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How can Average Members Help Out PDF Management?

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I think PDF needs a change in its design outlay.The design outlay is long overdue.Lot of unused space on the page like the two green blank bands on the both sides of the page.Takes some scrolling to reach the popular posts.

LOL How are old are you? Weak eyesight?

We give the most width possible out of all sites.
Show me the moneyyyyy:D
A good question.

My views -A regular ( I don't want to use the word ' average') member here can help by :

1. Staying sane.
2. Not wanting to have the last word , just make your point & interject when facts are being distorted. Not to impose one's own POV.
3. Reporting grievances to Mods & not getting into a one-on-one which ends no where only creates more bad blood.
4. Reading yourself & not relying only this forum for information as it is often colored with the opinion of the poster.
5. Add value to the forum by sharing new things not the usual ' my country is better than yours ' stuff.
6. Having started a topic stay on and take ownership maybe even steer the discussion if its possible.Merely reproducing some cut & paste job & leaving it to others to slug it out is no use to the forum because if not you, someone else could do the C&P thing so what have you contributed ?
7. Just coz someone does not agree with you it doesn't mean he / she is against you. They are as loyal to their countries as you are to yours.
8. Never make fun of a deceased soldier.
9. Loosening up , having fun and laughing at your own self , accepting mistakes - personal & national.
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