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How can CPEC be a Game Changer for Pakistan?

China began industrialization and agricultural modernization in 1978, and its economy began to grow rapidly in 1995. Among them, the exchange rate of CNY against the US dollar fell from 1.57 in 1978 to 8.62 in 1994. It took China 17 years and a 549% currency devaluation to lay the foundation for rapid industrial development, and Pakistan has just begun.

In 2019, Pakistan's per capita GDP was USD 1284. The world's per capita GDP is USD 11400, and Pakistan accounts for 11.3% of the standard. In 1995, China's per capita income was US $609 and the world's per capita GDP was US $5418. China accounted for 11.2% of the standard. Excluding global inflation, Pakistan's current economic situation is actually about the same as that of China in 1995. According to China's economic development history, I think that Pakistan's economic situation and industrial capacity should be greatly improved after 14 years(2035).
I was talking about cpec's results. Overall economy won't just be about cpec
According to first part of this interview of the SAPM, Pakistan first went to western countries back in 2011-13 to seek help for building of power plants. At that time GoP was trying to plug in the electricity shortfall of about 8000 MW.

However no western country was willing to build power plants which would use local coal, so Pakistan went to China which agreed.

So why western countries are now complaining about CPEC? They had a chance to build these infrastructures but they were not interested.
It won't change anything because people keep talking about freight corridors and energy corridors. The mentality is so third world.

What we should really be thinking is, we've got all this infrastructure and energy capacity built by borrowing money - how can we utilise it to increase our own productivity?

We need to setup factories of our own and export our own products. We also need to try and get Chinese companies to shift thier factories to our country.

The corridor will be useful to export our products to China and materials etc from China for the assembly of products in Pakistan.

We need to stop thinking of Pakistan as a toll plaza.
Your hate for islam is beyond understanding.
Actually your wrong there. I don't hate Islam. It is one of the great Abrahamic religions that along with Christianty and Judaism has shaped much of the civilization. My hatred is for those who use Islam as a commodity to buy, a licence to go after others, a franchise for political power.
Actually your wrong there. I don't hate Islam. It is one of the great Abrahamic religions that along with Christianty and Judaism has shaped much of the civilization. My hatred is for those who use Islam as a commodity to buy, a licence to go after others, a franchise for political power.
I dont see tour post against likes of moulana fazlu rehman and siraj ul haq or TLP...

On the contrary u r against any inflhence of religion in state matters. Which is entirely wrong. Islam gave us much more comprehensive and stable constitution for governing the country then any other worldly constitution.

Pakistan is behind not because of following but because not following it in our daily life. We are not following principle of justice, equality, merit, fair trade, anti hoarding and anti bribery laws as defined in quran. If we start following them in our daily life then we will begin to rise again.
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