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Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou reaches agreement with US to resolve fraud charges

People have poor memory.

Today marks the day over two decades ago when Asian American scientist Dr. Wen Ho Lee became the target of racial scapegoating and profiling by his own country, and faced injustice as a result of a failure on all levels of government. On December 10, 1999, Dr. Lee was arrested and accused of providing nuclear secrets to the government of China. Despite lacking any evidence of economic espionage, Dr. Lee was jailed in solitary confinement for nine months without bail. Dr. Lee was only allowed to see his family for one hour every week, and was constantly shackled hand and foot, a different treatment from other prisoners at the Santa Fe jail.
After a five-year investigation that involved polygraphs, interrogations, and even incarceration, the FBI did not find any evidence that Dr. Lee was a spy for the government of China. After 278 days of solitary confinement without bail, Dr. Lee was finally freed after the government’s case crumbled, lacking any merit and settled on a plea bargain for just one count of mishandling


There were 60 agents and more assigned to Lee's case, working to prove that he was a spy.

The guy had access to nuclear weapons research and was taking data home (which he admitted). Sorry for overreacting by sticking him in a box for 6 months while they looked into what he could have done. If this was China they would have shot him on the spot.
I see many pathetic American propaganda bots blatantly lying all over the internet trying to claim Meng is "guilty".

She's in China and America has been utterly humiliated in front of the world. The Caucasian American's kidnapping diplomacy has failed. America is a failed rogue terrorist state that cannot compete so it lies, cheats and steal while its men jerk off to Blacked.com
Look the same pattern story of fake accusations by usa mafia regime:

Human rights attorney Steven Donziger has now been under house arrest in his New York City apartment for two years. The reason for his detainment, as Lee Camp puts it in this clip from “Redacted Tonight,” is that Donziger made it his business to hold Chevron accountable for how the Big Oil megacorp “harmed, sickened and killed tens of thousands in Ecuador” and tried to avoid paying “billions of dollars” in restitutions.
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With my understanding of China, I can tell you with certainty:

1. Meng Wanzhou will not plead guilty. Because her plead guilty is equivalent to Huawei's death in the Chinese market.

2. Two Canadians will not be released and will be executed. Google plz, drug trafficking in China is definitely the death penalty, no matter what nationality he is. China never uses drug dealers for trading.
I guess your second certainty just got busted.
so why are you obsessed with PDF? are you getting paid for posting here? EXPLAIN YOURSELF.

I worked with Pakistani-Americans who showed me this Pakistani-American run defense site started by a teen in Indianapolis, Indiana, US.

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So what's your ridiculously weak obsession excuse for a Chinese person visiting this US site (yes, it is a US site..BIG HINT: It's in English not Urdu) on the other side of the planet banned by the Great Firewall thus requiring all the Chinese members here to use a Chinese Government specially authorized VPN? WTF!!!!

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It's obvious you are all being paid by your government to post on US-based forum sites. You don't see any American PDF members posting in defense forums in China. :cuckoo:

Don't make us all laugh by saying your Pakistani-American co-workers pointed you to it. More like the CCP assigned it to you. You probably have never even met anybody from Pakistan in your entire life.
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I'm talking about Canadian drug dealers. You're talking about spies.
Robert sherenberg has been sentenced to death in the second instance.
Was he a part of kidnapping foreign policy?
The guy had access to nuclear weapons research and was taking data home (which he admitted). Sorry for overreacting by sticking him in a box for 6 months while they looked into what he could have done. If this was China they would have shot him on the spot.
Again arguing from the fringes. Lots of people work from home and do take confidential information home with them.

The BIG ELEPHANT in the room is that the more serious charges of spying was dismissed because over 60 FBI agents could not find any evidences.
You still don’t understand.
No, Meng doesn’t break China laws not HK laws. She breaks US laws. She told untrue to Hscb in a meeting in HK.
It doesn’t matter that she is chinese. If communist leader Xi Jingping breaks US laws he would be arrested and extradited to the US.
The US is the global superpower. She decides whether you are allowed to wear pants in red or blue.
I think you are the one who does not understand. US laws don't apply in CHINA genius. US can decide your pants not mine okay slave. Look in the end, we forced them to return our people, had it been French or Indian, they would have been shafted. Lol. That's the difference between a superpower and a wannabe. We can buy irannian and Venezuelan oil, so?
Forced or False confession?

In exchange for a release order from US DoJ. :cheers:
WTF? Are you really that clueless?? This isn't the formula for Krabby Patties.
This is Top Secret clearance stuff that is not allowed to leave secure buildings.
LOL. Apparently everybody else think it was very minor.

Judge Parker apologized to Dr. Lee for the unfair manner in which he was treated. The judge also regretted being misled by the executive branch into ordering Dr. Lee's detention, stating that he was led astray by the Department of Justice, by its FBI, and by its United States attorney. He formally denounced the government for abuse of power in its prosecution of the case.[20][21][22] Later, President Bill Clinton remarked that he had been "troubled" by the way Dr. Lee was treated.
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