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HRW says Pakistan deported 600,000 Afghans forcibly

Devil Soul

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HRW says Pakistan deported 600,000 Afghans forcibly
Home / World / HRW says Pakistan deported 600,000 Afghans forcibly
February 13, 2017
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KABUL: Pakistan is conducting mass repatriation of Afghan refugees through coercion, threats and abuse, Human Rights Watch said in a scathing report Monday, accusing the UN refugee agency of complicity in promoting the exodus.

The report said nearly 600,000 Afghans have been deported since July 2016. The returnees include 365,000 registered refugees.

The 76-page report, entitled "Pakistan Coercion, UN Complicity: The Mass Forced Return of Afghan Refugees", called the mass repatriation the world´s largest forced return of refugees.

"After decades of hosting Afghan refugees, Pakistan in mid-2016 unleashed the world´s largest recent anti-refugee crackdowns to coerce their mass return," said Gerry Simpson, a refugee researcher at Human Rights Watch.

"Because the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) didn´t stand up publicly to Pakistan´s bullying and abuses, international donors should step in to press the government and UN to protect the remaining Afghan refugees in Pakistan."

The report quoted a 26-year-old Afghan who was forced to return to Kabul with his wife and two children after Pakistani security forces stormed into their house.

"In July, 11 soldiers and police came to our home at 3am. They entered without asking and threw all our things on the floor. They demanded to see our refugee cards and said they were expired," the man was quoted as saying.

"Then they stole all our money and told us to leave Pakistan."

The report was also critical of the UNHCR, saying that by doubling its cash grants to Afghans returning from Pakistan to $400, it was effectively promoting the exodus.

"The UN refugee agency should end the fiction that the mass forced return of Afghan refugees from Pakistan is, in fact, mass voluntary return," Simpson said.

"If UNHCR feels that giving cash to returning refugees is the best way to help them survive in Afghanistan, it should at the very least make clear it does not consider their return to be voluntary."

There was no immediate reaction to the report from UNHCR or the Pakistani government.
Absolutely necessary. These people need to return and rebuild their own country. HRW can go to hell. If HRW is so concerned they need to ask India or other allies of Afghanistan to take in these refugees. I'm sure the saviors of Afghanistan are more than willing to take in Afghan refugees.

Besides, according to the US and India all is well now in Afghanistan. Roads, bridges, schools, hospitals and other vital infrastructure has been built. The Taliban have been defeated and the Afghans have been liberated. There is no more reason for millions of Afghans to remain in Pakistan. Pakistan has paid the ultimate price. We need our country back now.
Sad that the soldiers stole from refugees, if the story is true.
yeas and 600 000 more r on their way take them is you want.....
The world is full of hypocrisy and shit. This guy has them both. Not only is he talking shit but the hypocrisy that he displays is astounding. There should be two words for him F off
Where was HRW during the US invasion of Afghanistan? Pick and choose organisations they should raise the concerns about the Rohingya. Pakistan has bewn hospitable towards the Afghans for far too long.
If Any one feeling sorry or sad for them. They can take them to their home or country.
But they should remove from Pakistan.
HRW should pay attention to Kashmir.

why is UN not doing anything in Kashmir, where innocents are killed by India daily, at least these refugees are not harmed, they lived in Pakistan for over 30 years, how long can e refugees be living in a host country. besides afghan are leaning more to India than why don't they go to India. it is a shame that they were kept by PKIATN FOR SON LONG THAN THEY FAVOUR ARCH ENEMY OF Pakistan AND LIVE ON PAKISTAN'S LAND USE FOOD AND FACILITIES. FLOURISH IN BUSIBNESSES AND SCHOOLS AND ALL BUT THEY FAVOUR India. WHY. very UNGRATFULL.
Would love to see our Foreign Office ask this organization to take these refugees or shift them to india.
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