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How Will India's Attempted Hinduization Impact Pakistan and the World?

Let them. I sincerely hope they do. I'm actually hoping the indian leader causes strife with the indian Muslims. Those patriotic indian Muslims will then understand the true nature of the hindu race. Thank Alla swt for Pakistan.
You have no idea what your 2% of remaining Hindus have done to us. In spite of everything they have remained there and continue to provide us information that would otherwise be suspect. :azn:
Religions may not be same but we are the same race and culture.
The irony is humans need a reason to fight.
Hypothetically speaking, even if all Muslims of subcontinent covert back to Hinduism, we will still find a reason to fight - be it based on language, caste, class, region, food, clothes and what not.
Only proper education (not referring to degrees from colleges) can lead to peaceful societies and world at large..
But unfortunately politics (all types - domestic, international, religious etc.) survive on the divisions of the society and hence would not allow people to be educated. Politics need people to be emotional who could be swayed by sabre rattling.. This thread is just one of those examples....

Same race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........Most certainly not!. This is often said by Indians from india who have been taught some severe propaganda and other false notions about Pakistanis. I can confirm this as I live in London (UK), the most cosmopolitan city in the world. I have seen thousands of Indians and Pakistanis my whole life and regardless of what anyone says, not only are Pakistanis a different race to Indians but the vast majority of Pakistanis look completely different to Indians. There is a huge physical difference between Pakistanis and Indians. No way do we look indian. I can spot an indian a mile away. If anything, looking at the congregation at London's biggest Mosque after Eid prayers on thursday just gone, I found it hard to distinguish (in terms of looks) between Pakistanis, Arabs, Turks and Iranians/Persians (Even though most Pakistanis do not have a Middle Eastern heritage). And this included the non-religious unbearded Pakistanis, Arabs, Turks and Iranians/Persians. Saying that Pakistanis are the same race as Indians because they are classified as being "brown" is like saying Iraqis, Tunisians and Brazilians are also the same race as Indians because they too are also classified as "brown". Perhaps Saddam Hussein was indian also.

May be you belong to some of few sects that have Arab lineage but this cannot be claimed for the majority of the population. In that sense you are unique.

Lastly, Pakistani culture is also completely different to indian culture. Pakistani culture is Islamic-centric wheras indian culture is hindu-centric. Islam and hinduism are both very alien to eacother.

As I have already said we have separate religions but remember culture is not just religion. It encompasses both religious and non religious things. Incase of non religious things like food, corruption, greed, mentality, quality, discipline, music, dance etc. there are pretty much the same.
May be you belong to some of few sects that have Arab lineage but this cannot be claimed for the majority of the population. In that sense you are unique.

As I have already said we have separate religions but remember culture is not just religion. It encompasses both religious and non religious things. Incase of non religious things like food, corruption, greed, mentality, quality, discipline, music, dance etc. there are pretty much the same.

No. I live in London (UK). The most ethnically diverse and cosmopolitan city in the world. Where millions of Pakistanis AND indians live. What I say is based on over 30 years of personal observation and experience. I have seen 1000s of Pakistanis and indians and have come to my conclusions based on that. A ground reality. I have not based my opinions and conclusions on media propaganda or what is said or written on the internet. Or even what my older relatives say. indians from india say Pakistanis are the same race as them but UK born indians don't because they are aware of the true reality. I cannot speak for Hinduism or indian culture, but Islam is the massive factor and overriding force in Pakistani culture. The essence of Pakistan is Islam. Pakistanis and indians have reached a stage were the very little bit of commonality and similarity there may have been decades ago has all but disappeared now. Dead and buried.There is no connection left.

I'm far from unique. Just a fairly well educated, everyday, decent and independent Pakistani male born and bred in London. It's really patronising when indians try to tell us what our heritage is. indians from india try to claim us Pakistanis as their own people. We don't even look like them. We are not like you or the same race as you. And never will be.
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Independent intellectuals attacked by Sangh Parivar assassins in #India as #Hindu fundamentalism grows under #Modi Secular thinkers under attack in India as religious fundamentalism grows - LA Times

Kalburgi, who vocally opposed the Hindu practice of idol worship, is the latest secular thinker to be assassinated in South Asia. His slaying late last month raises questions about freedom of expression and highlights the growing might of religious fundamentalists across the region.

Hours after Kalburgi was killed, Bhuvith Shetty, a member of the Hindu militant group Bajrang Dal, tweeted in celebration: "Mock Hinduism and die a dog's death. And dear K.S. Bhagwan you are next."

Karnataka boasts one of India's highest literacy rates and includes the technology hub of Bangalore, but it is also home to deeply conservative Hindu groups. Last month in the coastal city of Mangalore, a group of Hindu men spotted a Muslim man speaking with a Hindu woman. They tied him to a pole, stripped him and beat him for nearly an hour, according to police.

Two other high-profile rationalists, Narendra Dabholkar and Govind Pansare, were shot point-blank 18 months apart in the western state of Maharashtra.

Dabholkar, a 68-year-old activist who worked on behalf of villagers exploited by local gurus and so-called godmen, campaigned for the state government to pass an anti-superstition bill. It's been two years since he was killed in the city of Pune, and no one has been charged.

"Fundamentalism in India is growing by the day across religions," Nayak said. "They feel they can scare us into submission but are completely mistaken. The anti-superstition movement in Maharashtra grew stronger after Dabholkar's assassination.

"As far as I am concerned, I would rather die speaking my mind instead of letting disgraceful things unfold in front of my eyes."
The article is really amusing and one does not need to labor much to know why. If I go by the Guardians report, the first slaughter of minorities by the majority Hindus happened almost 40 years after Hindus officially became majority in an independent nation, the next one happened after another long 16 years. Acknowledging the fact that both of these incidents are the darkest phase of Indian secular and democratic history, isn't it a miracle that the people by and large have so far been able to leave in considerable peace and harmony for seventy odd years?

This is an incorrect statement. Other than severe partition riots which continued for 5-10 years after partition there was:

1964 Kolkata
Riots between Hindus and Muslims had left over a hundred people dead, 438 people were injured. Over 7000 people were arrested. 70000 Muslims have fled their homes and 55000 were provided protection by the Indian army. The riot was believed to be instigated by violence against Hindus in East Pakistan and the flow of refugees from there. Violence was also seen in rural West Bengal.[47]

The calcutta riots occurred less than 20 years after partition. Constantly Hindu Muslim violence has reared its ugly head in Indian controlled regions.
What Western political elites and the media often deliberately or non-deliberately tend to ignore is the national psyche of India when it got its independence. Partition was preceded and followed by bloody riots, massacre and rape, Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus with some illuminating exceptions hated each other to the core; whereas Muslims who could not migrate to Pakistan were left with remarkable quagmire and confusion. An old Muslim in Assam went back to his impoverished house when he heard that he could not cast his vote because he was a muslim when the entire nation was celebrating their first election in 1950. Reservation for Muslims were vehemently castigated and denied as a necessary reprisal of Two nation theory. A thin demarcation line became prominent that was already existed during Mughal period, perhaps turned uglier under the British.

This is correct. Punishment of muslims left in Indian occupied parts was severe. They were treated as second class citizens.

Despite such differences, Muslims survived. I can not say the community thwarted towards progress like a majority of Hindus did after the 19th century social and religious reformations, but they were not thrown out of services, businesses neither the state could declare them as non-Indians, plight that the Jews had to face when National Socialists came to power in '34. Though the recent events have been disappointing and brings a lot of disgrace towards the secular image of India, the propagators of the idea that India is being Hinduized and Muslims are facing extinction needs to introspect and realize that there is a difference between impulsive madness ('84 and '01-'02) and systematic persecution (1934-44).

Things have improved and India has won the loyalty of some of my relatives. But the fight is far from over. The conversion to Indian-ness among muslims proves they are winnable. They can be won over. I don't like it since we muslims share common history, relations and ideology and we all voted for Pakistan in 46... but I am being truthful here. They can be won. However the current regime is doing everything not to do and it is chafing the muslims.
Religions may not be same but we are the same race and culture.

The irony is humans need a reason to fight.

Hypothetically speaking, even if all Muslims of subcontinent covert back to Hinduism, we will still find a reason to fight - be it based on language, caste, class, region, food, clothes and what not.

Only proper education (not referring to degrees from colleges) can lead to peaceful societies and world at large..

But unfortunately politics (all types - domestic, international, religious etc.) survive on the divisions of the society and hence would not allow people to be educated. Politics need people to be emotional who could be swayed by sabre rattling.. This thread is just one of those examples....
No. I live in London (UK). The most ethnically diverse and cosmopolitan city in the world. Where millions of Pakistanis AND indians live. What I say is based on over 30 years of personal observation and experience. I have seen 1000s of Pakistanis and indians and have come to my conclusions based on that. A ground reality. I have not based my opinions and conclusions on media propaganda or what is said or written on the internet. Or even what my older relatives say. indians from india say Pakistanis are the same race as them but UK born indians don't because they are aware of the true reality. I cannot speak for Hinduism or indian culture, but Islam is the massive factor and overriding force in Pakistani culture. The essence of Pakistan is Islam. Pakistanis and indians have reached a stage were the very little bit of commonality and similarity there may have been decades ago has all but disappeared now. Dead and buried.There is no connection left.

I'm far from unique. Just a fairly well educated, everyday, decent and independent Pakistani male born and bred in London. It's really patronising when indians try to tell us what our heritage is. indians from india try to claim us Pakistanis as their own people. We don't even look like them. We are not like you or the same race as you. And never will be.

May be you should once visit Pakistan and India to see for yourself how close or different they are..
May be you should once visit Pakistan and India to see for yourself how close or different they are..

Have been to Pakistan over 20 times in my life. Have worked and lived in parts of London with high indian populations. That's why I know Pakistanis are very different to indians. In fact it's extremely difficult to find any similarities between Pakistanis and indians.
Good Luck :lol:

While being an Atheist am not particularly enthusiastic about Hinduism either, but I do agree that Wahabbi influence requires an opposing balance. I just wish that rational humanism was that balance instead of yet another religion.

I feel its good
Hinduization is good for this entire region as it will be like balancing Islamized Pakistan. :)

Sorry above reply was to your post not Napster's.

We are attempting Hinduization and no one told me :mad:

Oh its Haq Musings lol :lol:

Ya this Haq fellow is totally dangerous. At first I used to read some of his blog posts. Then I started noticing that he hardly ever mentions any sources for his info - just gospel. There are a million charts and graphs but no reference as to there source. Anyone who cites his blog is doing so at the risk of losing credibility.

Independent intellectuals attacked by Sangh Parivar assassins in #India as #Hindu fundamentalism grows under #Modi Secular thinkers under attack in India as religious fundamentalism grows - LA Times

Kalburgi, who vocally opposed the Hindu practice of idol worship, is the latest secular thinker to be assassinated in South Asia. His slaying late last month raises questions about freedom of expression and highlights the growing might of religious fundamentalists across the region.

Hours after Kalburgi was killed, Bhuvith Shetty, a member of the Hindu militant group Bajrang Dal, tweeted in celebration: "Mock Hinduism and die a dog's death. And dear K.S. Bhagwan you are next."

Karnataka boasts one of India's highest literacy rates and includes the technology hub of Bangalore, but it is also home to deeply conservative Hindu groups. Last month in the coastal city of Mangalore, a group of Hindu men spotted a Muslim man speaking with a Hindu woman. They tied him to a pole, stripped him and beat him for nearly an hour, according to police.

Two other high-profile rationalists, Narendra Dabholkar and Govind Pansare, were shot point-blank 18 months apart in the western state of Maharashtra.

Dabholkar, a 68-year-old activist who worked on behalf of villagers exploited by local gurus and so-called godmen, campaigned for the state government to pass an anti-superstition bill. It's been two years since he was killed in the city of Pune, and no one has been charged.

"Fundamentalism in India is growing by the day across religions," Nayak said. "They feel they can scare us into submission but are completely mistaken. The anti-superstition movement in Maharashtra grew stronger after Dabholkar's assassination.

"As far as I am concerned, I would rather die speaking my mind instead of letting disgraceful things unfold in front of my eyes."

Dude, why this? I am aware that recently there have been a spate of attacks on Indian rationalists, which worries me a lot as I see it as an attack on myself. But please don't say that Pakistan treats its rationalists any better. We have a bunch of rationalists in California who had to leave Pakistan because of harassment.
As I have already said we have separate religions but remember culture is not just religion. It encompasses both religious and non religious things. Incase of non religious things like food, corruption, greed, mentality, quality, discipline, music, dance etc. there are pretty much the same.[/QUOTE]

Food and cuisine is not a good indicator. Pakistani cuisine includes Kebabs or Meatballs with rice. As does Arabic, Turkish or Persian cuisine. That does not make Pakistanis Middle Eastern even though a lot of us resemble Middle Eastern Muslims. Corruption and greed are not the domains or monopoly of Pakistanis and indians. It's the same with the Africans, South Americans and East Europeans. It does not make them indian.
Pakistani ''Intelligentsia'' standard operating procedure these days.

  1. Invent a topic, the essentially revolves around something very sinister that India is doing, only visible to these Pakistani analysts. A typical bogeyman.
  2. Post a picture of Modi, an absolute must. If the picture has him wearing anything traditional or religious, then that's a winner
  3. Discuss how the sinister design by Hindus will practically destroy the earth. Optional - present how Pakistan will defeat this grand Hindu Zionist conspiracy through nukes, faith and China / CPEC / Saudi Royal Family informant - take your pick

This is getting beyond ridiculous now.

We don't care if you kill Muslims ,Sikhs or Christians in India you will some day have to face the music by the hands of your own folks. India has 19 million Sikhs , 24 million Christians and 172 million Muslims.

Sikhs have already started their Freedom movement. "The Khalistan Movement"



And Kashmir Freedom Movement.


And Also When the opportunity rise for Pakistan we will take it.

Sikh Freedom Home Page | Voice of Khalistan
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As I have already said we have separate religions but remember culture is not just religion. It encompasses both religious and non religious things. Incase of non religious things like food, corruption, greed, mentality, quality, discipline, music, dance etc. there are pretty much the same.

Food and cuisine is not a good indicator. Pakistani cuisine includes Kebabs or Meatballs with rice. As does Arabic, Turkish or Persian cuisine. That does not make Pakistanis Middle Eastern even though a lot of us resemble Middle Eastern Muslims. Corruption and greed are not the domains or monopoly of Pakistanis and indians. It's the same with the Africans, South Americans and East Europeans. It does not make them indian.

Errr, that is supposed to mean that Indian cuisine does not include kababs and rice? Are you kidding?
The first recorded anti-Muslim riot in India occurred in 1854 in Godhra, Gujrat. It's been constant feature since independence. Hundreds of thousands of Muslim victims continue to languish in camps.

Catholic relief workers praised by Muslim refugees in Indian camps

Not a single Muslim victim lives in a refugee camp. There have been camps after riots; one set that I visited was of those set up after the Muzaffarnagar riots, and they continued for two months after the riots.

As of this writing, the only long-term refugee camps are those of Kashmiri Pandits in Jammu.

Kabbab were never Hindu culture interduce by inevading muslims

Biryani? Also not Indian culture?

We don't care if you kill Muslims ,Sikhs or Christians in India you will some day have to face the music by the hands of your own folks. India has 19 million Sikhs , 24 million Christians and 172 million Muslims.

Sikhs have already started their Freedom movement. "The Khalistan Movement"

Perhaps someone may have whispered in your ear about what happened to the Khalistan movement?

And Kashmir Freedom Movement.

And Also When the opportunity rise for Pakistan we will take it.

You are offering Sangh Parivar's fake history that has been debunked by many enlightened Indian Hindus themselves.

Supreme Court judge Markandey Katju on Sunday attributed simmering Hindu-Muslim tensions to a deliberate rewriting of history to project Muslim rulers as intolerant and bigoted, whereas ample evidence existed to show the reverse was true.

The judge also said that Indians were held together by a common Sanskrit-Urdu culture which guaranteed that India would always remain secular.

Justice Katju said the myth-making against Muslim rulers, which was a post-1857 British project, had been internalised in India over the years. Thus, Mahmud Ghazni's destruction of the Somnath temple was known but not the fact that Tipu Sultan gave an annual grant to 156 Hindu temples. The judge, who delivered the valedictory address at a conference held to mark the silver jubilee of the Institute of Objective Studies, buttressed his arguments with examples quoted from D.N. Pande's History in the Service of Imperialism.

Dr. Pande, who summarised his conclusions in a lecture to members of the Rajya Sabha in 1977, had said: “Thus under a definite policy the Indian history textbooks were so falsified and distorted as to give an impression that the medieval period of Indian history was full of atrocities committed by Muslim rulers on their Hindu subjects and the Hindus had to suffer terrible indignities under Islamic rule.

Muslim rulers deliberately projected as intolerant: Katju - The Hindu

Since we are dealing with Riaz Haq, it is worth pointing out that the definite policy and the period in which this was in play was the British colonial time. Katju was referring to the great contribution of the British to creating an Indian Muslim identity, to match the Hindu identity they had earlier created, and set these two artificial constructs at each other's throats in the history books that their authors wrote.

Haq being Haq is never one to let go of an opportunity for suppressio veri or of suggestio falsi; in this case, the latter.
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