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How many Pakistani PDF members were opposed to CPEC from beginning?

How many Pakistani PDF members were opposed to CPEC from beginning?

  • I am one of those Pakistanis who opposed CPEC from beginning.

    Votes: 11 8.7%
  • I am a Pakistani and I was for CPEC from beginning.

    Votes: 115 91.3%

  • Total voters
no sincere pakistani will ever oppose anything that is for betterment of a common pakistani. there is no need of voting for that. be it CPEC, kalabagha dam, roads and infrastructure development. problems arise when certain pakistanis due to their selfish interests mislead the masses. kalabagh dam is the classical example. the second major issue is that our leaders generally lack vision and they dont do any preparation in advance. in case of CPEC there is no planning for what will become of the local industry once chinese goods will flood the local market. chinese products are slightly better but far cheaper then the local produce. very soon there will be locks at the gates of our industries and that lock will also be of tricircle company of china.
I voted "yes" not because of the stupid Pakistani media which I rarely bother with - although I like Herald magazine. I was for CPEC from day one because of my own reasons which were -

  • It would open the door to Chinese influence inside Pakistan. The Chinese are athiest. I don't like mullah politics. So that introduces the tantalizing equation of +-=X or plus minus equals ex where plus is Chinese influence and minus is mullah politics and X is the level of religious obscurantism inside Pakistan. Therefore greater the plus it reduces X. That is like a gift from heavens for secularists inside Pakistan. This means we begin the long road to secular society.

  • Because China is next door Chinese influence would permeate into all aspects of Pakistani society. That means way doing business and the economy would over time reconfigure itself. Not only would Pakistani's become more business like rather than ummah like but it would encourage competion and innovation that over time would change Pakistan's political economy and state. Win win.

  • With this much investment China would never allow Pakistan to turn into a religious hell hole. Therefore efectively CPEC is insurance policy. China would behind closed doors exert pressure on Pak ruling elite to take the path of progress.

  • Other investors would be more confident of investing money as they say China ploughing in billions.
In long run, the infrastructure of Pakistan will be developed but Pakistan will be under huge debt. I don't think Pakistan economy will be big enough in future to pay back those loans to China. Also the money for transporting Chinese Good via Land and Gwadar will Not be sufficient enough to finish off these loans and this toll money alone cannot revive the economy. The dreams of creating economical/industrial zones will remain dreams. Thus CPEC will become one of the many lost dreams which pakistani nation has seen since 1947. But the blame goes to Corrupt Pakistani politicians who were corrupt to the core and on top, they were never visionary.

In future, the relationship between Pakistan and China will also cool down once China starts asking Pakistan to pay back their loans and Pakistan will not have money to return them. Then Pakistan has to give what Sri Lanka gave i.e. Ports and other assets.
There should also be a poll about how many Pakistanis really know what CPEC is all about beyond the acronym. I mean the inside out , even the fine prints. CPEC is not a religion that it can not be publicly criticized or discussed. Nothing is beyond critical scrutiny if the welfare of the country is the primary objective. When you shut people’s mouth and accuse them of blasphemy for everything you dislike, that is precisely a sign of terminal decline of the country.
There should also be a poll about how many Pakistanis really know what CPEC is all about beyond the acronym. I mean the inside out , even the fine prints. CPEC is not a religion that it can not be publicly criticized or discussed. Nothing is beyond critical scrutiny if the welfare of the country is the primary objective. When you shut people’s mouth and accuse them of blasphemy for everything you dislike, that is precisely a sign of terminal decline of the country.
When will you show your country flags below your DP?
This is in context of this specific topic. Since you have doubts about CPEC, I wanted to know whether you are Indian or Pakistani.

I never said that I had doubt about CPEC. Read my comment. By the way, I am American of Pakistani origin.

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