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How will Nasr's Neutron warhead neutralize advancing enemy columns...

Indian dhoti checkmate
That's real mature kid,real mature.
Off course they are, but they k ow the reality that their marching columns will be very vulnerable. Quick mobilization is another issue with cold start. The whole concept is based on a theoretical analogy that they'll somehow end up capturing small pockets without enough reststqnce from opposing forces, to be used later as a bargaining tool. Trust me, its far from practical in today's scenario.

Didn't you guys tried A similar adventure back in 65 in rank of kuch and Lahore ?
Not really!!
That test was aimed at both US & china & wasn't against you as we already defeated & divided you in two 3 year before the test ,same cant be said about you who openly declared it towards india
We also have developed Ballistic Missiles for USA and NASR for Afghanistan.
So yeah Cold Start is not dead, Indian army still rehearsing it every year. They are calling the Pakistani bluff, for they understand Pakistan will not be foolish enough to destroy its entire nation, just because it lost a 10 km strip of land.
India must not be foolish enough to declare war on Pakistan......
And Pakistan can use its Ballistic Weapons too, even before Indian nuclear weapons......
We are on Suicidal mission here :D
NASR has officially killed the Cold start doctrine.
Yup, no doubt about it. No matter how much drills they conduct in NBC environment, NASR will always be there to neutralize them.
Every armored division, which will move in Pakistan, they will move under the FEAR that NASR is waiting for them...... And it greatly reduce the Morals when you know that you will turn into Ash even before reaching your CHITTA :enjoy:
NASR treat could be countered by distroying its TEL by the Jaguars with its PGM. Its foolish to assume that the armoured thust is mounted without the aircover. India had already made it clear, any nuclear attack on Indian army or civilian whether its on indian soil or in pakistani soil, will prompt India for the massive nuclear response with unbearable effect to the enemy.
One of the most interesting "belief" among Indian fan boys is that they will find NASR close to border any where in range of 60-70km ...... let's air strike then :lol:

What you are saying makes NASR usless for CSD. CSD means not engaging your main battle lines but slicing and dicing shallow swaths of territories by bypassing the Main Battle lines. CSD is primarily a means for rapid mobilization not massive mobilization in case of a large scale terrorist event.

If NASR is to be used only when we break the battle lines and closing in on pop centres then you might as well keep them in the locker because we have no interest in shooting ourselves.
NASR is very flexible system.
It can be used according to battle requirements.
Unlike popular belief, it is not a Cold Start specific system only.....
bypassing the Main Battle lines.
Main battle lines are not going to be so far apart that you can play slice and dice. War is not a static thing where trenches are dug. Battle lines are troops,, tanks and artillery positions. Look through Punjab, how many battle lines do you think can be bypassed. All the Indian troops will do is come under heavy fire from two different sides with what you are saying.
Whatever the rhetoric they are feeding you, they will go for main battle lines, which is why all organised training consists of heavy armour and quite a lot of it along with air force .
Maybe in Sindh deserts what you are trying could be possible, but there the use of excessive force for Pakistan would not be an issue because it is desert land.
NASR is very flexible system.
It can be used according to battle requirements.
Unlike popular belief, it is not a Cold Start specific system only.....

I agree.

Main battle lines are not going to be so far apart that you can play slice and dice. War is not a static thing where trenches are dug. Battle lines are troops,, tanks and artillery positions. Look through Punjab, how many battle lines do you think can be bypassed. All the Indian troops will do is come under heavy fire from two different sides with what you are saying.
Whatever the rhetoric they are feeding you, they will go for main battle lines, which is why all organised training consists of heavy armour and quite a lot of it along with air force .
Maybe in Sindh deserts what you are trying could be possible, but there the use of excessive force for Pakistan would not be an issue because it is desert land.

TBH I am woefully under-equipped to contradict you. What I have told you is the broad contours of CSD that doesn't mean it's all gonna go according to the plan. I am sure in this day and age where real time information is available as @Dazzler said it is not realistic to have a static set pieces and both armies will be equally mobile leading credence to what you have suggested. Perhaps that is why all the newer Indian commanders don't talk of CSD but just practice for rapid response
you havent developed any ballastic missile its only chinese & DPRK missile repainted in green ,a country with annual output of 5 to 7 Patent a year with zero in design for a decade can only build tolia & chaddar not missile & as for your nasr wet dream read this carefully & increase your knowledge posted by your own countrymen https://defence.pk/threads/the-limited-military-utility-of-pakistan’s-battlefield-use-of-nuclear-weapons.333755/
As long as they are working we got no problem with that.
And as per rest, we give a Mid Finger to what you think.
You better suck choosni, nipple or any body part of your, all I care :tdown:
TBH I am woefully under-equipped to contradict you. What I have told you is the broad contours of CSD that doesn't mean it's all gonna go according to the plan. I am sure in this day and age where real time information is available as @Dazzler said it is not realistic to have a static set pieces and both armies will be equally mobile leading credence to what you have suggested. Perhaps that is why all the newer Indian commanders don't talk of CSD but just practice for rapid response
positions change, but losses to an extent which call for nuclear weapons will lead to an all out war. There is a reason India is working on deep strike attacks, working on its air force, working on supersonic cruise missiles which have no real effect in the war against China, it is all a very well laid out plan which will end up in a nuclear holocaust.
That is why the efforts for Indian Ballistic shield to be made stronger because nuclear war is very possible and probable the next time a war and not a skirmish breaks out.
Enjoy...and have a positive discussion

This video in the end say's that Nasr basically contain a Neutron bomb. that's why it emit Neutrons only. so the area where Nasr is used can be utilized by human's after sometime (don't know how much ) by human's. so it mean's Pakistan can Use Nasr on it's own soil against Indian forces.... Seems Logical

@DESERT FIGHTER , @Zarvan , @Imran Khan .. Your thoughts sir
you havent developed any ballastic missile its only chinese & DPRK missile repainted in green ,a country with annual output of 5 to 7 Patent a year with zero in design for a decade can only build tolia & chaddar not missile & as for your nasr wet dream read this carefully & increase your knowledge posted by your own countrymen https://defence.pk/threads/the-limit...’s-battlefield-use-of-nuclear-weapons.333755/
will it carry a nuclear weapon whatever it's origin... YES
No more derailing posts

This video in the end say's that Nasr basically contain a Neutron bomb. that's why it emit Neutrons only. so the area where Nasr is used can be utilized by human's after sometime (don't know how much ) by human's. so it mean's Pakistan can Use Nasr on it's own soil against Indian forces.... Seems Logical
did you watch the video??
If you did the answers are very clear, the whole premise of tactical nucs is clear... Read older threads first all the answers are there
NASR treat could be countered by distroying its TEL by the Jaguars
Not really :/, I'll explain.
Its foolish to assume that the armoured thust is mounted without the aircover
Even more foolish to thing PA won't deploy SAMs on the ground, the Jaguar would be an easy target especially as it would be flying at lower altitudes. Plus it would have to loiter about to locate and target NASR TELs in a dense air-defense environment. Not feasible.
Just last month , India conducted a massive exercise based on Cold start.
Quick mobilisation of forces to capture shallow gains in enemy territory.
PA would be there first, believe me Pakistan Army has increased it's defensive deployment to such an extent, it would stagger it's opponents, you can chant the glory of your armed forces, undermine ours, but the reality is all too different.
Cold Start
The amount of armor needed by India to commence the Doctrine is not sufficient, how Indians perceive the Cold Start is as if it's a type of an Indian "Blitzkrieg", in reality it lags behind in sufficient armor, equipment and a battle proven command center. Again, Germans would deploy a hundred tanks, to crush a small; ill-equipped forces here however the scenario is entirely different. Again, typical self-glorification on your side, I guess I'm done here. :coffee:
positions change, but losses to an extent which call for nuclear weapons will lead to an all out war. There is a reason India is working on deep strike attacks, working on its air force, working on supersonic cruise missiles which have no real effect in the war against China, it is all a very well laid out plan which will end up in a nuclear holocaust.
That is why the efforts for Indian Ballistic shield to be made stronger because nuclear war is very possible and probable the next time a war and not a skirmish breaks out.

I fail to grasp this plan. Common sense dictates India cannot hold territory inside Pakistan, A third rate caveman militants of Taliban made life hell for mightiest coalition of forces ever assembled in Afghanistan. What can India achieve with deep strikes against professional army of Pakistan with the full backing of China?

Indian commanders are well aware of the realities and constraints facing them and all response would be proportional and equitable.
I fail to grasp this plan. Common sense dictates India cannot hold territory inside Pakistan, A third rate caveman militants of Taliban made life hell for mightiest coalition of forces ever assembled in Afghanistan. What can India achieve with deep strikes against professional army of Pakistan with the full backing of China?
politicians send armies to war, not military generals... Unlike civilians the Indian Army knows that they can either push or pull back their armies, holding static will be a death sentence which is why they are going to try and break main battle lines and they know this will lead to a nuclear war. Which is why Indian army drags its feet and lets head cool... Whatever training your army has, it will not ever implement a cold war type attack because it knows what it will end up as.
Take a page out of Russian doctrine, they will use nuclear weapons against an over whelming conventional attack. That is Russia, with strategic depth, no armies amassed at its borders....
So yeah Cold Start is not dead, Indian army still rehearsing it every year. They are calling the Pakistani bluff, for they understand Pakistan will not be foolish enough to destroy its entire nation, just because it lost a 10 km strip of land.

Tell me, you didn't watched the video from 06:45 onward as @SecularNationalist told you. right ??

Please stop Posting Nonsense ..
Nothing can survive bombardment of neutron particles in a certain area. Even if people inside are safe from extreme radiation still their Electronic equipment will be toasted.

A neutron bomb only affects living things.

NASR has officially killed the Cold start doctrine.

And has invited an Indian first strike instead.
politicians send armies to war, not military generals... Unlike civilians the Indian Army knows that they can either push or pull back their armies, holding static will be a death sentence which is why they are going to try and break main battle lines and they know this will lead to a nuclear war. Which is why Indian army drags its feet and lets head cool... Whatever training your army has, it will not ever implement a cold war type attack because it knows what it will end up as.
Take a page out of Russian doctrine, they will use nuclear weapons against an over whelming conventional attack. That is Russia, with strategic depth, no armies amassed at its borders....

There is a third way b/w all out strike and no response - quick in and out. Our only interest is to destroy the terror infrastructure in your Kashmir and Punjab. couple of companies of para sf or precision strikes by mirages with su-30 cover would be sufficient to the task.

I will anticipate your response and add the following

1. Any losses will be minimal to the Kashmiri Freedom fighters as you call them and quickly replenished with a even bigger amount. It will also incite Pakistani pop against India and as such prove counter productive

2. There is no guarantee that mirages, su-30 and para sf will make it back out.

I agree but noone ever said WAR is a RISKFREE enterprise.

All that matters is if the Indian politicians will have the gumption, to that answer is it depends on the mood of the Indian population. Any event such as Mumbai would "this time" guarantee a response. Smaller scale attacks such as Gurdaspur and Pathankot on the otherhand would be deal with using third party channels.
There is a third way b/w all out strike and no response - quick in and out. Our only interest is to destroy the terror infrastructure in your Kashmir and Punjab. couple of companies of para sf or precision strikes by mirages with su-30 cover would be sufficient to the task.
That is some ego that quick in and out and no response... The planes would be taking off, the anti air would be ready... Remember, we know your targets well and we know how to reciprocate... Which is why there is alot of talk and no action...
All that matters is if the Indian politicians will have the gumption, to that answer is it depends on the mood of the Indian population. Any event such as Mumbai would "this time" guarantee a response. Smaller scale attacks such as Gurdaspur and Pathankot on the otherhand would be deal with using third party channels.
Yes, the wonderful thing is that we as a nation are now convinced India has no designs of peace. Any attempt of an Indian attack will be neutered as it enters our borders, remember we look quite a bit inside your borders... Whether it is our radars or our HUMINT we shall know and respond and all that will happen is a loss of a few planes and a lot of chest thumping for more action. A very immature post... This time or that time, whatever keeps you happy.
Must I get down to your level, then be it... Your planes are hardly air worthy half the time, the army can not train without its troop dying of heat, and you want to talk about attacking others... This is the level of response that post deserves. What is the air force going to use its Su 30s with their mile long RCS will be a little duck saying shoot me. The big bird will be shot down if it does not crash first, maybe a few even penetrate but by then the camps will be emptied. Shoot and destroy a training course or a single building, and beat your chests and mourn the loss of the pilots killed because their leaders were idiots.
let us keep what if's to a level which is believable. Or else get these type of responses....

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