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Hollywood propaganda threatens world peace

Bloody hell, someone wrote that tirade for a movie so worthless? Of course, the source doesn't indicate any backing by a propaganda machine.

We have freedom of expression in the west. Get over it. We don´t bow infront oriental despotism.

P.s.: I love when the rocket hits the helicopter of Kim. You see how he catches fire and explodes :D

I normally give a heads-up for spoiler alert, not so for this crap. :enjoy:

Freedom of expression? Try denying the Holocaust. Yes, you have selective freedom of expression. Freedom of expression which aids the narrative is most welcome. I can become a hero if I start bashing 1.5 billion Muslims today. I'll get national TV time and interviews from all over the Western world. Wonder where this generosity comes from...

If there is no freedom of expression as you claim, how do you explain the thousands of books published by Holocaust deniers in the west? Try writing something insulting Islam or its tenets in any Muslim country and you'd know the worth of what you so freely bash.

You can also become a hero by holocaust denial in some pockets of the muslim world, just an FYI.
its a shitty film, I dont want to live in a world where you cant make a film criticising someone who deserves criticism and somehow you are attacked for that?

Fucked up world
Comedy is big subject with various kinds to adopt or practice and show!
The interview kinda insulting comedy, make people to insult someone or something, I watch The Interview with my couple of Japanese friends, well, it's hard for us to laugh on actors ACTING, after 20 mins pass the movie still on screen but we start to talk other things and movie finish without getting any attention.
Japanese people have more problems with NK and their Nuke missiles heading towards Japan, and sometime the test missiles fired by NKs falling in japanese side of ocean,
But mainly Japanese want to solve dispute by talks with good manner and attitude. I personally don't like a dictator runs a country like NK but there are other more wise ways to put your opinions or concern.
Give this movie one star.@Nihonjin1051
Hollywood is for intelligent and evolved humans who can differentiate between healthy entertainment and propaganda. We enjoy sarcasm and don't attack the messenger.

but oh well it's press tv.
I read the title. I said wtf?

I clicked on it. Saw who posted it and it made sense.

without looking at the source I knew it was press tv.

I didn't even read it. :lol:

No shyt it comes from a country where they hang women who defend themselves against rapist and also hang other people for nonsense.

Hollywood is for intelligent and evolved humans who can differentiate between healthy entertainment and propaganda. We enjoy sarcasm and don't attack the messenger.

but oh well it's press tv.
Iran has also a holywood. Last year they produced a comedy called the qaher 313.
I read the title. I said wtf?

I clicked on it. Saw who posted it and it made sense.

without looking at the source I knew it was press tv.

I didn't even read it. :lol:

No shyt it comes from a country where they hang women who defend themselves against rapist and also hang other people for nonsense.

Iran has also a holywood. Last year they produced a comedy called the qaher 313.

I heared their next project is the spaceship Endurance from Interstellar :D
I hope to see a sequel film starring Kim Jong Un getting some hardcore anal from the Ayatollah. And then they both make out with each other as Putin takes a nice big dump on them. It is then revealed that Un was actually the love child of a 3-way gangbang between the King of Thailand, Kim Jong Il, and the entire nation of Saudi Arabia.


Samuel Jackson shows up in an after-credits scene and welcomes Osama Bin Laden's falling corpse into the Avengers Initiative.
saw the movie , laughed my *** off:lol:
if you guys think this is propaganda then you need to look up its definition again.
This type of provocation, however politically irresponsible, is not unpredictable. ...............

The solution is so easy: Just don't watch Hollywood movies. Nobody is forcing you to go. :D
The solution is so easy: Just don't watch Hollywood movies. Nobody is forcing you to go. :D
Cannot do that. Regardless of how much and intense they guys criticize Hollywood, the state propaganda crap are much worse. They need Hollywood to escape their world, no matter how temporarily, and Hollywood knows it.
Well the movie is in bad taste , would would a movie be made about a peaceful nation like North Korea , they have not done anything wrong they are living their their own country minding their own business.

similar to Hollywood projection of American Awesomeness the American TV is not far behind e.g. for me the opening theme of the TV series "THE UNIT" kicks arse.
it is so macho that it gives me a hard on even though I am not American. If I ever get the chance to shoot the Taliban I hope that I am playing this song in the background.

yes I am talking about "fired up".. the lyric of Fired up by lead singer reminds me of a seasoned gunnie Sargent who eats new recruits for breakfast
All about those evil sluts lifestyle of hippies, and polute the globe with those dirts.

Leave alone other nations.
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