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How 150 Pakistani Fans Of Salman Khan Managed To Watch Tiger Zinda Hai In Lahore

They all should be sent to gassing chambers.

Even tho indians are all over you tube on all pak drama videos, song and music videos and what not but i doubt any indian will violate law for pakistani content. This kind of zalalat happens only in pakistan.

Plus there has to be a legal action against this. How some locals could violate country's law and screen a banned film in cinema. He must have paid some good sum to cinema owner for booking a hall.

Second thing is this thing is still small if u look at one of pakistans "National" tv Urdu1. Can u believe it that dangal was banned in pakistan and yet Urdu1 had tv released it . I mean this is freaking national tv channel. They were served a pemra notice for violation but no other action taken. Laws are a joke in pakistan.

Thats the reason i boycotted Urdu1 completely

There identities should be exposed and they should be slapped hard for this kanjar pana.
And I wish you didn't exist in this country in the first place

Before we jump to accuse our citizens, we should at least look at the source of the news. (NDTV, the same folk who claimed Dawood Ibrahim lives on Oyster Rocks off the coast of Karachi)
With no names of the people who watched it, where they watched it's safe to assume this news is a "big nothing burger".

Plus how come Indians across the border got to know about the screening of the movie, but not the local authorities in Pakistan?

Plus I think this news is made up, how come these people chose to pay for a license of the movie, and not pirate it?
This article did exactly what it wanted to, frustrate folk already on the brink.

Isn't it obvious that the article is false, how were they able to pay for a license when the movie is banned? As far as a I know license is bought through PEMRA, and when a movie is banned, the license can't be bought.
I hate shooting the messenger, but if it's not a messenger and a miscreant, it gets shot.
Art and culture are the common inheritance of both countries and is always borderless. That is the best part about art and culture.
what is artsy or cultural about this salman movie,,scratch that,,,any salman khan movie for tht matter??o_O
Before we jump to accuse our citizens, we should at least look at the source of the news. (NDTV, the same folk who claimed Dawood Ibrahim lives on Oyster Rocks off the coast of Karachi)
With no names of the people who watched it, where they watched it's safe to assume this news is a "big nothing burger".

Plus how come Indians across the border got to know about the screening of the movie, but not the local authorities in Pakistan?

Plus I think this news is made up, how come these people chose to pay for a license of the movie, and not pirate it?
This article did exactly what it wanted to, frustrate folk already on the brink.

Isn't it obvious that the article is false, how were they able to pay for a license when the movie is banned? As far as a I know license is bought through PEMRA, and when a movie is banned, the license can't be bought.
I hate shooting the messenger, but if it's not a messenger and a miscreant, it gets shot.
I checked only two sources are reporting it and they are indian and no pakistani source is reporting it. But indian press even ended up asking salmans fathers feedback about this screening. What exactly is true picture here?

And no he defo never got the digital print no matter even if he offered to pay for it with his leg and arms cause the producer of the film would know better that this guy will sell copies to other people causing him huge losses.

May be he got the cinema recorded video of it from someone and played it there.

But then i want to know more abt the veracity of it

U are right licensed copies would only be sold to a gov authority like pemra etc cause these boards ensure the filmas copy going to cinema owners will not be illegally sold.
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