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Featured How Pakistan Is Preparing to Kill India’s New Aircraft Carriers

nuclear weapon use on sea has different rules and when it comes to india attacking pakistan like that expect to be nuked specially your cowbelt population expect to become less than 1 million after such a war
why does india not mess with pakistan anymore because pakistan has warned "we have our fingers on the nuclear button" and this is pretty much the truth pakistan will not mess around with india for long but nuke it to bits if attacked this reality should be obvious to you
There are no different rules on sea or land there is just one where you nuke someone you may get disproportionate response. Not worth the risk. Unless your leadership has suicide bomber mentality
they say join dajjal and he will put mountains of sweet bread infront of you so india did do that it ate and reproduced and reproduced and overpopulated all thanks to the mountains of food the devil fed you with but what tasted sweet to you was rotten a rotten poison and you ruined yourself by tasting it
There are no different rules on sea or land there is just one where you nuke someone you may get disproportionate response. Not worth the risk. Unless your leadership has suicide bomber mentality
there is a huge difference pakistan can nuke for example an aircraft carrier and even get away with it that is the issue with the sea you couldnt respond the same way on land
anyway pakistan gets away with much more than india these days anyway while india gets slapped around
There is a huge difference pakistan can nuke for example an aircraft carrier and even get away with it that is the issue with the sea you couldnt respond the same way on land
anyway pakistan gets away with much more than india these days anyway while india gets slapped around
😂I don't know what you're going on about here. Pakistan getting away with what? If it was say Turkey, Saudi or even Qatar, yeah they got away after doing a lot of messed up stuff and managed to get on with quite a prosperous country.

they say join dajjal and he will put mountains of sweet bread infront of you so india did do that it ate and reproduced and reproduced and overpopulated all thanks to the mountains of food the devil fed you with but what tasted sweet to you was rotten a rotten poison and you ruined yourself by tasting it
No time for prophecy crap. Shove it up where the sun doesn't shine
😂I don't know what you're going on about here. Pakistan getting away with what? If it was say Turkey, Saudi or even Qatar, yeah they got away after doing a lot of messed up stuff and managed to get on with quite a prosperous country.

No time for prophecy crap. Shove it up where the sun doesn't shine
mountains of the devils bread are not prosperity its poison filled in your veins so dont pity those who stay way from filling their belly on it
india will fall to ruin it will have destructive famine and chaos that is what you did to yourselves
pity turkey pity ksa pity uae pity those who took the hand of the devil they will fall to ruin just as you will
mountains of the devils bread are not prosperity its poison filled in your veins so dont pity those who stay way from filling their belly on it
india will fall to ruin it will have destructive famine and chaos that is what you did to yourselves
pity turkey pity ksa pity uae pity those who took the hand of the devil they will fall to ruin just as you will
Potato guns
Potato guns
what do you do with your agriculture the green revolution did mess you up badly how do you feed indians in the next century since you dont have just a few hungry mouths you are the irresponsible mess that will plague asia in future
what do you do about the genetic degenerative substances they did push into your food for atleast half a century now how do you solve the issue how do you cope with the mess that is going to be your future
how do you feed these people on this aircraft carrier in future how do you pay them what do you do to sustain yourself you are clueless arent you
Potato guns
you know why we use to rule over you for probably most of your entire history its because you arent smart enough to rule over yourselves therefore we always had to advise the ruinous how to not run against the wall and mess up things in the way
Dear distance of Duqam port from Gawadar port is around 500 miles while from Karachi its around 700 miles thing need to be understand here is that Duqam is mention here as reference point not as exact location where Indian Navy would deploy its carrier they will obviously deploy its at some distance let say 200-300 miles so overall IN carrier group would be deployed at acdistance of around 800-100 miles from the coast of Pakistan

In this case even with IFR JF-17 would have some limitations keep in mind JF-17 with 3 extarnal fuel tank and two 1000 pound bombs have have combat radius of 1000 KM

Plz also note

- Around 79 JF-17 are not IFR capable

- With 2 C-802 or CM-400 AKG it will have smaller combat radius due to the absence of 2 external fuel tank

- In that scenario Indian carrier group would be deployed +1200 to 1600 km away from coast of Pakistan

- Inflight refuelears either have to fly earlier than strick package to reach the refueling point with will put them in danger against Indian interceptors

So comparatively indian navy would be in less danger zone
Single c802 equipped jf17 with two tanks can hit anything at 1200 km
So it wouldnt better to simple use bases inland india
disproportionate response? Pakistan has more than double the warheads than india, disproportionate response will come from Pakistan like it came on February 2019

There are no different rules on sea or land there is just one where you nuke someone you may get disproportionate response. Not worth the risk. Unless your leadership has suicide bomber mentality
disproportionate response? Pakistan has more than double the warheads than india, disproportionate response will come from Pakistan like it came on February 2019
The amount of warhead is not important. Anyone who uses nuclear weapons should be prepared for getting the same in return. That's why I said it's a suicide bomber mentality.
disproportionate response? Pakistan has more than double the warheads than india, disproportionate response will come from Pakistan like it came on February 2019
Who told you about the number of warheads India has ?

We have more budget more platforms and more adversaries ,just do the math .....

Between we have thermonuclear warheads

Good luck.
disproportionate response? Pakistan has more than double the warheads than india, disproportionate response will come from Pakistan like it came on February 2019

India has 22 reactors running as of today, 26 in another 3 years. More than half of them are breeder reactors and military use. India is also processing enough material for its ssbn and ssn fleet while importing the fuel for the civilian reactors from NSG. Pakistan has 4 in total. Do the math who has more material at their disposal.
Single c802 equipped jf17 with two tanks can hit anything at 1200 km
So it wouldnt better to simple use bases inland india
bro this configuration is good to attack small group of IN ships let say a small group of 2-3 ships but not a Carrier Battle Group (CBG) of Indian Navy.

To attack CBG we would be required large number of aerial assets to deal with tasks of Naval Strike as Air Cover to strike group as well as a possible aerial attack from Indian inland bases.
bro this configuration is good to attack small group of IN ships let say a small group of 2-3 ships but not a Carrier Battle Group (CBG) of Indian Navy.

To attack CBG we would be required large number of aerial assets to deal with tasks of Naval Strike as Air Cover to strike group as well as a possible aerial attack from Indian inland bases.
Solution is either acquire flankers, jh7or just build more jf17s/get more tankers
Or build a version of jf17 with better engine longer landing gear so it can carry larger fuel tank under belly and two c802s
Solution is either acquire flankers,
would never come
Old design other than payload offer no upgrade over JF-17 in fact it will require escort armed with BVR during the whole operations
get more tankers
How many .... ???
also tanker would be required to fly far distance from shores of Pakistan prior to the strike package, this mean

- We either have to provide constant air cover to tanker which further mean engagement of additional aerial assets for the operations than numbers would normally required

- Or would have to make Aerial refuelers fly without air escort this will expose our tankers to Indian ship based SAMs or Carrier Based Fighter Jets.
build a version of jf17 with better engine longer landing gear so it can carry larger fuel tank under belly and two c802s

This mean development of a completely New Fighter Jet Design which will take at least a decade to initiate manufacturing then additional years to attain full Operational Status
The amount of warhead is not important. Anyone who uses nuclear weapons should be prepared for getting the same in return. That's why I said it's a suicide bomber mentality.
It's not suicide mentality
But it works as if we lost in conventional war,then nuclear weapons will be rained on enemy (not only India)
So its kill and be killed.no second option.

I think nuclear weapons are developed only to use when you lose conventional battle.
As for pakistan, defeat from India will send the nation in irreparable syndrome ,so kill and be killed is better than that syndrome.
So don't think pakistan will not use nuclear weapons against India after loss in conventional war.

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