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‘How can I survive’: Chinese stranded in Ukraine feel left to their fate as Russian shelling continues

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
This is what happens when your government doesn't take the safety of your citizens seriously and laughed off giving out invasion warnings.

  • Chinese tourist trapped by war speaks of feeling helpless and abandoned
  • Some Chinese in Ukraine claim to have faced hostility from locals angry over China’s reluctance to condemn Russia
Cao never imagined his holiday in eastern Europe would involve hunkering down in a bomb shelter as Russian shells thudded outside near the devastated Ukrainian city of Chernihiv.

The 25-year-old, one of about 6,000 Chinese nationals who were in Ukraine when Russia invaded, described feeling helpless and abandoned after essentially being told by China’s embassy in Kyiv to fend for himself.

“The embassy told us to find a way to solve the problems we’re facing by ourselves,” he said from a small town outside Chernihiv in northern Ukraine, where he has sought refuge with a local family.

“They said that fighting is everywhere, they aren’t able to do anything … Shouldn’t this be a nation’s responsibility?” he said via China’s WeChat messaging app.

China waited until war broke out to announce evacuation efforts for its citizens, weeks after Western countries warned theirs to leave, and has avoided condemning close ally Moscow.

China’s foreign ministry has expressed concern for the safety of its nationals and on Thursday said it had helped more than 3,000 evacuate.

The first two flights carrying evacuees landed in China on Saturday, state media said. But many more remain stranded.

“We want to leave, but there are no cars. I’m afraid I’ll be killed if I attempt to walk several hundred kilometres,” Cao said, giving only a nickname.
With Ukrainian airspace shut, some Chinese have joined the desperate rush to catch trains out of the country or are risking the perilous drive to its western borders to get on flights.

A Chinese national was shot and injured on Tuesday while attempting to flee Ukraine, state media reported, without specifying who fired on him.

Cao said locals had been kind to him, offering food and shelter, but added: “I don’t know how much longer I can stay in a stranger’s home for free. How can I survive?”

Other Chinese have claimed they faced hostility and even physical attacks from Ukrainians angry over China’s reluctance to condemn Russia, and have called for Chinese internet users to avoid inflammatory posts.

China’s internet is frequently a forum for nationalistic, pro-government views, and many users have cheered Russian President Vladimir Putin online in comments apparently condoned by Chinese censors.

But last week China’s Weibo platform deleted hundreds of misogynistic comments about “taking in Ukrainian beauties”.

Backlash in China over social media mocking of Ukraine conflict

“Bullets won’t fly out of the screen and hit you, but some inappropriate remarks may cause all of us Chinese here unnecessary trouble,” a Chinese man in Kyiv who identified himself by the surname Lin said in a Weibo video uploaded on Sunday.

Lin later said that he was shot at by armed civilians while shopping for groceries last week, but played down local hostility as isolated incidents.

“The psychological pressure on us is enormous … but the embassy is actively coordinating evacuation plans which makes us feel reassured,” said the 28-year-old stand-up comedian, who was in Ukraine for personal business.

He said some objectionable comments online “don’t represent all Chinese people’s attitudes towards the Ukraine conflict.”

Lin said that he would evacuate to the western city of Lviv by train before attempting to drive to Poland. He said he refused an embassy evacuation spot because his Ukrainian girlfriend was not eligible.

Some Chinese have received little sympathy back home despite their plight.

A Chinese student in Kyiv on Tuesday posted a recording of her desperate call to an embassy employee, who advised her to shelter in place or board a train to Lviv by herself.

She later deleted the post after being targeted by a barrage of unsympathetic posts calling her an ingrate.

Recent patriotic Chinese action movies have promoted the idea that citizens facing danger abroad will be rescued by their country, but the reality has been different for Cao.

“I can’t believe that a country … would not only be useless but also shamelessly says it will never abandon a citizen and ends up abandoning a whole load of citizens,” he said.
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This is what happens when your government doesn't take the safety of your citizens seriously and laughed off giving out invasion warnings.

Cao never imagined his holiday in eastern Europe would involve hunkering down in a bomb shelter as Russian shells thudded outside near the devastated Ukrainian city of Chernihiv.

The 25-year-old, one of about 6,000 Chinese nationals who were in Ukraine when Russia invaded, described feeling helpless and abandoned after essentially being told by China’s embassy in Kyiv to fend for himself.

“The embassy told us to find a way to solve the problems we’re facing by ourselves,” he said from a small town outside Chernihiv in northern Ukraine, where he has sought refuge with a local family.

“They said that fighting is everywhere, they aren’t able to do anything … Shouldn’t this be a nation’s responsibility?” he said via China’s WeChat messaging app.

China waited until war broke out to announce evacuation efforts for its citizens, weeks after Western countries warned theirs to leave, and has avoided condemning close ally Moscow.

China’s foreign ministry has expressed concern for the safety of its nationals and on Thursday said it had helped more than 3,000 evacuate.
The first two flights carrying evacuees landed in China on Saturday, state media said. But many more remain stranded.

“We want to leave, but there are no cars. I’m afraid I’ll be killed if I attempt to walk several hundred kilometres,” Cao said, giving only a nickname.
With Ukrainian airspace shut, some Chinese have joined the desperate rush to catch trains out of the country or are risking the perilous drive to its western borders to get on flights.

A Chinese national was shot and injured on Tuesday while attempting to flee Ukraine, state media reported, without specifying who fired on him.

Cao said locals had been kind to him, offering food and shelter, but added: “I don’t know how much longer I can stay in a stranger’s home for free. How can I survive?”

Other Chinese have claimed they faced hostility and even physical attacks from Ukrainians angry over China’s reluctance to condemn Russia, and have called for Chinese internet users to avoid inflammatory posts.

China’s internet is frequently a forum for nationalistic, pro-government views, and many users have cheered Russian President Vladimir Putin online in comments apparently condoned by Chinese censors.
But last week China’s Weibo platform deleted hundreds of misogynistic comments about “taking in Ukrainian beauties”.

Backlash in China over social media mocking of Ukraine conflict

“Bullets won’t fly out of the screen and hit you, but some inappropriate remarks may cause all of us Chinese here unnecessary trouble,” a Chinese man in Kyiv who identified himself by the surname Lin said in a Weibo video uploaded on Sunday.

Lin later said that he was shot at by armed civilians while shopping for groceries last week, but played down local hostility as isolated incidents.

“The psychological pressure on us is enormous … but the embassy is actively coordinating evacuation plans which makes us feel reassured,” said the 28-year-old stand-up comedian, who was in Ukraine for personal business.

He said some objectionable comments online “don’t represent all Chinese people’s attitudes towards the Ukraine conflict.”

Lin said that he would evacuate to the western city of Lviv by train before attempting to drive to Poland. He said he refused an embassy evacuation spot because his Ukrainian girlfriend was not eligible.

Some Chinese have received little sympathy back home despite their plight.

A Chinese student in Kyiv on Tuesday posted a recording of her desperate call to an embassy employee, who advised her to shelter in place or board a train to Lviv by herself.

She later deleted the post after being targeted by a barrage of unsympathetic posts calling her an ingrate.

Recent patriotic Chinese action movies have promoted the idea that citizens facing danger abroad will be rescued by their country, but the reality has been different for Cao.

“I can’t believe that a country … would not only be useless but also shamelessly says it will never abandon a citizen and ends up abandoning a whole load of citizens,” he said.

Half of them hade been evacuated 3 days ago, by now they should've been almost all evacuated

Half of them hade been evacuated 3 days ago, by now they should've been almost all evacuated

Your government played the complete Putin stooge role well.

They intentionally didn't warn Chinese citizens to leave because that would show they didn't trust the invasion denials of Russia.

So instead China joined the chorus and cried "Invasion of Ukraine is just Western FakeNews" and let the Chinese citizens be caught in a warzone.
Your government played the complete Putin stooge role well.

They intentionally didn't warn Chinese citizens to leave because that would show they didn't trust the invasion denials of Russia.

So instead China joined the chorus and cried "Invasion of Ukraine is just Western FakeNews" and let the Chinese citizens be caught in a warzone.
How do you know that China knew what Russia would do before this war? Russians do things based on their own will, they don't need China's consent.
How do you know that China knew what Russia would do before this war? Russians do things based on their own will, they don't need China's consent.

You have spy satellites that could easily see the military buildup...but China chose not to talk about them...and in fact dismissed it as non-existent.

Unless you think Chinese optics are junk and could not recognize these vehicles as military. :whistle:




China played the part of the ignorant stooge well.
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You have spy satellites that could easily see the military buildup...but China chose not to talk about them...and in fact dismissed it as non-existent.

Unless you think Chinese optics are junk and could not recognize these vehicles as military. :whistle:




China played the part of the ignorant stooge well.
Military buildup doesn't always mean invasion, west lies too much and no one knows which one could not be a lie. As for Chinese citizens in Ukraine, they'll be OK, they won't be bombed to death like the staffers working in China's embassy in Belgrade in 1999. China'll take care of them and make sure they all be evacuated safely.
Military buildup doesn't always mean invasion,

True, Ukraine wanting to join NATO doesn't mean a Russian invasion either. So Russia is recklessly overreacting with China being the classic yes-man lapdog supporter with weak justification excuses.
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True, Ukraine wanting to join NATO doesn't mean a Russian invasion either. So Russia is recklessly overreacting with China being the classic stooge supporter with weak justification excuses.
Everyone can see that if Nato accepted Russia's requests and shut Ukraine out of Nato, this war could be avoided, in the worst scenario, Russia still attacked Ukraine even after Nato's guarantee, Russia would lose all its credibility and the west would totally occupies the moral high ground, no countries would side with Russia including China. Both scenarios would be pretty good to Nato and not bad to Russia either. But Nato stubbornly rejected all Russia's grievances and requests, it only means one thing, Nato wants and pokes Russia to attack, they know Russia had been pushed into a dead corner, they left no other options for Russia.
Why do you care that much about Chinese and China, but, always in bad ways ? Your posts are mostly about Chinese and China, American propaganda ? You Yankees should care and post more about your country America !

Excuse me while I rewrite your post after looking at the current Americas forum articles...

"Why do the Chinese here care that much about the US people and the US, but, always in bad ways ? Their posts are mostly about the US people and the US, Chinese propaganda ? Those Chinese should care and post more about their own country China!"


@etylo please do us all a favor and make this post in one of the above threads...unless you enjoy being a called a classic hypocrite.

We are all eagerly awaiting for your replies in those threads...
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sounds like they are in some remote village and too afraid to head for border or train stations, so what exactly do they expect the embassy to do? send a limo to pick them up?:lol:
Excuse me while I rewrite your post after looking at the current Americas forum articles,

"Why do the Chinese here care that much about the US people and the US, but, always in bad ways ? Their posts are mostly about the US people and the US, Chinese propaganda ? Those Chinese should care and post more about their own country China!"

View attachment 821348

@etylo please do us all a favor and make this post in one of the above threads...unless you enjoy being a called a hypocrite
But, he also posts many posts about China and others besides USA. Yours are exclusively or almost all are about China. Talk of hypocrites, no people are better qualified than you Yankees, and the whole world knows it !
But, he also posts many posts about China and others besides USA.

Odd....I don't see him posting in the Pakistani sections

Like here:

or here:

or here:

or here:

Can you help explain to us all using your very eloquent and unbiased rational reasoning as to why the Chinese are focused on flood posting the Americas forum but not any of the Pakistani ones?

Yours are exclusively or almost all are about China. Talk of hypocrites,

LOL! ..and where are all your positive posts about Canada in the Americas? I see nothing..but here you are in the China forum complaining...funny how that is..isn't it?

Most of my posts and are in the Americas forum. The only reason you don't see them is the Chinese here keep posting negative articles in the Americas causing mine to be pushed to the second page.

You should really learn how to look closer.

When I do the same in the China forums clueless people like you take immediate notice and start screaming. They will NEVER scream about it in the Americas forum...because well their eyes only notice things that easily offend them..and not what is the reality of the situation.

Why don't you be the first and take it upon yourself to point this out in their posts that half the Americas forum threads are written by the Chinese and that they should stick in their own forum. Instead of noticing a tiny percentage of Chinese forum post are by me and quickly jumping in to reply.

BTW @etylo you are probably the 20th person on PDF to make a reply post like this and not one of them has ever replied in the same way to a Chinese post in the Americas forum. So I don't expect you to act any different...it's gotten to be a rather standard reply script of mine.

The usual silence and crickets chirping in 3...2...1
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LOL! Mos...BS BS BS...
Thanks for your propaganda mouthpiece to mislead people believe Chinese bad this bad that. American feel angry for their citizens stranded too, people also believe American bad this bad that too. fair enough.
Americans are growing frustrated with the United States' immigration system because it's left them either displaced in a foreign country with their Ukrainian loved ones or worrying about their families from an ocean away
A United States citizen is speaking out about his experience being stranded in Ukraine after his flight was cancelled due Russia’s attack on the country

Sorry we already made the evacuation announcement well before the invasion (that the Chinese government had no intention of ever doing). Unfortunately some people didn't want to listen. We can't grab all their hands and drag them out of the country.

February 11, 2022

Biden tells U.S. citizens to leave Ukraine, saying military wouldn't rescue them

So who is next with words of wisdom in this thread?
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