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How secure is Indian nuclear program?

if plorifiration happens that will happen through a person as scientist not attack on nuke plant for gods sake.

How can you be so sure. After all, India is littered with dozens upon dozens of insurgencies, and everybody knows the Naxalites and their sympathizers have infiltrated every sphere of Indian government, its military and defense industry. It’s also a common knowledge that security procedures practiced by Indians are obsolete at best.

Adnan Gill IS KNOWN among millitary circle to be a writer with non-plo lobby,

Which military circle would that be? Can you please give any names, references or links?

these all are funded articles...

1. Who is funding?
2. How do you know they are funded? Any sort of proof?
3. I have also heard, Adnan regularly receives death threats from Indians. Are Indian military circles behind such threats too?
How can you be so sure. After all, India is littered with dozens upon dozens of insurgencies, and everybody knows the Naxalites and their sympathizers have infiltrated every sphere of Indian government, its military and defense industry. It’s also a common knowledge that security procedures practiced by Indians are obsolete at best.

you cliam has been refuted by the very previous link you gave.Now you chose to shut your eyes and continue with your wishfull thinking.
How can you be so sure. After all, India is littered with dozens upon dozens of insurgencies.
I have this weird feeling that you've never been to India.

everybody knows the Naxalites and their sympathizers have infiltrated every sphere of Indian government, its military and defense industry.
Everybody in Pakistan maybe. Naxalites have limited political influence in local regions. The areas where the Naxal movement flourishes is one of the poorest and most underdeveloped in India. You won't find any installations of strategic importance around those places. Who's heard of a nuclear plant in the middle of a forest or at the bottom of a ravine.
The concept that the've hatched a great conspiracy is laughable.
It’s also a common knowledge that security procedures practiced by Indians are obsolete at best.
In comparision to whom? The US? Pakistan didn't know about the AQ Khan walmart. (Or did they?:angel: ) Nuclear tech from Holland made its way to Pakistan. NK is rumored to have got help from China. I haven't heard any apprehentions concerning India (except obviously on a Pakistani website). How come the west isn't that concerned about India's nuclear secrets?
you cliam has been refuted by the very previous link you gave.Now you chose to shut your eyes and continue with your wishfull thinking.

Sweetheart, just because I chose to ignore your ignorant response or so-called refute doesn’t mean you have a clue, all it means is it’s a waste of time debating with a person who rubbish the most respectable sources such as GlobalSecurity.org.

I will be happy to debate with you once you will grow up and mature to the point where you will be able to debate on merit and not on mere juvenile emotions.

Meanwhile, continue with your delusional thinking.;)
How come the west isn't that concerned about India's nuclear secrets?

Ever heard of corporate greed? Plus, the question isn’t whether the West is concerned or not. The question is does the concern override other vital interests, like propping up a pro-western regional bully to contain China’s influence and do their dirty deeds in region, like Israel a pro-Western watchdog is doing in the Middle-East? But the bully will always be kept on a short leash and the leash will be yanked through Pakistan and/or other means every time the bully will foolishly make a mistake of daring to bark at its masters.

As far as Indian proliferation goes, it’s very well documented in the “Seeds of Indian Proliferation”.
And some had dug their heads in sand like ostriches; like their desperate denials will wither away the realities. :lol: It doesn't matter what Indians in these forums imagine, clearly the threats to Indian nuclear assets are real as confirmed by Indian government. Enjoy!:toast:

LeT threat to nuclear plants

Aloke Tikku

New Delhi, November 23, 2006

The Indo-US nuclear agreement has made the country’s atomic power plants "highly vulnerable" to terror threats, Home Minister Shivraj Patil told India’s police chiefs on Wednesday.

He also put critical infrastructure -- including installations of the oil and natural gas, defence, communications and the IT sectors -- at the top of the 'vulnerable' list.

In his inaugural address at the three-day conference of director generals and inspector generals of police, he said: "Some Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives are also being trained specifically for the sabotage of oil installations. There are plans to 'occupy' some uninhabited islands and use them as bases for launching operations on the Indian coast."

The minister said terrorists planned to induct arms and ammunition into the country through sea routes. "We understand they have been collecting information about the location of various refineries on or near the Indian coastline," he said. "The mischief mongers are constantly on the lookout for new targets, adopting new strategies and tactics, and widening their sphere of operations."

About Jammu and Kashmir, Patil said protecting "soft targets" would continue to remain a priority for security forces. He said that perceptibly lower levels of violence were essential to allow the political process to take the desired direction.

The home minister urged Naxalites to emulate their icons like Kanu Sanyal and K Venu, who realised the futility of an armed struggle and ultimately came overground.

Although Patil declared he was ready to resolve conflicts through dialogue rather than force, he warned that the government could not permit the "wilful use of violence by militant groups against the common man while talking of peace". This message is being seen as aimed at the ULFA in Assam. The central government put an end to a ceasefire agreement with the group, because the latter kept violating it.

Patil described the "continuing violence in Manipurand the surge in depredations by the ULFA in the Brahmaputra valley as very worrying indicators ".
you cliam has been refuted by the very previous link you gave.

Here refute this... :eek:

Militants attack Assam Rifles camp in Manipur

Press Trust of India
Imphal, November 13, 2006

Militants of banned People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PRPK) attacked an Assam Rifles camp at kakching area in interior Thoubal district of Manipur.

The militants hurled at least seven powerful bombs at the security camp on late Saturday night, officials said on Monday.

While three of the bombs exploded near the camp, the others did not, they said adding there was no casualty.

Meanwhile, a spokesman of the PRPK told local media that the attack was carried out by a 'mobile task force' of the oufit in connection with the observance of 'black day' on November 12'.
What we are disputing is how this issue has been blown out by the article.

Blown out??? humnn... :rolleyes:

Here is what the article said, “the security threats posed to its nuclear reactors stem from within... Scenario # 1: The insurgents steal an intact nuclear weapon from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and detonate it in the middle of Mumbai.”

Here is what the Indian government says, “While nuclear plants were already on the terrorists’ hit list with national security advisor M K Narayanan disclosing early this year plots to target Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, and Kaiga plant in Karnataka, Patil said that they had become ‘highly vulnerable in view of the recent India-US Agreement on Civil Nuclear Energy Cooperation’.” (Times of India)

Wow! What coincidence... :banana2:

From were did u get these names,it a wonderfull work of fiction,

Indian sources..... some fiction isn't it? ;)
Ever heard of corporate greed? Plus, the question isn’t whether the West is concerned or not. The question is does the concern override other vital interests, like propping up a pro-western regional bully to contain China’s influence and do their dirty deeds in region, like Israel a pro-Western watchdog is doing in the Middle-East? But the bully will always be kept on a short leash and the leash will be yanked through Pakistan and/or other means every time the bully will foolishly make a mistake of daring to bark at its masters.
I'm sorry I didn't get the whole bully, dog and leash thing. As for corporate greed - the US spends billions to make sure 'rogue' regimes don't get any form of WMDs least of all nuclear tech.

As far as Indian proliferation goes, it’s very well documented in the “Seeds of Indian Proliferation”.
Well documented? Pakistan is as guilty as India. Both had clandestine nuclear programs and both conducted nuclear tests. Throughout the article he harps about how India secretly got nuclear tech thus becoming a 'rogue' nation itself. What he fails to acknowledge is that Pakistan took the same route to becoming a nuclear power. That is not the point here. Point is did India share, sell or otherwise spread nuclear technology with any other country or company? No. Did Pakistan? Yes. Via AQ Khan.

Take this line by Mr. Gill
For its part, India effortlessly proliferates the nuclear technology to countries like Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Sudan and South Korea
He's given no supporting arguments. He just expects his readers to believe it because the great Mr. Gill has said it.
And some had dug their heads in sand like ostriches; like their desperate denials will wither away the realities. :lol: It doesn't matter what Indians in these forums imagine, clearly the threats to Indian nuclear assets are real as confirmed by Indian government. Enjoy!:toast:

LeT threat to nuclear plants
Start looking at news articles in perspective. Yes the LeT (lovingly cherished and nurtured in Pakistan) is a threat to nuclear facilities. But, any attack by them will be a fidayeen strike symbolic in nature rather than an attempt to blow up the facility or steal nuclear secrets. Result of any attack will be - all terrorists dead + some security personnel dead/wounded. Period. That is the limit of what terrorists can achieve. If you feel otherwise please state your reasons for thinking so.
Sweetheart, just because I chose to ignore your ignorant response or so-called refute doesn’t mean you have a clue, all it means is it’s a waste of time debating with a person who rubbish the most respectable sources such as GlobalSecurity.org.

I will be happy to debate with you once you will grow up and mature to the point where you will be able to debate on merit and not on mere juvenile emotions.
Meanwhile, continue with your delusional thinking.;)

:rolleyes: im wondering....
it’s a waste of time debating with a person who rubbish the most respectable sources such as GlobalSecurity.org.

Please go thriouygh what i said and try to understand what i said. i wasnt refuting the articleon globalsecurity but your intepretation.

The article clearly says 5 major insurgent while you made it 50 odd, the article criticises the insurgents for the violonce and lawlessness it brings about.
Here refute this... :eek:

Militants attack Assam Rifles camp in Manipur

Press Trust of India
Imphal, November 13, 2006

Militants of banned People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PRPK) attacked an Assam Rifles camp at kakching area in interior Thoubal district of Manipur.

The militants hurled at least seven powerful bombs at the security camp on late Saturday night, officials said on Monday.

While three of the bombs exploded near the camp, the others did not, they said adding there was no casualty.

Meanwhile, a spokesman of the PRPK told local media that the attack was carried out by a 'mobile task force' of the oufit in connection with the observance of 'black day' on November 12'.

Whats the point.:rolleyes:
And some had dug their heads in sand like ostriches; like their desperate denials will wither away the realities. :lol: It doesn't matter what Indians in these forums imagine, clearly the threats to Indian nuclear assets are real as confirmed by Indian government. Enjoy!:toast:

Ofcourse there is a threat and we realise it and we have taken steps to prevent it.And as you can see,we are not in state of denial as some others are.

The Indo-US nuclear agreement has made the country’s atomic power plants "highly vulnerable" to terror threats, Home Minister Shivraj Patil told India’s police chiefs on Wednesday.

He also put critical infrastructure -- including installations of the oil and natural gas, defence, communications and the IT sectors -- at the top of the 'vulnerable' list.

Its good to be on alert than be caught unaware.

In his inaugural address at the three-day conference of director generals and inspector generals of police, he said: "Some Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives are also being trained specifically for the sabotage of oil installations. There are plans to 'occupy' some uninhabited islands and use them as bases for launching operations on the Indian coast."

If you believed him for the first part,you can believe this part also, right?

Now let me ask you who is training them?
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