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Hotel Mumbai


Oct 18, 2016
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I was at the gym when I saw an ad for this.

Hollywood/media is a strong tool to shape public opinion.

Interesting timing.....

well, its for the consumption of Indian audience. Flop movie, interms of numbers, wouldn't waste my time on propaganda shit. I wonder if some one would be ballsy enough to do one on Samjhauta Express too. But then again according to Indians and west, Muslim/Pakistani lives don't matter.
They literally took a real life event that killse 150 people and turned it into entertainment for their masses.

They might not eat meat, but they sure do love human blood.

It's like hollywood realeasing a fiction movie based on 9/11.
Extremely disrespectuful to the victims.
well, its for the consumption of Indian audience. Flop movie, interms of numbers, wouldn't waste my time on propaganda shit. I wonder if some one would be ballsy enough to do one on Samjhauta Express too. But then again according to Indians and west, Muslim/Pakistani lives don't matter.

And yet you're here commenting on a thread about this movie. Get a life maybe.
I was at the gym when I saw an ad for this.

Hollywood/media is a strong tool to shape public opinion.

Interesting timing.....

I saw the same ad, It says guest is G0d in india:rofl:
but in reality india is the most racist country on earth where hindus believe non hindus are sub human.
White women are preyed upon and raped.Christian missionaries are attacked and burned alive.
Richard gere knows about it. Iblees is a better invention than indians.
well, its for the consumption of Indian audience. Flop movie, interms of numbers, wouldn't waste my time on propaganda shit. I wonder if some one would be ballsy enough to do one on Samjhauta Express too. But then again according to Indians and west, Muslim/Pakistani lives don't matter.
Sirjee the perpetrator of samjuta express is considered a hero by indians.
Just like godse who killed gandhi.
Says a guy who is posting on a Pakistani forum while being an Indian, and that too a Proud one... lol pathetic....

...which is running on Internet & Technology built by Evil Kafirs!!! For someone who hates West and Indians you sure use a lot of things invented by them.

Sirjee the perpetrator of samjuta express is considered a hero by indians.
Just like godse who killed gandhi.

Same as you consider Hafeez Saeed and Azhar Masood hero and savior of Islam. Why the double standards?
...which is running on Internet & Technology built by Evil Kafirs!!! For someone who hates West and Indians you sure use a lot of things invented by them.

well only a re_arded Indian can come to this conclusion, may be you should change your name from proud to re_arded. I am not going to go into details and try to argue with you about Muslim contributions in science, may be you should look up history. But that's not the point here, since that would be diverting the topic, which I don't intend to.

Where did I state that I hate west or even Indians for that matter. What I stated above was about you and you only. You told me to get a life while you are the one, who is on a Pakistani forum. There is a reason why you have 4 negative ratings in just under 100 posts. In my short time on this forum have seen many like you, they keep on getting banned, creating new accounts and still writing 'get a life'. that is quite pathetic if you ask...
well only a re_arded Indian can come to this conclusion, may be you should change your name from proud to re_arded. I am not going to go into details and try to argue with you about Muslim contributions in science, may be you should look up history. But that's not the point here, since that would be diverting the topic, which I don't intend to.

Where did I state that I hate west or even Indians for that matter. What I stated above was about you and you only. You told me to get a life while you are the one, who is on a Pakistani forum. There is a reason why you have 4 negative ratings in just under 100 posts. In my short time on this forum have seen many like you, they keep on getting banned, creating new accounts and still writing 'get a life'. that is quite pathetic if you ask...

My comments only followed after your false assumption as well

But then again according to Indians and west, Muslim/Pakistani lives don't matter

There won't be 19 crore muslims in India if that statement is true. Pakistan on the other hand doesn't have a good record for protection of their minorities.
There won't be 19 crore muslims in India if that statement is true. Pakistan on the other hand doesn't have a good record for protection of their minorities.

Yes like India has, well they did protect muslims in gujarat, they did protect sikhs 84-85. Pathetic shi__ talkin out of his a55. I am done with you, a ___ like you doesn't deserve my attention. Troll, only trying to instigate me, don't bother to reply me again..
My comments only followed after your false assumption as well

There won't be 19 crore muslims in India if that statement is true. Pakistan on the other hand doesn't have a good record for protection of their minorities.

Look at the arrogance of this fellow - 19 crore muslims are allowed to be lived in India. completely forgotting Muslims lived in India for centuries whereas India came only in 1947 due to British uniting completely dissimilar regions like north, dravidian south , north east and andaman.
...which is running on Internet & Technology built by Evil Kafirs!!! For someone who hates West and Indians you sure use a lot of things invented by them.

Same as you consider Hafeez Saeed and Azhar Masood hero and savior of Islam. Why the double standards?
When did I say that you *** hat? Go sit on a pine cone butt hurt bharti

Look at the arrogance of this fellow - 19 crore muslims are allowed to be lived in India. completely forgotting Muslims lived in India for centuries whereas India came only in 1947 due to British uniting completely dissimilar regions like north, dravidian south , north east and andaman.
It's not arrogance it's overdose of cow piss :lol:

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