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How do we make PDF better?

I suggest you remove Deino as a moderator. He is terrible.

I have been on PDF for 9 years. I have never been banned for "insulting other nationalities."

I received three strikes for one post claiming that another member was an anti-China troll.

PDF has a ridiculous moderator in Deino and I'm going to other websites to discuss geopolitics and defense issues until you remove Deino.

Best wishes,

I suggest you remove Deino as a moderator. He is terrible.

I have been on PDF for 9 years. I have never been banned for "insulting other nationalities."

I received three strikes for one post claiming that another member was an anti-China troll.

PDF has a ridiculous moderator in Deino and I'm going to other websites to discuss geopolitics and defense issues until you remove Deino.

Best wishes,

Bye. at -50... you ain't gonna be missed...
Less Toxicity is better for all the community...
Marty WILL return. This is the 2nd or 3rd time he 'quit' PDF. The reason Marty WILL return is because PDF is the only place he learns new things, such as technical and political perspectives, and take it to other forums where he will be praised as intelligent and possibly experienced.
Marty WILL return. This is the 2nd or 3rd time he 'quit' PDF. The reason Marty WILL return is because PDF is the only place he learns new things, such as technical and political perspectives, and take it to other forums where he will be praised as intelligent and possibly experienced.

That's quite an interesting Strategy of him... let's hope he doesn't get lost in Translation...
That's quite an interesting Strategy of him... let's hope he doesn't get lost in Translation...
Marty, by his own admission, does not speak Chinese and I have seen my technical explanations in his posts in other forums. Not word for word, of course, but I recognize the patterns.
There are users who edit their posts every 6 hours to match the flow of the discussion. They also use it to hide insults and bait posts.
One of the moderators actually hinted that that will result in immediate ban but nothing happens.
Also there are rampant religious bait posts all over the threads by the usual offenders.

There are a couple of members here who have posted inflammatory posts against each other.

Then double-teamed against a third member, mutually abused.

Then slunk away and discussed on another thread that they should first delete the original offending posts against each other, and then remove the incriminating posts discussing the same immediately.

Immediately happened just after I took a screenshot of the same.

@waz @Oscar would you like me to share?

Cheers, Doc
Vietnamese are referred to as monkeys on an almost daily basis in that section.
There are users who edit their posts every 6 hours to match the flow of the discussion. They also use it to hide insults and bait posts.
One of the moderators actually hinted that that will result in immediate ban but nothing happens.
Also there are rampant religious bait posts all over the threads by the usual offenders.

Who are these people? We can warn them if true. We have the capability to check that.
Create a thread in GHQ.
Mobile PDF version should be much more improved.
2nd- we have many forums- And ofcourse , our admins are master about this forum. But i think --- many users - ( I am old ) still now , i have doubt about forum rules- So i wish , Our Admins , If they are lill bit soft with users . Then it will be fine. however , its fine today too.

And another - things is- post count minimize for ranking up a member status-

And many more issues, i found, Insha"allah tell later .

One plan suddenly came to my mine----

What about if we make a online news portal ?

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