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How the Islamic Revolution put an end to zionist rule in Iran

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To qualify the Islamic Republic as a "dictatorship worse than the shah's" must be some sort of a joke. Iran is far more democratic than totalitarian, western so-called "democracies", let alone the Isra"el"i-controlled shah regime.

You have been ruled by the same supreme dictator leader for the last 40 years - what democracy our you talking about ?

You have had all Opposition member , bloggers , news reporters , human rights lawyers , protesters in jail - what democracy our you talking about ?

You have eliminated what was left of free speech after the 2009 elections - where even on the the less important role of president , the will of the people was ignored - what democracy our you talking about ?

You should ask your leaders in Tel Aviv to cease pressuring the US regime into sanctioning anyone who refuses to submit to their illegitimate injunctions, if you really cared. Go shed your crocodile tears elsewhere.

Targetting civilians through sanctions is one of the filthiest measures possible

May I suggest that instead of blaming the Jooos (as is common in your simple minded circles) that you place the blame with your fellow Islamists who run the Mullah terror regime and have been pursuing a sustained campaign of terrorism for nearly 50 years, whilst simultaneously stoking war in several countries.
"Freedom" and democracy in the sense that you are thinking is nothing but a persistent illusion. The more pertinent factor you need to consider is the self-determination of nations based on their interests. What happened in the 79 revolution is Iran moved away from a western dependent nation to a wholly independent nation. If this was done at the cost of this illusory concept of "freedom" then I say this was a minute cost indeed. The common masses are never truly in charge of their country, whether they can vote at the ballot or not. All voting does is give a mirage of control and the people are happy to stay in this false state of mind for as long as they are given their distractions in the form of everyday pleasures and so on.
What Khomeini did to Iran, will be remembered forever in history. He will be labelled one of greatest figure in Persia history.

Many youngsters just have no clue what they are talking about. They lack historian view.

As a Chinese, it's very easy for me to understand the significance of Revolution 1979.

Chinese are historian culturally.
@mangekyo Dude, you are losing my Trust. Just to say that you are supporting Zionist propaganda. And id be glad to hear about those oppressed Muslims jailed in Iran lol.
May I suggest that instead of blaming the Jooos (as is common in your simple minded circles) that you place the blame with your fellow Islamists who run the Mullah terror regime and have been pursuing a sustained campaign of terrorism for nearly 50 years, whilst simultaneously stoking war in several countries.

For a country run by Islamists, compared to civilised, democratic Morocco. At least white female backpackers don't get beheaded for turning down sex when they travel to Iran, can't say much in that regard about Morocco.

Shah was absolutely a Zionist Stooge. Savak was built by Israeli intelligence Mssad in order to kill revolutionaries and prevent Revolution from talking place. Shah supplied Israel with free oil. Shah stabbed Palestinians in the back. There is no difference between Shah and Saudi family that claims supporting Palestine and at the same time stabs Palestinians in the back.

Its absolutely rediculous to say that Shah was a Shia Muslim, its an insult to Shias to call him so. Btw, Shah was safeguarding Israel on American behalf.
You have been ruled by the same supreme dictator leader for the last 40 years - what democracy our you talking about ?

You have had all Opposition member , bloggers , news reporters , human rights lawyers , protesters in jail - what democracy our you talking about ?

You have eliminated what was left of free speech after the 2009 elections - where even on the the less important role of president , the will of the people was ignored - what democracy our you talking about ?

Completely inaccurate. The Supreme Leader is no dictator whatsoever, but an arbiter with limited scope of action whose power is checked by a multitude of other institutions. And since when has he been in office for "40 years"? Imam Khamenei was elected Supreme Leader in 1989.

Many tens of thousands of government opponents, including supporters of separatist groups, as well as people beholden to Iran's existential enemies are not only at large and free to express their deviant views, but they populate the current administration and half the state apparatus. Your assessment could thus not be farther from the truth.

The day when Isra"el"'s Labor Party adopts a program favorable to Iranian interests and when leading figurehead from that party carry out shows of respect for the Iranian flag, like Iranian liberal reformist pseudo-intellectual Saadeq Zibaakalaam does towards the zionist regime's flag, that day one may argue that Isra"el" is as democratic as Iran. Watch from 0:45 :

But you're merely making me repeat what I had explained before but you failed to take my response into account. Since this debate is off-topic, I conclude that this could be an attempt at derailing the thread and at draining my time so as to stifle any discussion on the subject matter, which is the dominance of zionist oligarchs and networks over pre-revolutionary Iran, a subject I understand some are uncomfortable with and do not wish readers to learn about.

If you want to discuss whether or not Iran is democratic, please open a new thread. If off-topic posts keep coming, I will have no choice but to report them to the mods.

May I suggest that instead of blaming the Jooos (as is common in your simple minded circles) that you place the blame with your fellow Islamists who run the Mullah terror regime and have been pursuing a sustained campaign of terrorism for nearly 50 years, whilst simultaneously stoking war in several countries.

I didn't talk of "Jooos" but of zionists. I will blame those I deem responsible rather than the ones you prefer me to blame due to your own allegiances and convictions, thank you.

As for the "campaign of terrorism", this can't be taken seriously coming from a NATO and Isra"el" supporter, those two being the epitomes of terrorism. What is more, Iran did not "stoke" any wars, Iran has been countering urgent threats to its existence, assisting loyal and trusted allies and above all, rushing to the aid of oppressed people in theaters in which conflicts had already been launched and provoked by Tel Aviv and Washington.
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Example for advancement should be Germany, Japan and south Korea.

Germany and Japan are putting their heads down today because of what happened in world war 2, this current state of affairs is not really a choice of theirs. As for South Korea, that is not really a good model. Have you spoken to South Koreans or watched any documentaries? Their lifestyle is not something one would like to mimic.

Who have invested heavily on education, science and technology instead of weapons.

If you do not invest in weapons then you will be reliant on the outside world for your protection. This is not something to promote, it is an utterly dangerous situation.

They mind their own business and have very less footprint on global military conflicts.

Japan and Germany have little choice again, you only need to go back for a decades and see what they did. Today, they are not fully in control of their decision makings. This is not a model for Iran. Iranians will not be dependant on the outside world for their own interests.

That Iran should do to look after their people export science & technology to world.

Iran is exporting science and technology to the world. It's science and technology is rising quickly. Yes it is not at the level of Germany and Japan, but like I mentioned previously, Iran is faced with a great deal of resistance.
Shah was absolutely a Zionist Stooge. Savak was built by Israeli intelligence Mssad in order to kill revolutionaries and prevent Revolution from talking place. Shah supplied Israel with free oil. Shah stabbed Palestinians in the back. There is no difference between Shah and Saudi family that claims supporting Palestine and at the same time stabs Palestinians in the back.

Its absolutely rediculous to say that Shah was a Shia Muslim, its an insult to Shias to call him so. Btw, Shah was safeguarding Israel on American behalf.
I don't care who Shah is, but I knew installing Shah as a king for foreign interest, especially British and Yankees.

Germany and Japan are putting their heads down today because of what happened in world war 2, this current state of affairs is not really a choice of theirs. As for South Korea, that is not really a good model. Have you spoken to South Koreans or watched any documentaries? Their lifestyle is not something one would like to mimic.

If you do not invest in weapons then you will be reliant on the outside world for your protection. This is not something to promote, it is an utterly dangerous situation.

Japan and Germany have little choice again, you only need to go back for a decades and see what they did. Today, they are not fully in control of their decision makings. This is not a model for Iran. Iranians will not be dependant on the outside world for their own interests.

Iran is exporting science and technology to the world. It's science and technology is rising quickly. Yes it is not at the level of Germany and Japan, but like I mentioned previously, Iran is faced with a great deal of resistance.
Someone believe those naive theory, let it be. I don't educate those older than 30. Can't change.
Shah was friend of Pakistan, these Mullah terrorists are good for nothing except big mouths.
@mangekyo Dude, you are losing my Trust. Just to say that you are supporting Zionist propaganda. And id be glad to hear about those oppressed Muslims jailed in Iran lol.

I don't know what his original account is, but creating a new account and starting a thread to paint pre revolution Iran as under occupation by the Zionists that Islamic Republic freed us from, to give us some sort of false victory against the zionists, meanwhile they attack us day and night? Please, we are not fools. We have not forgotten our shahids.

As for oppressed Muslim jailed in Iran; The Shah held political prisoners, most of them were Muslims, there are political prisoners in Iran today too, most of them are Muslims. But he is trying to paint a different picture.
Yes, the women of Iran enjoy life so much.

When they aren't swinging by their necks from a crane over 'adultery' allegations.

As opposed to what? The west where adultery and acting like a slut is encouraged?

Whatever bro, between decapitating white girls and forming rape gangs in Europe Morocco sure has a lot on its plate.
I don't know what his original account is, but creating a new account and starting a thread to paint pre revolution Iran as under occupation by the Zionists that Islamic Republic freed us from, to give us some sort of false victory against the zionists, meanwhile they attack us day and night? Please, we are not fools. We have not forgotten our shahids.

As for oppressed Muslim jailed in Iran; The Shah held political prisoners, most of them were Muslims, there are political prisoners in Iran today too, most of them are Muslims. But he is trying to paint a different picture.
Bro, they have never attacked us day and Night. Its a Zionist propaganda. They had their behind handed over to them in Golan heights.

Israeli propaganda Machine has proven to be stronger than its military war Machine. They lie 24/7 and among these lies there are some Truth also. The day they attack anything Iranian in Syria or elsewhere, they will be returned the favor much stronger.
As opposed to what? The west where adultery and acting like a slut is encouraged?

It really is telling when an Islamist prefers a society that murders women in public to 'sluts'.

I'd say you should be ashamed, but Islamist misogynists don't do shame.
It really is telling when an Islamist prefers a society that murders women in public to 'sluts'.

I'd say you should be ashamed, but Islamist misogynists don't do shame.

Lol at you trying to fault me for that. In reality much of that doesn't happen anyway, but it should because thot patrolling wh*res is epic and a righteous act. You'd agree with this if you were raised right.

Keep searching for that neoliberal bunny my guy, I'm sure one day you'll wise up and drag yourself out of that rabbit hole.
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