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How the new country of Pakistan put itself on the cricketing map by beating England in 1954


Aug 12, 2014
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In the second of three extracts from his new book on Pakistan cricket, Peter Oborne explains why victory in the fourth Test at the Oval was so significant.

Pakistan had to wait for five years following independence in 1947 to be awarded Test match status. They played their first series against India in 1952-53, under the leadership of A H Kardar, losing 2-1 but acquitting themselves with credit. The following year came an even greater challenge when they were invited to play England, then the greatest cricket team in the world.

The hosts’ batting line-up contained Len Hutton, Denis Compton, Peter May and Tom Graveney, four of the best batsmen England have fielded since the war. As captain, Hutton could choose a formidable bowling attack from Alec Bedser, Fred Trueman, Brian Statham, Jim Laker, Tony Lock and Johnny Wardle. (During that summer England would also find the out-and-out pace of Frank Tyson and the multiple variations of Bob Appleyard.) With Godfrey Evans as wicketkeeper and Trevor Bailey the all-rounder, this team was one of the finest England sides of all time.

Kardar had little to match this. Khan Mohammad was a good quick bowler. However, he was heavily involved in league cricket. He was therefore the only player in the team who claimed to be professional, and as a result got involved in a series of rancorous disputes about pay, probably the reason he missed two of the Test matches. Fazal Mahmood, who bowled fast leg-cutters, was proven to be an outstanding performer on matting wickets but was rather unkindly considered by Kardar (and some others) to be “on turf wickets, essentially, a change bowler”. With the exception of Hanif Mohammad and Waqar Hasan, who had done well on Pakistan’s inaugural tour of India, the batting was sketchy.

Indeed the lack of first-class experience, let alone Test match calibre, in the Pakistan team was unnerving. There was no official scorer. Members of the team were expected to share out this duty. Pakistan did not bring a single accredited newspaper or radio correspondent. Apart from his other duties, the team captain found himself instructing members of his squad on quite rudimentary issues, like how to hold a knife and fork.

They were a cheerful, unsophisticated collection of young men driven by love of the game and simple patriotism. They stayed in modest hotels or bed and breakfasts, and did their own laundry because their allowance of only 10 rupees a day was not enough to pay for such luxuries. Travelling to and from matches, they sang popular songs, recited poetry or folk melodies.

They realised to their surprise that many British people did not know that Pakistan existed. For much of the tour, the team were accompanied by an official from the Pakistan High Commission whose task was to educate the British public about this.

Most observers wrote off Pakistan’s chances. Vijay Merchant, the fine Indian batsman who had toured England in 1946, sent a message that “if Pakistan draws 10 and wins four or five county matches in England it should consider its tour a success”. This message angered Pakistani cricketers, but it expressed the common perception. Faithful Alf Gover, the former Surrey and England paceman who had coached the Pakistan team, was one of the very few who disagreed. In advance of the series, he warned in a newspaper column that “Pakistan will win at least one of the four Tests”.

By a piece of good fortune, C L R James, the greatest cricket writer of all time, was on hand to report Pakistan’s opening match at Worcester. James caught the Pakistanis on a happy day as they scored 374 for eight in their first innings of the tour. Two Pakistan batsmen, Alimuddin and Maqsood Ahmed, scored centuries and James concluded that in a good summer Pakistan would score “plenty of runs”. Fazal, as so often, was the hero with the ball.

“At half past three, this well-built and powerful man, whose every step both running up to bowl and walking back is charged with energy, was bowling as strongly as he had been doing at 11 in the morning,” James wrote. “His 11 for 102 in this match, on a pitch which was consistently true and easy in pace, is a remarkable performance.”

Sadly, the perfect weather conditions for the Worcestershire match were not repeated. Kardar’s Pakistanis were drenched almost everywhere they went, and in particular in the most important matches. As a result, they were forced to play in conditions of which they had little or no experience.

The first Test at Lord’s was drawn, and England won the second Test at Trent Bridge by an innings and 129 runs. In the third Test at Old Trafford, England made 359 for eight; after rain, Pakistan were bowled out in their first innings for 90 and were 25 for four following on when rain saved them and the match was drawn.

The voices questioning Pakistan’s capacity for Test match competition grew. Neville Cardus, doyen of cricket writers, wrote: “I must say that, in my opinion, a mistake was made by those authorities who decided that the time was now ripe for Test matches between Pakistan and England.” This was the dark state of affairs as Pakistan approached the fourth Test match at the Oval: Kardar’s job on the line, dissension in the camp, ridicule in the press, and Pakistan’s position as a Test nation in question. In many teams everything would have fallen apart, but not Kardar’s Pakistanis. Fazal put pressure on Kardar ahead of the Oval game to issue a statement that Pakistan would win the Test.

Kardar won the toss and defiantly chose to bat. In the first over, Hanif was lbw to Statham. “This was the biggest blow for the Pakistan team,” recorded Fazal. “It was as if a lightning bolt had struck my heart and, for a moment, our balcony was frozen into silence.” Thereafter the pattern of events was familiar. Statham, Tyson and Loader demolished the Pakistan batting. Kardar, who put all his life and soul into his 36, managed some resistance, but the rest of the top order failed as Pakistan were bowled out for an ignominious 133.

The following morning a monsoon-like outburst turned the Oval into a lake and wiped out the day’s play. This was Pakistan’s first piece of luck from the weather, and it was one of the turning points of the match, in that epoch of uncovered wickets. Conditions were suddenly perfect for Fazal. Len Hutton was all at sea. First, he edged Fazal through the slips for four, then drove him expansively through extra cover for another boundary. In the next over, Hutton shaped to play a Fazal inswinger to leg. In fact it was the ball that went away, and he was caught by the wicketkeeper. Among his other victims were May, Compton and Graveney, who was beaten five balls in succession by Fazal before offering a catch to Hanif at slip. At the other end, Mahmood Hussain played an excellent supporting role with four wickets.

Pakistan were back in the game, with a tiny first-innings lead of three runs, but conditions were still dreadful. Hanif struck out for 19, and Kardar extracted 17 invaluable runs. The Pakistan captain was worn down by the agony of the situation. Determined not to get out and driven on by the weight of responsibility, he had been at the wicket for 70 minutes when he struck a Wardle full toss half-heartedly back to the bowler to be caught and bowled.

At this point, Pakistan had 76 runs on the board with seven wickets down. The match seemed to be over, and with it Kardar’s captaincy and Pakistan’s prospects of being taken seriously as a Test nation. What followed was so unexpected as to seem miraculous. A partnership between two batsmen, who had not previously been taken seriously, nearly doubled the score. The leading role was taken by Wazir Mohammad, elder brother of Hanif. Seven years earlier, during the desperate months that followed Partition, the Mohammad family had entrusted Wazir with a perilous mission. As Indian tanks rolled into their home town of Junagadh, they sent him, just 17 years old, on the long journey to Karachi to scout out whether it was safe for the family to move there. In circumstances requiring equal coolness and sound judgment, Wazir spent half an hour at the wicket before scoring his first run.

Wazir’s determined innings owed much to an inspired piece of amateur dramatics, which he recalled with relish nearly 50 years later. “I was hit on the front foot by an inswinging full toss from Statham. It was painful, but I could have carried on. However, I decided to stay on the ground, pretending that I could not get up ... I glimpsed the wicketkeeper, Godfrey Evans, from the corner of my eye and could see that he was taken in. He told Brian Statham to pitch it up because I would not be able to play on the front foot. In fact, I wanted the ball pitched up, because short balls on that wicket were much harder to face ... Statham and the other bowlers did pitch it up and I remembered to groan in pain and hop about when I used my front foot.”

Wazir remained unbeaten at the end on 42, runs acquired over the course of nearly three hours, helped by partnerships with the off-spinner Zulfiqar Ahmed and the fast bowler Mahmood Hussain, which together put on 82 runs and doubled the score. According to Shuja-ud-Din, who himself played a valiant role in this match: “The runs accumulated by these three gutsy players can without hesitation be termed the most precious in the foundation years of the new cricketing nation.”

Even so, these batsmen had done no more than give Pakistan a slight chance. England needed 168 to win, in acres of time. Hutton, again all at sea against Fazal, was quickly dismissed. But May and Compton batted well and shortly before the close of the fourth day England had 109 on the board, with only two wickets down. Fazal later claimed that Kardar wanted to take him off at this stage and that he was obliged to grab the ball from out of his captain’s hands, saying, “Do you want to lose the match?” Fazal at once delivered a slower ball which produced a false stroke from May, well caught by Kardar at gully and a crucial wicket. Three more wickets fell, which meant that, overnight, England were in need of 43 runs with four wickets left.

England’s main chance next day lay with Wardle, who was promptly dropped at second slip off Mahmood Hussain by Alimuddin, who was so upset that for a while he was incapable of saying sorry to his captain. Wardle and Tyson hung on for half an hour, and the game seemed to be turning, though extremely slowly, towards England. Then Fazal removed Tyson, caught behind by Imtiaz, who was claiming his seventh victim in the match. The next over Kardar, having consulted with Fazal, recalled deep midwicket from the boundary in order to have a short leg. The following ball Wardle – the vital impediment to Pakistan’s victory – turned the ball round the corner and was caught by Shuja-ud-Din.

But it is Fazal who should be permitted to describe the final moments of this momentous Oval Test match: “On the other end I started to bowl at McConnon ... I was eager to see the final scene of this drama. I felt that only McConnon was now between the ground and the victor’s balcony. To get rid of this last impediment, I bowled my sixth ball with full force. Perhaps McConnon was also bored with his lifeless play or maybe he wanted to show some fury like a dying candle. Therefore, he tried to hit the ball and score a quick run. The ball went straight to Hanif, who threw it on the stumps. McConnon was run out. On watching this I ran towards Hanif in frenzy, took him in my arms and started dancing. My dreams had been fulfilled. My desires had been satiated. England was defeated by 24 runs and Pakistan’s name had come prominently on the map of international cricket.”

There was a commotion in the Pakistan stand. Everyone was jumping for joy. When Fazal Mahmood got back to the pavilion, he found that Alf Gover was jumping up and down shouting, “We have won, we have won!”

How the new country of Pakistan put itself on the cricketing map by beating England in 1954 - Telegraph
That is really why English hates us and we keep hating them and defeating them on thier own game.
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