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Horrifying fate of leaders '74


Mar 28, 2011
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It is really strange and creepy. The big leaders who were at the 1974 Lahore Sumit conference all had a very weird endings. Shah Faisal is killed by an assassin. Bhutto is killed by military coup and Mujib-Rahman also eliminated. Then it was Shah of Iran who was ousted out of power and he could not even get treated for his cancer as no country was ready to take him in. Anwar Sadat of Egypt is also assassinated. Then it was the turn of Yasser Arafat. And now it is Qaddafi killed in a Nato operation. In 1974 these people were feeling so powerful that they wanted to make a new political block similar to the communist and capitalist blocks. They could have never imagined this:

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Old times at Lahore:



Newer times and a Post 1974 Qaddafi:

Qaddafi reading from his green book in a special BBC program made in 2007 for Libya's national day with accompanying British presenter and political scientists:


Obama meeting with Qaddafi just few months before they became enemies:


Qaddafi in France 2007 meeting with French president to seal the 15 billion dollars deal for a nuclear reactor and weapons after he had given up his enrichment and missile programs:

Well............i think ahmedi najjad

There's actually a sharp contest between Ahmedinejad, Assad and possibly Kayani for that matter after the latest statements he unleashed. Though Kayani is not a 74 leader, he's your military's face and the real ruler of Pakistan. After the recent "10 times thinking" statement, anything is possible.
There's actually a sharp contest between Ahmedinejad, Assad and possibly Kayani for that matter after the latest statements he unleashed.

Yes CIA does has a history of eliminating threats to its interests
It's aallll in the Quran, but saldy, Muslim leadership does not pay heed. Allah SWT clearly has admonished us not to betray the covenant and stay in the true path with rewards and consequences elucidated... This is but 3 of such ayats. The opening verses of Surah Tauba.

[Taubah 9:1] Severance of ties is proclaimed by Allah and on behalf of His Noble Messenger, towards the polytheists with whom you had a treaty.

[Taubah 9:2] Travel freely in the land for four months, and bear in mind that you cannot escape from Allah, and that Allah will humiliate the disbelievers.

[Taubah 9:3] And proclaim from Allah and His Noble Messenger to all men on the day of the Great Pilgrimage (Haj) that Allah is disgusted with the polytheists, and so is His Noble Messenger; so if you repent it is better for you; but if you turn away, then know that you cannot escape from Allah; and give the disbelievers the glad tidings of a painful punishment.

And again in the last verses of Surah Mohammed SAW.

[Mohammed SAW 47:38] Here you are - those invited to spend in the cause of Allah - but among you are those who withhold [out of greed]. And whoever withholds only withholds [benefit] from himself; and Allah is the Free of need, while you are the needy. And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people; then they will not be the likes of you.
It's aallll in the Quran, but saldy, Muslim leadership does not pay heed. Allah SWT clearly has admonished us not to betray the covenant and stay in the true path with rewards and consequences elucidated... This is but 3 of such ayats. The opening verses of Surah Tauba.

[Taubah 9:1] Severance of ties is proclaimed by Allah and on behalf of His Noble Messenger, towards the polytheists with whom you had a treaty.

[Taubah 9:2] Travel freely in the land for four months, and bear in mind that you cannot escape from Allah, and that Allah will humiliate the disbelievers.[/B][/U]

So now by your own words it is proven that as a part of religion, the Islamic world hates non-muslims with full intent. Will remember these quotes next time there's a religious debate. Thanks.
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