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Huawei revenues extend decline in first quarter as telecoms giant struggles under US sanctions

I am pretty confident that number is more than the entire GDP of Greece. I think there're few cities in China/India with GDP more than entire Greece.

Says someone from a country with zero hygienic standards :D

Most European countries mark the new year with Chinese fireworks. They start every year with something Chinese but apparently "China was never able to leave any mark outside its borders"... literally leaves a mark in European skies at the start of every year lol.

Nowadays every household from London to Buenos Aires are "marked" with Chinese produce. So much for never leaving a mark. Let the excuses and copium flow... China copied and this that whatever cope the perennial losers prefer to use. Losers have to use copium after all. Cry harder haters.

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in response to the very selectively targeted statement from Apollon - "Btw China is and always was opressive. Look i fly Argentina in Nobember, board a ship to Antarctica there. You cant even leave your flat because winnie the pooh ordered all your people locked in . Thats opression."

So China in its lockdown doesn't allow travel. I know for a fact Australia didn't either during its lockdown. But so it must be okay to condemn China exactly when it does lockdown and ignore the fact that others have used lockdowns as well. But this is the time to be selective. Is it me or Euro fanboys can't think.

Europeans never oppressive????????? Really? o_O

European self deception at full force. Yes only Xi's China has ever been oppressive and only it will ever be oppressive ... as per European definition of it. European oppression cannot be called that according to them. Everyone else especially their enemies however, well those people are the worst! they are subhuman unlike Euros.

We could always travel and always leave the house. We never had such bizarre lockdown policies as China. Winnie Pooh treats his slaves like shit.
Says someone from a country with zero hygienic standards :D

We could always travel and always leave the house. We never had such bizarre lockdown policies as China. Winnie Pooh treats his slaves like shit.
Oh yeah, millions of you worthless European and American slaves have perished like shits so far in the pandemic due to the incompetence of your govs and societies, are you proud now and where are your human rights ? Are you jealousy that the Chines "slaves" are still living their lives. ? You ill and wicked Western whites just want to see Chinese like you to have tens of millions of Chinese lose their lives so it will look good on you and at the same you can bitch about Chinese system failure. Chinese don't need you whites' approval, so stop bitching about Chinese practice that is of no concern to you !
Oh yeah, millions of you worthless European and American slaves have perished like shits so far in the pandemic due to the incompetence of your govs and societies, are you proud now and where are your human rights ? Are you jealousy that the Chines "slaves" are still living their lives. ? You ill and wicked Western whites just want to see Chinese like you to have tens of millions of Chinese lose their lives so it will look good on you and at the same you can bitch about Chinese system failure. Chinese don't need you whites' approval, so stop bitching about Chinese practice that is of no concern to you !

Survival of the fittest bro. Covid has no diferent lethality than flu. I got it and it was just a runny nose for 5 days. You are scared of that? 😂

Living your life? Locked in a flat as ordered by Winnie Pooh?

While you are locked in, we do as we please. :D

Fun fact, since chinese population has zero resilience against the Virus, it will ravage you for months to come. Cut down your economy and weaken you further. For us thats good news.
Survival of the fittest bro. Covid has no diferent lethality than flu. I got it and it was just a runny nose for 5 days. You are scared of that? 😂

Living your life? Locked in a flat as ordered by Winnie Pooh?

While you are locked in, we do as we please. :D

Fun fact, since chinese population has zero resilience against the Virus, it will ravage you for months to come. Cut down your economy and weaken you further. For us thats good new
So You Europeans and whites basically believe and act according to the savage law of jungles, survival of fittest, you said it yourself ! Talk to the millions that have perished and their families in your society and see how they feel about your system and way ! If death happens to one of your family members, then see how will you feel and don't give me this your ultra selfish shit talk now.
So You Europeans and whites basically believe and act according to the savage law of jungles, survival of fittest, you said it yourself ! Talk to the millions that have perished and their families in your society and see how they feel about your system and way ! If death happens to one of your family members, then see how will you feel and don't give me this your ultra selfish shit talk now.

Hard to find someone who died from a virus with such low deathrate.

Btw serious question, is winnie poo realy banned?

German Embassy in Beijing has him as logo


yeah & being slaughtered by covid19 like flies....

Dude its a cold. The flu in 2017 was worse.

Canada bans China's Huawei Technologies from 5G networks​

May 20, 202212:49 AM ET

TORONTO — Wireless carriers in Canada won't be allowed to install Huawei equipment in their high-speed 5G networks, the Canadian government said Thursday, joining allies in banning the giant Chinese technology company.
Canada had been the only member of the Five Eyes intelligence-pooling alliance not to bar or restrict use of equipment from Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. in its 5G networks. The U.S. and the other members — Britain, Australia and New Zealand — previously banned Huawei.
"We are announcing our intention to prohibit the inclusion of Huawei and ZTE products and services in Canada's telecommunications systems," Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne said.
Canada's ban also includes ZTE Corp., one of China's biggest tech companies and one that is state-owned.
Champagne added that "providers who already have this equipment installed will be required to cease its use and remove it." He said Canada's wireless companies won't be offered compensation.

The Latest U.S. Blow To China's Huawei Could Knock Out Its Global 5G Plans

Canada's major wireless companies already had started working with other providers.
"There are many hostile actors who are ready to exploit vulnerabilities in our defenses," Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino said.
Mendicino said the government did an extensive review and is redoubling efforts to protect Canadians.
China condemned the move against one of its national champions as a form of "political manipulation" carried out in coordination with the U.S., which was aimed at "suppressing" Chinese companies in violation of free market principles.
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"China will comprehensively and seriously evaluate this incident and take all necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies," the Chinese Embassy in Canada said in a statement posted on its website.


In Reversal, U.K. Will Ban Huawei Equipment From Its 5G Network

China commonly employs such language in commercial disputes, which often does not lead to a firm response from Beijing.
The U.S. government has been lobbying allies like Canada for years to exclude Huawei from new ultra-fast 5G mobile networks over worries that China's communist rulers could compel the company to help with cyberespionage. The U.S. has warned it would reconsider intelligence sharing with any countries that use Huawei gear.
The company has repeatedly denied the allegations.
"We're disappointed but not surprised. We're surprised it took the government so long to make a decision," Huawei spokesman Alykhan Velshi said. "We see this as a political decision, one born of political pressure primarily from the United States."
Velshi said there will be Huawei equipment in Canada for years to come. He said the company has over 1,500 employees in Canada and two-thirds of them work in research and development.
The development of 5G, or fifth-generation, networks will give people speedier online connections and provide vast data capacity to meet ravenous demand as more and more things link to the internet and innovations such as virtual reality, immersive gaming and autonomous vehicles emerge.
Huawei is the biggest global supplier of network gear for phone and internet companies. It has been a symbol of China's progress in becoming a technological world power — and a subject of U.S. security and law enforcement concerns. Some analysts say Chinese companies have flouted international rules and norms and stolen technology.
China, the U.S. and Canada completed what was effectively a high-stakes prisoner swap last year involving a top executive from Huawei who had been charged with fraud by the U.S.
China jailed two Canadians shortly after Canada arrested Meng Wanzhou, Huawei Technologies' chief financial officer and the daughter of the company's founder, on a U.S. extradition request. They were sent back to Canada in September, the same day Meng returned to China after reaching a deal with U.S. authorities in her case.
Many countries labeled China's action "hostage politics," while China has described the charges against Huawei and Meng as a politically motivated attempt to hold back China's economic and technological development.
"The decision should have been taken two or three years ago, but it's a case of better late than never," Guy Saint-Jacques, a former Canadian ambassador to China, said of the move to ban Huawei. "We are faced with a China that is a lot more aggressive in the conduct of its foreign policy but also in the way it obtains information to achieve its goals."
Saint-Jacques said that under Chinese law no company can refuse a request from the Chinese government to share information, so it would have been impossible to allow Huawei's participation.
He expects China to retaliate.
"I expect we will hear from them pretty rapidly," he said. "They use trade as a weapon and I suspect that's what we'll see in this case."
Well many brags from US fanboys and bootlickers said back in 2019 they'd be able to kill Huawei. Dropped less than Dow Jones and S&P 500, not even correcting for US "inflation" ahem hyperinflation dressed up as "temporary inflation".

How is Huawei alive and kicking despite all out assault? So much for killing Huawei that even the total best effort at killing Huawei only gave it a few years of reduced income... which is still billions per year. Apple has had much worse runs for much longer in its corporate history than Huawei and this is almost Huawei's entire phone division on international market.

Oops... all done after trade war and attacks on Huawei.

"But delays, deferrals and a serious funding shortfall have left that threat largely unaddressed, and Chinese technology remains in place throughout America — including in some surprising places. More than 100 telecom providers are still connecting mobile phone calls for hundreds of thousands of customers with gear from Huawei Technologies Co. and ZTE Corp. Chinese-made equipment is also still serving Department of Defense facilities, the corporate jets of some of the largest US companies and the biggest commercial airlines."

Volkswagen in talks with Huawei on autonomous driving unit


US carriers ask the FCC for $5.6 billion to replace Huawei and ZTE equipment

Huawei wins major energy storage project contract in Saudi Arabia

The testing, which the Radio Research Institute is conducting jointly with Huawei, is the first such study outside of China. The Radio Research Institute (submitted by the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation), together with Huawei, is testing equipment for servicing 5G + networks in the 6.4-7.1 GHz band in Moscow.

Huawei Cloud gets world’s first cloud native satellite with sky computing constellation in space

Global telecom revenue for Huawei has only increased since. International phone market division even entirely gone was not even a quarter of Huawei. In any case the engineers in Huawei's phone division simply go work elsewhere and the other major Chinese electronics companies have actually gained almost commensurate market share. Samsung has continued to go down overall and Apple stable. Samsung's phone losses in market share and Huawei's taken by other Chinese companies. End of the day, there are dozens of tech domains Huawei is involved in, since the trade war, several new ones they weren't in before. One door closes another opens.

Even if People's Republic of China invades the Republic of China and takes over TSMC, there's many other leading fabricators and TSMC will or have transferred a lot of technology to the US already if not building the planned fab in the US.

There will be available ICs for everyone everywhere even if TSMC is barred from trading with anyone outside China. Perhaps lots of shortages but old nodes can be used then. Not really a big deal in the big picture.

However PRC will not invade ROC based on how the Ukraine thing is going. Even the military aspect is too different. Taiwan as an island is considerably harder to invade and maintain supply lines if US and Japan get involved... compared to Russia and Ukraine. Taiwan thing depends on how Taiwan's politics go and the internal struggle between Taiwanese and DPP and KMT. KMT these days are very much pro reunification that DPP markets to Taiwanese as traitorous and dangerous because KMT is open to reunification. If Taiwan declares independence and hosts strategic weapons from outside or significant troops beyond some unknown level (to be decided I suppose by how comfortable PRC is about it) then PRC would potentially invade as those are its red lines. Otherwise the hope is peaceful reunification in time. Internal Taiwanese politics is 80% of the game and many underhanded methods employed are more effective than weapons and brute force.

Huawei is off limits in USA, UK, Australia, NZ, Canada, India and EU
Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies Co said its first quarter revenues declined 13.9 per cent year on year as US sanctions continued to take a toll on its operations.

The decline, however, marked a deceleration from the 28.6 per cent drop in full-year revenues for 2021.

Huawei has become so irrelevant I almost forgot they existed. :lol:
Exactly, Huawei is dead. Lol

Huawei is off limits in USA, UK, Australia, NZ, Canada, India and EU
So if you can't compete, you ban it? That's a bit like a loser right?
LOL You don't get banned because you're weak. No. You get banned because the crybabies are very afraid of you. I'm sure TikTok will be banned soon, as well. However, just like Trump's failed "too easy to win" trade war, the result will be the same for Biden's "tech war".

Innovation: China files almost half of the world's patents, India lags far behind - Check details​

Patents Filing: Asia's share in patent filing has increased, and out of the world's total patents being filed - two-thirds are now being filed from the continent. A large share of this comes from China alone.

Innovation: China files almost half of the world's patents, India lags far behind - Check details

China is continuously increasing its investment in the field of technology and innovation. Last year, the country had filed more than 1.5 million patents. Pic: Pixabay

Patents Filing: 2021 was a particularly good one from the point of view of innovations, as 3.4 million patents were filed in the year. This is the highest number of patents ever filed in a single year. Before this, the highest number of patents filed was 3.3 million, in the year 2018.

In particular, Asia's share in patent filing has increased, and out of the world's total patents being filed - two-thirds are now being filed from the continent. A large share of this comes from China alone —which files about half of the world's patents. On the other hand, India's performance has improved, but China still files 25 times more patents than India.

Nearly half of world's patent applications are from China
China is continuously increasing its investment in the field of technology and innovation. Last year, the country had filed more than 1.5 million patents. This was about 46% of the total patents filed in the world. Out of the top 10 patent-filing countries, China alone has filed more patents than the other 9 countries combined.

Also, there is a huge difference in the number of patents filed by China and the US. China applies for more than twice as many patents as the US. China filed 5.9% more patents in 2021 than the year before that.


Patent Filing: India's performance improves, now at number six in the world
When it comes to filing patents, India ranks sixth in the world — it has improved one position as compared to the previous year. India's rise has come at the cost of Germany, which has fallen one spot in the ranking.

India filed 61,573 patents in the year 2021. This is 8.5% more than the previous year. The country also stood at the sixth position in terms of obtaining patents. India received 30,721 patents — which is 10 percent more than the number of patents received the year before.

India is one of the few countries that has been able to grow in double-digits in obtaining patents.

China's dominance

It takes time to file and obtain a patent. For this reason, the number of patents filed and the patents obtained in a year cannot be compared fairly.

However, in the year 2021 alone, 1.76 million patents were granted worldwide. Of these,

China received a maximum of 6,95,946 patents. The US stood second, with 327,307 patents received. After this comes Japan (184,372) and South Korea (145882) and the European Patent Office - EPO (108,799).

Patent Filing: Chinese company Huawei at the forefront

Out of the top 10 companies that have obtained patents, three are from China. Chinese brand Huawei obtained the maximum number of 6952 patents. Oppo has got 2,208 and BOE has received 1,980 patents.


The American company Qualcomm comes at the second position with 3,931 patents received. South Korea's Samsung and LG have received 3041 and 2885 patents, respectively.
Three Japanese companies - Mitsubishi, Sony and Panasonic - also feature in the list of top 10 companies with most patents received.

more@ https://www.zeebiz.com/zeebiz-exclu...india-lagging-far-behind-check-details-209741


Huawei retains lead in telecom equipment market in first half​

October 6, 2022

Telecom equipment market revenue increased 3 percent year-over-year during the first half of 2022 as against 7 percent increase in 2021.

Huawei, Nokia, Ericsson, ZTE, Cisco, Ciena and Samsung are the top vendors in the global telecom equipment market.

Telecom Equipment Revenue H1 2022

Challenging comparisons in 5G markets, component shortages, the strengthening USD, supplier exits in Russia, and slower wireless activity in Japan and India weighed on some of the technology segments in the first half.

Surging demand for broadband equipment was not enough to offset tepid developments in RAN, optical transport, and routers in second quarter of 2022.

Telecom equipment business in North America and China grew at a double-digit rate and a high single-digit rate in the first half, respectively. Market conditions were challenging in the Asia Pacific region (APAC). Telecom equipment revenues in Europe turned negative in the second quarter, reflecting the stronger USD and supplier exits in Russia.

A report from Dell’Oro said telecom equipment vendor dynamics were stable between 2021 and 1H22, with the top 7 suppliers driving around 80 percent of the overall market.

Huawei benefitted from its telecom equipment leadership position in China during 1H22.

Huawei’s telecom equipment revenue share decline outside of China was negligible. Huawei accounted for 18 percent of the telecom equipment market in H1.

China Telecom Equipment Revenue H1 2022
Global telecom equipment revenues are projected to increase 4 percent in 2022 and record a fifth consecutive year of growth, Dell’Oro said.

Dell’Oro’s Telecom Capex report suggests that the majority of the mobile operators are not revising their Capex guidance at this juncture. USD-based Capex projections have been revised downward to reflect the USD gains against most other major currencies in recent months.

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