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Huawei Warns Trump And Google: You’re Running Out Of Time

I am not wrong. I work in the IT industry. I have seen Huawei's rise from close. This is a company the Western bloc genuinely fears. Huawei has amazing tech and philosophy. Huawei is a behemoth in its own right. People who actually work as professionals in the tech industry understand what Huawei means.
Bro, do you know what philosophy Huawei has? --毛主义, maoist. Ren Zhengfei is good student of Mao Zedong.

and Mao Zedong never lost a war, he always prepare for the worst, and surprise his enemy.
Bro, do you know what philosophy Huawei has? --毛主义, maoist. Ren Zhengfei is good student of Mao Zedong.

I did a HCNA and that gives a lot of insight. Huawei has perfected open implementation. This approach makes certain things possible that Cisco cannot fathom. Cisco uses a more closed and proprietary approach.
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But if other country is determined, then USA softwares and hardwares can be replaced.
So that means that other powers have not determined then, or that their government lack strategic long term thinking unlike US government/deep state, NO?
IF only life was that easy.

What you are not understanding is that Changing OS is not as simple as changing clothes.

With OS you have companies that have spent millions of dollars and a decade of investment into Android and iOS. Even China.

Chinese companies have spent millions to make apps that work on Android in China. Now you want them to spend millions of dollars to learn and develop apps for Harmony. What do they get out of this? Jingoistic nationalism and nothing else.

If Harmony OS has any chance, Huawei itself will have to fund apps to the tune of billions of dollars and convince hundreds of millions (if not a billion people) to give up their android phones and their android apps. What benefits will the Chinese people get? Jingoistic nationalism.

Anyways, best of luck. Microsoft, Blackberry, Nokia, Samsung and LG have all failed at this.

This is the oddest flex up ok.....

"One way that it could be “easy” is if they take the approach that BlackBerry did with their early Android efforts. Before BlackBerry retired BlackBerry OS and moved to Android, they had an Android runtime for BlackBerry OS. Developers could use some tools to convert an Android APK into a different file (BAR), and a BAR could be distributed to a BlackBerry OS device. This approach failed for BlackBerry for several reasons, none of which would preclude Huawei from trying and perhaps succeeding. It might still require a fair amount of work to port an Android app to be a native Harmony OS app, though, if this is Huawei’s approach."

Also, how do you know I am not a programmer?

It is easy for china under certain circumstance that I mentioned above.

When China ban Android and favour Harmony, then software maker and smartphone vendor including Samsung will have no choice if they want to sell in China's market. They will make/adjust their program for Harmony unless the will loose chinese market; as simple as that.
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So that means that other powers have not determined then, or that their government lack strategic long term thinking unlike US government/deep state, NO?
Only USA has the semiconductor technology and hence only USA can dominate in computer related fields until someone else comes up with that technology and create their own ecosystem. When China started doing this, USA panicked and sanctioned Huawei. Only other country which could have beaten USA was USSR but that collapsed. 1980-2005 was bad times for USSR & Russia and as a result, semiconductor technology in Russia did not mature as quickly as in USA. Other EU countries are USA lackeys and follow USA foreign policy. Only China remained stable and independent and hence only China is capable of challenging USA in semiconductor and computer related infrastructure.
lol A lot of misinformed wannabe tech guru and glueless talking about tech.

Creating an OS is NOT hard! As a Huawei Software Engineer working in AI area, I can tell you that.

To have a successful OS, you need to create an ecosystem that allows app developers, phone manufacturers to easily put a UI on top layer. The hardest part is in fact not the app developers part. Between China, Russia, and yes your India, there is enough bright mind think like to easily create a strong foundation of consistent app developer market and train them slow to scale up. You don't think Samsung looking at this and cannot wait for a future without Android? You don't think the Korean are craving for a 3rd alternative. Back then, Samsung already plan to produce alternative to android but Google beg them to stop in exchange the US allows carriers to work with Samsung. But Samsung and like other Korean phone manufacturers always dream of that creating their own OS.

Now the threat is real, companies will align to make it work. I think Huawei needs to work with the Korean to make this a real challenge. It can be done. More phone manufacturers join, with big market access, app developers will join to ripe that reward. The real challenge is communication. Like I said, looks at the US IT department, most are Chinese, Indian import, Russian software talent anyway. They are the one building the core US software infrastructure. And all can communicate in the English language so it makes the workflow very smooth. So the challenge for us again is not creating OS, we have it already and very easily port. What hard is bringing different people with different language barriers together to talk. As a senior software, I can say it is the one problem I can't find a solution yet. Chinese is just hard for foreigner to learn imo.

Also I want to say that the future of open source is the key. Meaning no government intervention whatsoever. Google is just a masquerade clown as Open Source champion but they are not. To have real open source, you need an alliance of top IT tech in different coutnries joining force to create a OS ecosystem. It then becomes a real multinational platform.
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I am looking forward to a future free of Google and Apple domination. All the best to China.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

The US bullying tactics backfire again and again.

World has moved on from the post-cold war era.

I know that Pakistan will be very eager to be among first adopters of Huawei's new OS.
Where did I say it was zero sum? Did you even read what I wrote?

I did lots of research and I sorry to break it to you but China is not as rich as you think it is.


Wages in China increased to 82461 CNY/Year in 2018 from 74318 CNY/Year in 2017.

That is about 1100 USD a year. Average Chinese is not spending 10% of their yearly income on a smartphone. So again, Huawei will be find selling low to mid tear phones in China.

... if you say so....
I think you are not that good in math. 82000 yuan is around 12k usd/yr. Thats around 1k usd/month. A very decent income in China and classified as middle class, multiply that by few hundred million people, you have the largest middle class on earth. Go learn basic math next time. Who wants to pay 1k usd for an overpriced phone? Indians buy sub 100 dollar phones, Chinese buy 500dollar phones. Thats why xiaomi is doing great in India not China.
I think Russia, Iran, North Korea,Venesuela could be potential market for New Huawei Smart phone OS.
American tech is horrible. I had a tablet that died after I drained the battery to zero a few times. When it was working before, it wouldn't gain a net charge when plugged in while gaming/on. Upon opening the tab, the label said the battery was made by an American company in China.

In goes a new battery from a Chinese company, I (tried to) kill it again a few times by draining power to zero. Nope it takes a lick and keeps on ticking. What's more important, it actually gains a charge when I plug in to continue my games, something that a normal battery should be doing.

Americans think they have the best tech in world when my RL experience leaves me with a bad taste. I shall say no to American softwares too tyvm!
lol A lot of misinformed wannabe tech guru and glueless talking about tech.

Creating an OS is NOT hard! As a Huawei Software Engineer working in AI area, I can tell you that.

To have a successful OS, you need to create an ecosystem that allows app developers, phone manufacturers to easily put a UI on top layer. The hardest part is in fact not the app developers part. Between China, Russia, and yes your India, there is enough bright mind think like to easily create a strong foundation of consistent app developer market and train them slow to scale up. You don't think Samsung looking at this and cannot wait for a future without Android? You don't think the Korean are craving for a 3rd alternative. Back then, Samsung already plan to produce alternative to android but Google beg them to stop in exchange the US allows carriers to work with Samsung. But Samsung and like other Korean phone manufacturers always dream of that creating their own OS.

Now the threat is real, companies will align to make it work. I think Huawei needs to work with the Korean to make this a real challenge. It can be done. More phone manufacturers join, with big market access, app developers will join to ripe that reward. The real challenge is communication. Like I said, looks at the US IT department, most are Chinese, Indian import, Russian software talent anyway. They are the one building the core US software infrastructure. And all can communicate in the English language so it makes the workflow very smooth. So the challenge for us again is not creating OS, we have it already and very easily port. What hard is bringing different people with different language barriers together to talk. As a senior software, I can say it is the one problem I can't find a solution yet. Chinese is just hard for foreigner to learn imo.

Also I want to say that the future of open source is the key. Meaning no government intervention whatsoever. Google is just a masquerade clown as Open Source champion but they are not. To have real open source, you need an alliance of top IT tech in different coutnries joining force to create a OS ecosystem. It then becomes a real multinational platform.
Exactly my point, creating an OS is not hard, the ecosystem and adoption is. Before Huawei ban, there is no inventive nor need for a neutral OS, when US start to politisize an open source OS, google is suddenly evil and not as innocent anymore. Before trump, if we force 1.3 bil to use Harmony OS, we would face WTO protectionism charges, now US is forcing us to do it. No more excuses.

Imagine a future where every phone manufacturer forms a consortium for truly neutral OS and no more monopolies. You will see people flocking to use it, create porting software to access google services. Use can use a web browser to access gmail etc, there is no need to dl the app.
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