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How Obama can help eradicate the scourge of militant Hindu nationalism

Let me ask the obvious question. What Militant Hindu Nationalism?

Do they have right wing parties- Yes. Do they act like ours who are pro one religion? Yes

Are they militant? None that I've noticed. Few cases here and there of riots and tragic deaths because fights between one group or another in some village, is not what we would call a militant organization.

You have to understand that "militant organization" has a very specific meaning to the rest of us in the world.

RSS standing in a formation with sticks in their hand performing some exercise is not what we would classify as a 'Militant organization'. We call such groups in the U.S, that actually posses weapons as " militia"

And OH! Obama or the U.S is not interested in your internal squabbles.
Modi refused to apologize for the violence during his recent campaign, dismissing pleas to do so as a ploy to distract from his message of "development and jobs." But now that Hindu nationalists — some in his own cabinet — are distracting from this economic message, Modi seems blissfully unperturbed.

All of this jingoism would be comical if it weren't accompanied with chilling calls by militant Hindu supremacist outfits such as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, where Modi cut his political teeth, for upping India's Hindu presence from 80 percent to "100 percent by 2021."

The writer indeed brings out these serious issues. Minorities are being killed and treated very bad in India for many decades. Since Modi came into power, its become more of an issue. These are serious human right's violations that the US / Mr. Obama should take a notice of. And may have a productive talk about it. Some relief to minorities can definitely be brought on by Mr. Obama's visit.

@US_statedept_retired : what's your take on this situation in India as you are from there and have a better command on the subject? What can the US do to help the Indian minorities find some relief from these religious nut cases inside the Indian government and around it?

Let me ask the obvious question. What Militant Hindu Nationalism?

Do they have right wing parties- Yes. Do they act like ours who are pro one religion? Yes

Are they militant? None that I've noticed. Few cases here and there of riots and tragic deaths because fights between one group or another in some village, is not what we would call a militant organization.

You have to understand that "militant organization" has a very specific meaning to the rest of us in the world..

Burning down mosques, villages of Christians and Muslims isn't considered human rights violations or militancy when weapons of different kinds are being used? And what's a definition of a "militant organization" ...?? I always wondered. Educate us (no Wikipedia please).
@US_statedept_retired : what's your take on this situation in India as you are from there and have a better command on the subject? What can the US do to help the Indian minorities find some relief from these religious nut cases inside the Indian government and around it?

@orangzaib How can we best rid of your militant types from our country?
Burning down mosques, villages of Christians and Muslims isn't considered human rights violations or militancy when weapons of different kinds are being used? And what's a definition of a "militant organization" ...?? I always wondered. Educate us (no Wikipedia please).

This shows your immaturity in discussing such topics. Those are criminal acts, many done as a reaction by gangs of people starting up something spontaneously to some act that took place, and not an organized militant organization. Organized militant organization would be the two dozen in your country or Indian mujahideen, the North east terror groups in india etc.
@orangzaib How can we best rid of your militant types from our country?

Again, cheap, third class responses. I'd suggest first we kick out Hindus like you who represent RSS, BJP and all Indian militant organizations who have killed thousands of Christians and Muslims and are killing these minorities today. There are Sikh-Americnas who've filed law suits recently against the Modi regime's murders of minorities in the US. So you should move back to Karnataka as they might look for you too. RSS, BJP, Shiv Sena, Taliban, Al-Qaeda are all fanatic organizations and obviously, you support Modi so you are supporting his inhumane, forceful violent agenda. Human rights violation right here on this form!!! Did you ever finish your Bachelor's degree when you worked for the State Dept? Or did you just dropped mail and packages to different locations or sat at the front desk of a building?
Again, cheap, third class responses. I'd suggest first we kick out Hindus like you who represent RSS, BJP and all Indian militant organizations who have killed thousands of Christians and Muslims and are killing these minorities today. There are Sikh-Americnas who've filed law suits recently against the Modi regime's murders of minorities in the US. So you should move back to Karnataka as they might look for you too. RSS, BJP, Shiv Sena, Taliban, Al-Qaeda are all fanatic organizations and obviously, you support Modi so you are supporting his inhumane, forceful violent agenda. Human rights violation right here on this form!!! Did you ever finish your Bachelor's degree when you worked for the State Dept? Or did you just dropped mail and packages to different locations or sat at the front desk of a building?

Wow did I hit a nerve when I showed you a mirror. Simple question and now my turn to ask you. Are you a pakistani lobbyist or militant? Most all of what I support and stand for is identical to our foreign policy. But you are always shrilling and reflecting the same viewpoints as of those belonging to the anti american groups.

80% of the topics in the world forum are anti Indian topics and you never see me post in them , unless it has something to do with the U.S. So my bias is obvious and is the same bias as the US state department and our foreign policy group. You on the other hand are always looking out for this one country and not America.

RSS, BJP and Shiv sena are not the same as Al Qaeda, Taliban and two dozen that are in your country. That is again a very immature line of reasoning if you equate them as one and the same.
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Wow did I hit a nerve when I showed you a mirror. Simple question and now my turn to ask you. Are you a pakistani lobbyist or militant? Most all of what I support and stand for is identical to our foreign policy. But you are always shrilling and reflecting the same view points as of the anti american groups.

1) Firs bold, neither. Read my post and tell me ONE post that makes you think I could be either. Posting crap out of your rear and getting personal by name calling is all you can do. No logic, no intellect, 0 professionalism in your posts.

2) I stand for the Star Spangled Banner and support our foreign policy. Not for Safron Trishul crap you stand for. But I do question our so called "strategic allies" best interests in the future. We are and will do what we commit to India for. The question remains WIDE open and on India's history (And your personal responses as you are an Indian too), that how much, will India do for us when the time comes???? The answer is time will tell. Period!

Next time, if you want to get into a debate with me, try to post some quality responses instead of low blows and personal name calling. When people have no logical question or explanation based on their intellect, they name call others like you've called me Pakistani lobbyists or a militant. If you read my posts even half as*, you'll see how much hate I have for the militants and how much I criticize Pakistan in many cases. I went through 911 and saw REAL PAIN in front of me. You, on the other hand, watched TV. So keep your personal bullsh*it to yourself. You are an insult to the State Dept if you really worked for them. I guess every institute hires below average people to make up their minority quota.
None of your posts are worthy reading. They definitely don't show ANY intellect or professionalism I or others expect from a State Dept retired individual.
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1) Firs bold, neither. Read my post and tell me ONE post that makes you think I could be either. Posting crap out of your rear and getting personal by name calling is all you can do. No logic, no intellect, 0 professionalism in your posts.

2) I stand for the Star Spangled Banner and support our foreign policy. Not for Safron Trishul crap you stand for. But I do question our so called "strategic allies" best interests in the future. We are and will do what we commit to India for. The question remains WIDE open and on India history (And your personal responses as you are an Indian too), that how much, will India do for us when the time comes???? The answer is time will tell. Period!

Next time, if you want to get into a debate with me, try to post some quality responses instead of low blows and personal name calling. When people have no logical question or explanation based on their intellect, they name call others like you've called me Pakistani lobbyists or a militant. If you read my posts even half as*, you'll see how much hate I have for the militants and how much I criticize Pakistan in many cases. I went through 911 and saw REAL PAIN in front of me. You, on the other hand, watched TV. So keep your personal bullsh*it to yourself. You are an insult to the State Dept if you really worked for them. I guess every institute hires below average people to make up their minority quota.
None of your posts are worthy reading. They definitely don't show ANY intellect or professionalism I or others expect from a State Dept retired individual.

This is the part that is a head scratcher. The moment a topic is about US/India you come in and try your best to give your advice how Americans need to stay away from it. And then you pretend your star spangled banner guy? :lol:

Then out of the blue- you immediately attack me by calling me an Indian lobbyist and Indian.( you remember you attacked me first with that line?)

Then you further exacerbate the situation by going on some Anti Hindu tirade against me( which is hilarious) and come apart at the seams with hate talk. All this while I never attack you personally I simply ask the same question of you that you asked of me.

So spare me your sanctimonious attitude. Your play is as anti american as it gets when looking out for your true homeland. .
RSS doesnt go around killing people in the name of god,it is a charitable organisation that helped in the time of war,runs thousands of schools across India for the poor among many other things

So who's killed thousands of Sikhs? Who's killed thousands of Christians and Muslims? Youtube "killing of minorities by hindus" and see for yourself. Whoever kills humans and terrorized them to change their religion or hurts them for religious purposes, is a terrorist in my book. RSS, Shiv Sena and BJP have been doing this, so have Talibans and Al-Qaeda, all for their respective religions. So let's call shi*t, shi*t not roses. ANY group who threatens ordinary humans based on religious beliefs, is conducting terrorism. Simple is that. You can't exclude the group you like and put in the ones you don't like due to your own religious beliefs.

All humans deserve the right to live peacefully, without force from ANY group imposing religion by force. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa all have this issue and different religious nut cases are busy killing innocents for their sick, religious propaganda. And that should NEVER be allowed, no matter who you are.
So who's killed thousands of Sikhs? Who's killed thousands of Christians and Muslims? Youtube "killing of minorities by hindus" and see for yourself. Whoever kills humans and terrorized them to change their religion or hurts them for religious purposes, is a terrorist in my book. RSS, Shiv Sena and BJP have been doing this, so have Talibans and Al-Qaeda, all for their respective religions. So let's call shi*t, shi*t not roses. ANY group who threatens ordinary humans based on religious beliefs, is conducting terrorism. Simple is that. You can't exclude the group you like and put in the ones you don't like due to your own religious beliefs.

All humans deserve the right to live peacefully, without force from ANY group imposing religion by force. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa all have this issue and different religious nut cases are busy killing innocents for their sick, religious propaganda. And that should NEVER be allowed, no matter who you are.

@babu_jalela . This guy is desperately trying to hyphenate his homeland with India again, and by equating obvious law and order situations as the same of his militancy.
So who's killed thousands of Sikhs? Who's killed thousands of Christians and Muslims? Youtube "killing of minorities by hindus" and see for yourself. Whoever kills humans and terrorized them to change their religion or hurts them for religious purposes, is a terrorist in my book. RSS, Shiv Sena and BJP have been doing this, so have Talibans and Al-Qaeda, all for their respective religions. So let's call shi*t, shi*t not roses. ANY group who threatens ordinary humans based on religious beliefs, is conducting terrorism. Simple is that. You can't exclude the group you like and put in the ones you don't like due to your own religious beliefs.

All humans deserve the right to live peacefully, without force from ANY group imposing religion by force. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa all have this issue and different religious nut cases are busy killing innocents for their sick, religious propaganda. And that should NEVER be allowed, no matter who you are.
So your source of proof is a youtube video?

I guessed it right, you are a Islamic terrorist apologist. Cause you will compare anything under the sun with terrorism. This line of reasoning is only heard from Muslims and specially Pakistanis
This is the part that is a head scratcher. The moment a topic is about US/India you come in and try your best to give your advice how Americans need to stay away from it. And then you pretend your star spangled banner guy? :lol:

Then out of the blue- you immediately attack me by calling me an Indian lobbyist and Indian.( you remember you attacked me first with that line?)

Then you further exacerbate the situation by going on some Anti Hindu tirade against me( which is hilarious) and come apart at the seams with hate talk. All this while I never attack you personally I simply ask the same question of you that you asked of me.

So spare me your sanctimonious attitude. Your play is as anti american as it gets when looking out for your true homeland. .

You have it backwards my friend. Go read other threads too where I post. I just posted in another thread on Pakistan and told folks about how corrupt their military is, no matter how "great" they think it is. So I post on almost all kinds of threads. Majority (90%) of your stuff is just glorifying India than actually making facts about critical points and then saying "I support the US government's foreign policy" (what a LAME excuse, we all get that. How about your provide some facts to support whatever argument you are on too, than just glorifying a specific nation you like for obvious reasons)??

Hands down, I can debate with you and you won't have defense of your own arguments. Its a challenge, let me know if you want to do it. Unlike you, I back my points with facts. You back them up by calling others "terrorists" and "anti-Americans" (it should really be called "Anti-Indian" as its coming from you WITHOUT context).

Here we go again with your personal insults, without context or facts!!! My "true homeland". Its all here, in the land of the Free called America. Not India, (a land free FOR Hindus only!!!). Try not to debate for a prize or a competition, you'll lose miserably!!
Just because I question India's true intentions towards us in the future (which time will only tell), doesn't mean I am re-channeling any "saved" benefit from India to a different country. Calling a real question anti-Indian, American or all, is silly, stupid and shows writers lack of proper experience in dealing with serious questions, along with personal name calling, which shows immature and unprofessional behavior.
Excellent points, there is some truth in it. US should be alert this matter and must hunt down Hindu terrorists (can't tell differences as Taliban) before exporting to Pakistan cities.

Predator Drones can do the job in India.

Barack Obama handed Narendra Modi a personal triumph by accepting the Indian prime minister's invitation to attend India's Republic Day celebrations on Monday, January 26. The holiday commemorates India adopting its constitution, and affirms the nation's commitment to religious liberties. And it's that latter nature of the holiday that makes it critical for President Obama to ensure that Modi and his Hindu triumphalist cronies don't see the commander-in-chief's visit as a clean chit for their recent attacks on religious liberties.

Obama's visit isn't just about India's Republic Day, of course. It's part of the president's broader Asia initiative to get India, like China, to cut carbon emissions, while strengthening America and India's trade and security ties as a counterweight to China's growing influence. But fighting global warming in exchange for tolerating religious persecution is hardly a good trade off.

Modi is new in office, and has yet to prove he's a worthy partner. He won a great victory in parliamentary elections by focusing, laser-like, on economic and governance issues — and downplaying his Hindu nationalism. But when he was chief minister of Gujarat, India experienced one of its worst post-independence incidents of anti-Muslim bloodletting by Hindu fundamentalists, some of them aligned with Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party, provoking the U.S. to impose a visa ban on him.

Modi refused to apologize for the violence during his recent campaign, dismissing pleas to do so as a ploy to distract from his message of "development and jobs." But now that Hindu nationalists — some in his own cabinet — are distracting from this economic message, Modi seems blissfully unperturbed.

His education minister replaced German with Sanskrit as the third language option in schools for government employee children in the middle of the school year, creating a huge furor. Why did she do this? Because it's the language of Hindu scriptures — never mind that it has little practical relevance in modernizing India, where parents overwhelmingly prefer other languages. Nor is this an isolated attempt at scriptural chauvinism by Modi officials. India's minister of science and technology has asserted — in a national science conference inaugurated by Modi no less! — that ancient Indians, not Greeks, discovered the Pythagorean theorem. At the same conference, a respected pilot asserted not only that Hindus invented planes thousands of years before the Wright brothers, but that these planes could fly in any direction — and between planets to boot! Such claims are in keeping with Modi's own boast, previously confined to fringe gurus, that Indians knew genetics and plastic surgery thousands of years ago — otherwise how could Hindu god Ganesh have acquired an elephant head?

All of this jingoism would be comical if it weren't accompanied with chilling calls by militant Hindu supremacist outfits such as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, where Modi cut his political teeth, for upping India's Hindu presence from 80 percent to "100 percent by 2021."

This is no idle pronouncement. In September, the RSS partnered with a state BJP chapter to reignite its campaign against "love jihad" — or the alleged Islamist conspiracy to convert Hindu women by seducing or bribing them to marry Muslim men. But instead of chastising this naked attempt to incite anti-Muslim hatred, Modi's chairperson to the National Commission for Women justified it by noting that it represented understandable "outrage" against inter-faith marriages that are "against the norm."

This effort, moreover, was simply the opening act of a more ominous campaign to hold mass "reconversions" of Muslims and Christians to Hinduism in public ceremonies called ghar wapasis — or homecomings. Dubbing this a "reconversion" effort is a clever ploy that serves a dual purpose. First, it emphasizes RSS's incendiary claim that Islamic rulers and Christian missionaries illicitly converted Hindus who are now merely being returned to their true heritage. And second, it sets the stage to exempt the organization from the national ban on religious conversions it is seeking, effectively handing it a monopoly on the conversion business.

The ghar wapasi campaign provoked a major row in parliament. Opposition leaders demanded that Modi pledge to end the initiative. He resolutely resisted, even though this prevented legislation on his key economic reforms from moving forward. Moreover, he rechristened Christmas as Good Governance Day, cancelling this Christian national holiday for government employees while leaving the many Hindu holidays intact.

A delegation of Christians led by Rev. Dominic Emmanuel, a Roman Catholic priest, paid Modi a customary visit on Christmas and complained that ghar wapasis and other attacks were making them "feel insecure and fearful." They asked Modi to say a few public words condemning such activity to put their minds at ease. Modi coldly informed them, they report, that it wasn't his role to weigh in on every issue and they shouldn't fall for "media exaggerations."

A group of Indian Catholic Bishops has since issued a statement demanding that Modi intervene to stop such unconstitutional activities.

Modi will use Obama's visit as the West's vote of confidence in himself, and pooh-pooh growing domestic alarm over his creeping Hindutva agenda. It's probably too late for Obama to fall sick and take a rain check until the Modi government offers sure signs that it plans to protect religious rights. But the president should take this opportunity to unambiguously communicate that he is very troubled by the developments on Modi's watch thus far.

To that end, Obama should privately — but forcefully — express directly to Modi his dismay about attacks on India's religious minorities, and make sure that Modi understands that America's continued backing for India's Security Council bid depends on credible efforts to protect these minorities. He should pointedly emphasize in his public comments that what binds the two democracies are not just commercial ties but mutual traditions of tolerance. Above all, he should meet with Christian and Muslim leaders whom Modi has dissed in an open show of solidarity with them.

Modi held his own victory rally in Madison Square Garden during his September visit to the United States — unprecedented for a foreign leader. So if Obama takes some time off from official business to meet private citizens whose issues he cares about, he would hardly be acting out of line.

Obama can't ignore the political forces he'll be aiding and abetting in India.

India is a young democracy whose commitment to religious liberty is still fragile. On its Republic Day, President Obama should do nothing to undermine it.

How Obama can help eradicate the scourge of militant Hindu nationalism
So your source of proof is a youtube video?

I guessed it right, you are a Islamic terrorist apologist. Cause you will compare anything under the sun with terrorism. This line of reasoning is only heard from Muslims and specially Pakistanis

Here we go. All Indians are here (1.2 billion of them). The internet is about to stop working due to too much traffic!!! Allow me to repeat again. Any clan, group of people or a militant organization from a certain religion, threatening, killing or terrorizing people of a different faith is a terrorist organization. You have them in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China, Russia and everywhere else. And they belong to their respective religions. There is no if or but about it. You can continue to be a cry baby or name call me anything. But I'll always stand for peace, stability, liberty and human freedom. Our American values that is. You guys can hate us but can't change us.

And you moron, someone standing for peace and human freedom is as against and opposite of terrorism as the two poles. Read before name calling anyone. Post facts not just personal hate. I can already classify you a Hindu extremist from BJP, RSS or Shiv Sena.
Hands down, I can debate with you and you won't have defense of your own arguments. Its a challenge, let me know if you want to do it. Unlike you, I back my points with facts.

Here we go again with your personal insults, without context or facts!!! My "true homeland". Its all here, in the land of the Free called America. Not India, (a land free FOR Hindus only!!!).

you support Modi so you are supporting his inhumane, forceful violent agenda. Human rights violation right here on this form!!!

I didn't even have to try hard orangzaib miyaan :pakistan:
Low quality, you said ?
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