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I miss Pervez Musharraf


Jul 3, 2022
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He was Pakistan's ticket out of the misery that is holding back the country today but nobody realized it back in the day. He knew how important realpolitik is but the establishment shot him down.

We miss you, sir. :(

He was Pakistan's ticket out of the misery that is holding back the country today but nobody realized it back in the day. He knew how important realpolitik is but the establishment shot him down.

We miss you, sir. :(
Sorry, I don't. We need major restructuring of armed forces. Disbanding all pre partition units and abolishment of such cultures.
We don't need a Musharaf. We need professionals like Raheel Sharif. Do the job and retire with grace.
what happened has he died?

rot in hell, he sold Pakistanis for $5,000 each to the Americans and allowed the Americans to bomb hell out of the frontier killing 65,000 poor civilians

May Allah punish him for his crimes
Musharraf is the biggest US sucker just like other Pakistani generals
True. He is that.

He is also a guy who started and lost a conflict because he wasn't prepared for the consequences, while simultaneously undermining a political dialogue and peace process, he's a guy who violated his oath and committed a coup to save himself from what should have been a court martial following his botched war. He lied to people incessantly just like any politician, he threw judges in jail for opposing his tyranny and made them renounce their oaths to the constitution and made them swear an oath on him instead, he rigged elections and conducted heavy political engineering. All of this continued until he was kicked out of office and then fled trials, the last of which had him convicted of high treason under Art. 6.

People need to be rinsed of the BS pro-general and 2000 era propaganda. This guy was alright in some respects, but a villain overall.
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