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How the Islamic Revolution put an end to zionist rule in Iran

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It really is telling when an Islamist prefers a society that murders women in public to 'sluts'.

I think you should inform yourself as to what murder actually means. Lets start with the definition:

"The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another"


Key word being "unlawful". If a country by law punishes a crime, even if execution, then it is not murder.

As for adultery, I take it you as a Jew have not heard of Leviticus 20:10:

"If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife - with the wife of his neighbour—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death"

I don't know what his original account is, but creating a new account and starting a thread to paint pre revolution Iran as under occupation by the Zionists that Islamic Republic freed us from, to give us some sort of false victory against the zionists, meanwhile they attack us day and night? Please, we are not fools.

I've no previous accounts. What are you trying to suggest exactly? Please be more explicit.

I like to expose zionism for what it is indeed. Iran's domination by zionist oligarchs prior to the Revolution is just one out of several topics I touched upon thus far, and this is but one out of several threads I opened, not all of them related to Iran by the way, just in case you didn't notice.

This thread has nothing to do with recent clashes between Iran and the zionist regime. It relates to present times only insofar as it serves as a reminder that not too long ago, Iran was far from being exempt from zionist encroachment; it also serves as a warning to Iranians not to allow these unfortunate conditions of the past to come to pass ever again, nor to allow those who advocate a return to these conditions (liberal fifth-columnists inside the IR + exiled opposition) to have their way.

One may be unhappy with the IRI for whatever reason, but this doesn't change the fact that the same IRI kicked the zionists out of Iran. Not only that, but the IRI took the challenge to the zionist regime's doorsteps in southern Lebanon, Palestine and Syria. It's not my fault that the shah whom you seem to hold dear (that's your right but then again, obvious historic realities can be aknowledged nonetheless), allowed overwhelming zionist influence and control to take shape in Iran.

As for oppressed Muslim jailed in Iran; The Shah held political prisoners, most of them were Muslims, there are political prisoners in Iran today too, most of them are Muslims. But he is trying to paint a different picture.

I wasn't the one to turn this into a debate about religious affiliations. I already replied to this but here it goes again: I never even mentioned the word Muslim until that particular post and only to cite, between brackets, a random example for the type of things Mossad was doing in Iran prior to the Revolution; furthermore, I used Muslim simply for lack of a better word, because that particular martyr happened not to be a leftist but rather an Islamic-oriented activist. Since I have reservations towards the adjective "islamist", I just wrote Muslim, as it was the next best designation I could then think of.

Now whether we call the martyred person a political prisoner, a mujahid, an "islamist", an Islamic activist or simply a Muslim opponent to the regime is secondary to my point, which stands either way: Iran's intelligence agency was trained by the Mossad, which means that not only the shah enjoyed assistance from a not well-meaning foreign entity to persecute Iranians, but also that the zionist regime had deeply infiltrated one of the main pillars upon which the security of his regime but also of Iran in general was resting (since Mossad also sponsored the counter-espionage bureau of SAVAK). Which made Iran deeply dependent on Tel Aviv in two key areas.

Shah was absolutely a Zionist Stooge. Savak was built by Israeli intelligence Mssad in order to kill revolutionaries and prevent Revolution from talking place. Shah supplied Israel with free oil. Shah stabbed Palestinians in the back. There is no difference between Shah and Saudi family that claims supporting Palestine and at the same time stabs Palestinians in the back.

Its absolutely rediculous to say that Shah was a Shia Muslim, its an insult to Shias to call him so. Btw, Shah was safeguarding Israel on American behalf.

Bro, I agree with everything else in your post but I would urgently recommend not to issue takfir on anyone if there's no ijmaa from our ulamaa, no matter how corrupt the person. As you know in Islamic history there are cases where Muslims turned into oppressors even without leaving Islam. We are instructed not to call a person non-Muslim if they profess faith in Islam, unless there is a consensual verdict from the ulamaa. As far as I know Imam Khomeini didn't explicitly label the shah a non-believer. Please take that back and make tawba. I agree with all the rest of what you wrote.

Thanks for your support, by the way.
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Members are advised to avoid flamebaiting. One post removed for this very reason.
When you hear news about explosions occurring in nuclear and other strategic sites in Iran, or about dubious fires and so on, you may suspect hidden hands of hostile intelligence agencies at play within the country.

Equally mysterious and incompletely elucidated to this very day are some of the high profile terrorist attacks against some of the founding figures and partisans of the Islamic Republic in the Revolution's early years, namely the assassination of revolutionary ideologue Morteza Motahari at the hands of the ominous Forqaan group, the Haft-e Tir event i. e. the bombing of the headquarters of the Islamic Republic Party killing dozens including ayatollah Mohammad Beheshti, and the terrorist attacks against President Mohammad-Ali Rajaai and ayatollah Ali Qoddusi.

One of the ways in which hostile intelligence agencies have been operating in Iran is through the covert infiltration of state administrations, including in the field of security, through on agents planted inside those departments.

Sometimes, these agents had been recruited prior to the Revolution either by SAVAK or directly by foreign agencies (as opponents to the shah regime "flipped" and recruited after their arrest by SAVAK, or sometimes as exiled opponents returning to Iran after 1979) and then took up bureaucratic or government positions in the IRI. Once in charge, they spun their own covert networks.

Under the Pahlavi monarchy already, the zionist regime's Mossad had established a secret network in Iran known as Zeytoon (Olive). According to Keyhan newspaper, one of the leading members of the Zeytoon network, Masood Aalikhaani, who had completed his studies in agricultural science in Isra"el", turned out to be in close kinship with Mehrdaad Aalikhaani, general director of the Ministry of Intelligence and one of the three main culprits in the 1988-1998 chain murders affair, when a series of intellectuals, authors and former political activists who hardly constituted a threat to the IR, were murdered in suspiciously brutal ways on orders of a rogue circle within the Ministry of Intelligence, which achieved nothing but giving the Islamic Republic a negative image, but also sustainig the newly formed reformist current's discourse about a supposed "need" for greater democratization and secularization.

When revolutionaries seized and confiscated the SAVAK archive of classified documents, they noticed that alongside the names of ordinary informants and regular agents, there was a group of collaborators whose members were only referred to by code numbers. The identities of these SAVAK assets could thus never be established with certainty. It is thus suspected that some survived the revolution and made it to administrative positions within the Islamic Republic, acting as agents of influence or as spies for hostile foreign intelligence services.

Parviz Saabeti, one of the former directors of SAVAK who fled to Isra"el" and settled in Tel Aviv after the Islamic Revolution, surely took with himself his list of "code numbered" contacts. In this way, the Mossad, which used to enjoy great influence over SAVAK's bureau for internal security which it had helped set up, could establish a spy network inside Iran.

This whole topic raises another question, that of maranos (aanosi in Persian) Jewish Iranians linked to the Mossads spying networks. Indeed, maranos Jews / aanosis have a long history in Iran. From Shiraz to Kashan, from Hamadan to Mashhad, from Isfahan to Rasht and from Kermanshah to Babol and Sari, Jewish Iranian communities gave birth not only to sincere converts to Islam but also to a number of false converts or anoosis. It is suspected that anoosis figure among the Mossad's spy networks in Iran.

Listen to this and other great conferences by Poor-Masood dealing with all the topics surrounding the undercover infiltration network for influence and sabotage working against the IRI while hiding in its midst:

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@BATMAN say one more thing to me again and I’m going lose it with you. Back off and I’m trying my best to be polite to you.
You follow me around and try to provoke me but now my patience has run out.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM
@Irfan Baloch @WebMaster @Arsalan @The Eagle @Horus @Slav Defence @jaibi

Brothers just look at the deleted posts. This guy is obsessed with me because I don’t tow his anti Iran line. I’ve had enough.

let's see what you can do... bring it on, this is not the first time that i'm subjected to sectarian hate. In thread started by @RiazHaq you slandered me and than closed the thread without getting my reply!
Waiting for your target killers....

Here goes the truth behind the revolutions.... made in USA.

let's see what you can do... bring it on, this is not the first time that i'm subjected to sectarian hate.
Waiting for your target killers....

Here goes the truth behind the revolutions.... made in USA.

You sound like you need help and what the hell are you going on about sectarian killers? You are a paranoid and fast becoming a danger to this website and yourself.
Let me guess you fought off a mass of Shia assassins have you?
I seriously worry for your mental health. I wouldn't want to do anything to you, in light of such posts you make. You will get a ban.
@WebMaster why is my post deleted regarding Khumeni? I wasn't notified beside a regular threat call.
Is it only legal to curse General Zia ul Haque, who blocked the evil to flow in to Pakistan freely.

You sound like you need help and what the hell are you going on about sectarian killers? You are a paranoid and fast becoming a danger to this website and yourself.
Let me guess you fought off a mass of Shia assassins have you?
I seriously worry for your mental health. I wouldn't want to do anything to you, in light of such posts you make. You will get a ban.

All this because i posted stuff about Khumeni from open internet.
Those need help who celebrate birthday of Khumeni and curse General Zia ul Haque on this forum.
What an open hypocrisy. I'm behind enemy lines, i await your target killers ban is least of my worries.
All this because i posted stuff about Khumeni from open internet.
Those need help who celebrate birthday of Khumeni and curse General Zia ul Haque on this forum.
What an open hypocrisy. I'm behind enemy lines, i await your target killers ban is least of my worries.

Your posts were taken away due to their crazy nature, why the hell do you quote me? Are you feeling ok?
You chase me around the forum, which is just bizarre. You've been warned before about this.
As for the rest you just need to seek help. Which target killers? Let's say they come, what level of military training do you have? What's your combat ability? Can you fight them off? Oh my God I can't believe what you are coming out with. You watch too many films, combine that with this 'world' you live in, and it's a dangerous combination.
Are you playing some Pakistani version of Jason Bourne i.e. Jahangir Born?
You dream about me, even with open eyes. Last time your bizzareness was limited to slandering now you even able to read my posts which never existed.

LOL!!!!!!! hahahahaha. You have no idea how much I laugh at the stuff you come out with. Uzair Baloch and guns....

But anyway, time to stop this.
@Irfan Baloch
@The Eagle
@Slav Defence
@AgNoStiC MuSliM

Guys he's kicking off again, accuses us all of being shia (see his previous posts), just creates so much fitnah on here, has a record amount of warnings, what to do?
Thread closed, need your input brothers.
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he is a hopeless case like Lal masjid aunty who says all military and government is converted to shiasm.
no amount of convincing will work for such people who would eagerly play in the hands of foreign forces to bring our state down.
he is a hopeless case like Lal masjid aunty who says all military and government is converted to shiasm.
no amount of convincing will work for such people who would eagerly play in the hands of foreign forces to bring our state down.

I took it easy my dear brother, what can I do? I'll leave it and let the rest of the crew arrive and assess things. Much love for your input.
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