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How Much Air Superiority Does a Man Need?

shr_bwp did you not read the article. Here let me help you again:

This article gives an idea of primary countries that launder..

The author is including Saudi Arabia which does not make sense, Saudi had $800 Billion Dollars invested in US by Year 2000 before 9/11 and had purchased even weapons over the years to keep local Americans keep their Jobs, all Petro Money alone the author is even wrongly interpreting the word launder and that is what most america journalists and anti states author do. I don't know what sort of laundering would Saudi Arabia do on the contrary NATO/US is doing that from Afghan opium and heroin.

Let me try again: her quote is "This article gives an idea of primary countries that launder our money buy our military equipment. " With the words 'launder out money' STRICKEN out - to suggest a double meaning. You keep bringing up Saudi spending and purchase of US arms. She dismisses those purchases as only done after approval from the American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC) so they are useful only because it keeps production lines rolling and mid-west politicians re-elected. She actually is accusing the Saudis of collaborating with the US in keeping these useless planes in production - with which I totally agree, by the way. The money launder part is the subsidy that US gives Israel which in turn uses that money to buy F-35, but with Israeli ancillary equipment - she calls it money laundering (using our money to buy our stuff). The Saudis also in a sense do the same thing: afterall the Saudis sell oil and US buys it. The Saudis use that money to buy US arms......
where do F17 thunder place Pakistan by its addition to PAF??
Pak Air Force can Battle Israel Air Force in this reference: paksnaps.com/pak-air-force-can-battle-israel-air-force/

You can even battlethe Raptors and still the score will be : JF 17 : 187 Kills and F-22 : 0 :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
In seriousness, I think the JF-17 is too young as a system to draw realistic conclusions. Speculation is fun, but that's all it is.

From what I have gathered (little enough), the JF-17 is an analogue of the F-16, a lightweight fighter-bomber with unknown capabilities yet to be fully explored. It will be very interesting to see how it works out in the future.
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