which India got by doing a years long state terrorism.

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But the end objective is ultimate victory in the war and not performance of individual forces . And if PAF performed so well and still Pakistan lost the war, the other 2 arms of your Armed forces must have really done a pathetic job to negate out the great work of PAF .. :azn:
the only war Pakistan really ''lost'' per se is 1971 --- and it was more so because of indian sponsored terrorists and the fact that despite all the propoganda --
Pakistan didnt pull an ACTUAL GENOCIDE by taking the gloves off......sometimes i ask myself what would have happened if we did.

at any rate, the year is now 2011 so we should focus on today. Capabilities, doctrines, ways of thinking, lessons learned, etc. must all be factored in today.

PAF Modernization program is in effect and I would say that despite constrained budget we are doing well to achieve minimum credible deterrant against the enemy. That is the core underlying objective; i dont think indian will dare to make a wrong move. They didnt in 2002 or 2008, so therefore i doubt they will in the future provided we remain assertive and provided we keep up with technological change and learn to become more self-reliant.
F-16 MR (~60)
JF-17 MR (~250)
FC-20 MR (~40)

Anything around 350 gives the PAF a ratio that they can operate with against the IAF.

Anything around 350 will be good for PAF.

But, but, but.............in this case; Anything is colored in red :devil: and thats the whole problem.

60 F16..........very good.

Rest.............all Chinese maal and that too JF17; which China itself is not buying in good numbers (or not buying at all..........not sure)

One free advice, being your good neighbour; don't forget to get an offer like given below with all your purchase with China:chilli:


Buy Real Estate in China and get a Free Wife!

Just when I thought I'd heard every creative way of flogging off property when the chips are down - along comes a new one to prove me wrong - an entrepreneurial developer in Beijing, China, has decided to lure buyers to his luxury Ecological Bay project with the offer of a wedding to one of their sales ladies - and he's even throwing in a dowry to seal the deal...

In an astounding display of what going beyond the call of duty for work means, the sales girls working in the Jin Tai Cheng sales office in Beijing have agreed to act as bait to tempt buyers.

The Ecological Bay villa development is hoping to entice Chinese men who are finding it tough to nab a wife - thanks to the Government's ‘One Child' policy, there are around 120 men to every 100 women.

The Chinese economy has slowed down dramatically over the past six months and demand for real estate in China's major cities declined sharply.

In a sign of increasingly desperate times for China's property market, with housing sales plummeting by as much as 20 per cent - new ways to sell property are constantly being thought up- but this has to be the most novel idea yet.

The Ecological Bay website asks, ‘Planning to buy a house? Can we tempt you with the offer of a young bride - and a dowry as well?'

Once buyers decide to purchase a home, when they are on the site choosing kitchen colours and curtains to kit out their new pad, they can also browse the sales girls' age, height and read information about their other...assets.

If a buyer and a sales girl date successfully and go on to marry, the company is offering a wedding present of £6,000 to couples who are still married after a year.

The company lured the sales ladies with a commitment to pay eight per cent in sales commissions as well as the opportunity to secure a wealthy husband.

Mr Li Jingguo, Director of the research centre for urban development and environment under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said, "Last year was the gloomiest period for China's real estate market since housing reform in 1998, in the face of the global economic downturn."

Also I find it amusing that you still use the term "air superiority fighter" when every single aircraft on the market currently not only performs in AS but also tries to offer MR capabilities.

Righto..............but they were clacified by their basic qualities.
it's always funny to read bharti logic

so just because Chinese are not using the JF-17 Thunder means it doesnt count as a gap-filler for PAF - despite the fact that the latter will be far more capable than the Fantans and J-7s of which the ''status quo'' is substantially comprised of

so an aircraft has to be inducted in PLAAF for it to be a threat to hindustan, as per these civilian ''analysts'' with keyboards

i'm still waiting to see the ''tejas'' get inducted in large numbers
The discussion here is Airforce... Not the victory which India got by doing a years long state terrorism.

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He is telling the TRUTH.............and TRUTH itself is a great QUALITY

Was it inconclusive inn 1971 ? The internet says a different tale.

air war that is...context tau samjha karo yaar kabhi. There are 10 other 71 war threads for me to use if I wanted to rant about the other aspects.
Anything around 350 will be good for PAF.

But, but, but.............in this case; Anything is colored in red :devil: and thats the whole problem.

60 F16..........very good.

Rest.............all Chinese maal and that too JF17; which China itself is not buying in good numbers (or not buying at all..........not sure)

One free advice, being your good neighbour; don't forget to get an offer like given below with all your purchase with China:chilli:

Expat Daily News: Buy Real Estate in China and get a Free Wife!

Righto..............but they were clacified by their basic qualities.

Chinese maal has done great for the PAF. The F-6s took on Russian made Mig-21s and bested them. You underestimate the Chinese hardware and avionics at your own peril. Its the one thing you wont see coming despite its shortfalls if any.

In any future war, the JF-17 would be employed tactfully and by any means would prove to be an adversary to reckon with.

We have flown western hardware for the better part of past 5 decades and know the good and the bad of it and have the ability to see the pros and cons of what we are acquiring now even as we compare it to modern western hardware.
Look, the western producers boycotted during the wars. Chine provided hand with old planes but they showed courage and results. Neither forces are bad. Probably very good if you take the circumstances they have to train or operate. I mean the Israeli superiority is based on having everything and more against bad trained, bad equipped arabs. Turkey shoot. The arabs did not even knew hot to enter a fight. The US power is done with overwhelming force but often after crippling the nation. I mean, c'mon. There was no Iraci airforce to fight. And where is the Libyan airforce?

But on the other hand. Both India and Pakistan are well organized forces. And with both not performing bad they will end up with another slightly change of borders but not with real results to be proud of. Kashmir... Kargil... And now both getting better internal en imported products the difference will be even less. I mean does is matter who destroys who in this case? Hardly. Does it matter whether India has twice the size of Pakistan? It did not when it had five times the size. And now one has to add that China will play a role in the next war. That is why India needs to move high tech equipment more to the northern front. And to counter China, the US is willing to provide anything for the big price. I mean, to be honest. Both nations are lunatics. Both Pakistan and India are same people with same history. I mean, killing eachother is the dumbest possible. I sincerely hope that economics will become more important cause India is part of Pakistan and Pakistan is a part of India. Together with China it has the potential to become anything. Now they are played by European nations and US. It is a shame. I love to see cricket. Then you will see that it should be something else.
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