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Dokrya Majha Janma Ikde Mumbai Madhe Jhala ... Tujhe Sarkha mee Ardhavat Preshi Avad Naslele marathi Nahi...

I guess you took offence when I said 'Tichaaila'. Rest assured, it was in jest and if you have ever watched Nilu Phule in action, you would know.

So you are a fraud mallu then? Just like my friend who was born and brought up in Pune but calls himself Mallu - and no he cannot speak a word of Malayalam.

Punha Disla tar Wagache Panjje thobadivaar Basel :taz: ...

Maajha bhau chota aastana majhya aajobala manto - me vaaghobala thobadeet marlelo!! Oh yes, he loved to say "Dhungan"..
I guess you took offence when I said 'Tichaaila'. Rest assured, it was in jest and if you have ever watched Nilu Phule in action, you would know.

So you are a fraud mallu then? Just like my friend who was born and brought up in Pune but calls himself Mallu - and no he cannot speak a word of Malayalam.

Maajha bhau chota aastana majhya aajobala manto - me vaaghobala thobadeet marlelo!! Oh yes, he loved to say "Dhungan"..
No Bro i am a Proud Malayali as well & I know very well How to Speak Malayalam too but cant read r write ...

No yaar I was not offended by Tichaailaa... Unless it is Tichaailaa + Something ... Aaila is a Common Word in Mumbai as More often Sachin Tendulkar Usses it ... :P Ailaa Out Zala... :tongue:
Jai maharashtra! I dedicate this to all marathi manus here... one of my favourite songs...

Thanks a ton JanjaWeed.

Was searching this song for like an eternity.

Can't understand any single word of the song but I fcking love it.:smitten:
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Gatari Amavasya chya hardik shubhechha Bhavannav !!! :alcoholic:

Modi unveils Shivaji statue at Limbayat

Chief Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji at Limbayat area in Surat on Saturday. The statue stands on the land donated by a Haji Chinu Mansuri who was former municipal councillor of Limbayat from Congress party.
While addressing the gathering Modi said, “This is an example of the Sadbhavna which we are experiencing today at Limbayat as Muslim family had donated land for erection of Shivaji statute seeing the feelings of Maharashtrian community people attached to it. He also felicitated Haji Chinu before starting his speech.
The programme was organised by RavindraPatil BJP municipal councillor from Limbayat ward and president of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Smarak Samithi Limbayat in Surat. He was given grand welcome by the Maharashtrian community people at the venue.
“If you want to see the best example of good governance look into the history of Shivaji Maharaj and you will understand. We are still learning from his works till today. We have seen Shivaji postures and picture only on horse, because he had spent70 per cent of life riding on it, for fighting against enemies. Shivaji’s work style gives us example of international business. Even one can find how he had taken strict actions against those caught in corruption,” Modi further said.
“I wanted to tell the archaeological department officials to carry out digging activities in his ruling state and they will find many things like how innovative farming was done during his tenure,” he said.

Modi unveils Shivaji statue at Limbayat - Indian Express
My wife is Marathi and a fiercely proud punekar. I don't know marathi but can understand it a little bit. "Jop" is my favorite word. I'm a kannadiga and disappointed that "jop" sounds better than "nidhre" :(
how many marathi members are here on PDF?

i am marathi

you are welcome to thread if you are marathi (or not)

marath members please post in this thread

Marathi Jan melvava, Marthipana japava :cheers:

Mala Marathi yet naahi? :P

Kaizhala re?

This is what I miss the most about Maharashtra and Mumbai:




God how I miss a good wada paav.

I miss these Jumboking vadapav :(
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