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HIV also known as Aids growth in India is crazy

Look the photo yourself


or you will deny this photo as well.

Sure you can not compete with S.Africa in number but this is not a competition to win really.

Care to read the more credible and comprehensive, UN AIDS report published last year. You will understand.


The actual report a PDF file can be found inside.
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Seeing the widespread ignorance and lack of knowledge here regarding HIV is disturbing. Also a special shoutout to this @GumNaam guy for his pathetic, disgraceful and laughable attempt of creating misinformation which I can understand is partly due to his biased nature towards India.
To start with please do not use HIV and AIDS interchangeably. They are different things. HIV is virus that can cause AIDS. HIV causes the CD4 cells to decrease and if the count goes below 200, the body becomes prone to very common infections and cancer and that condition is known as Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS.
Trust me when I say we haven't seen the true horror of this disease. People who lived through the 1980's and 1990's would have seen what this condition really was when scores of predominantly young gay men in west were just dying of cancers namely leukemia, Kaposi Sarcoma and common infections from bacterias and fungus. Then came ART which controlled the disease and increased the cd4 count back to normalcy.
From then to now a lot of advancement has happened in the field of HIV medicine with different classes of medicines for HIV. For HIV medicines to fail completely the virus has to acquire resistance to at least 3-4 lines of treatment which is very rare nowadays. Another thing which has reduced is the toxicity of the medicines. There are better tolerated by people now.This year scientists developed injectable medicines which can be taken once a month and this is a very big thing as till now people had to take the medicine daily and if they forget a single dose they carry the risk of virus gaining resistance. One more thing to recently happen in this space is two people got cured of their HIV. Although the procedure through which they went through was a very harsh and risky one and cannot be availed for common population but scientists are very close to replicate the mechanism through gene editing and other avenues. There are a lot of more exciting research going on. I wish I could elucidate all of them in this post but lets leave that for another time. But even on the safer side I am assuming we will get at least a functional cure by 2025.
Now coming to claims of this gumnaam our self proclaimed statistician who came up with the figure of 20 million infected by HIV through his highly proclaimed mathematical model. The Indian figure of 2 million by NACO is a very accurate one. Even the most conservative models by scientist put the figure to be 3-4 million. Although I believe the figure to be around ~ 3 million as most of the people in India with HIV the late 1990's and early 2000's unfortunately died with the condition.
India is seen as a leader in manufacturing cheap HIV medicines by completely disregarding western patents and for this very reason the African and other poor countries look towards India for cheap generic medicines.
This is one of the worst epidemics mankind has faced due to which 40 million people perished and another 40 million are suffering.
How do I know all this stuff? I plan to open an NGO for people suffering with HIV this year or next year. I want everyone here to empathise with these people suffering social, mental ,physical all kinds of hardship one can imagine.
its morons like you who have downplayed the dangers of hiv and aids that results from it by going off on a completely irrelevant tangent by saying hiv does not mean aids...YES IT DOES its only a matter of time. Prevention is better than cure but no, idiots like you rather push for useless and expressive drugs like truvada that ultimately make the virus only stronger and resilient causing yet another outbreak of the deadly virus that as deadly today as it has ever been. enjoy your epidemic!
At least you are safe in UK.

UN recognizes fully the Palestine state and Folan heights,so what?!
guess what the reality is?!

Hey petty TROLL, did you even care to read this report ??? I bet you didn't. :hitwall:

While there is nothing to be proud yet we are doing a great job and the disease and it's new cases have already decreasing significantly over the past decade.

Go and refer page 205-206 if you want. I'm providing an excerpt for the same below.

Asia and the Pacific has made strong inroads with its HIV response. Sustained and focused efforts to reach key populations have led to major reductions in HIV infections in Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam between 2010 and 2017. However, epidemics are expanding in Pakistan and Philippines (Figure 15.1).

The vast majority of new HIV infections in Asia and the Pacific are associated with current or former members of key populations and their partners. Unprotected sex between men—especially young men—is an increasingly important factor in many of the region’s HIV epidemics: epidemics among gay men and other men who have sex with men are expanding in several countries. Key populations must remain at the core of HIV prevention. HIV risk among young people within key populations is of particular concern: since 2010, new HIV infections among young people (aged 15–24 years) increased by 170% in Philippines and 29% in Pakistan.
its morons like you who have downplayed the dangers of hiv and aids that results from it by going off on a completely irrelevant tangent by saying hiv does not mean aids...YES IT DOES its only a matter of time. Prevention is better than cure but no, idiots like you rather push for useless and expressive drugs like truvada that ultimately make the virus only stronger and resilient causing yet another outbreak of the deadly virus that as deadly today as it has ever been. enjoy your epidemic!
They can't even feed their population properly and you expect these to use dispisadis syringes? Those syringes are most likely imported from China too. These Indians are good at talking, they will tell UN, hey we are doing this and this, reality is all those slumdogs are infected, rape cases paedophiles etc.
Someone is living in the late 1990s.

HIV is under control. By official stats India has 2 million patients. South Africa has 20% of population as HIV infected. they are not falling apart. FYI I have walked through HIV patient ward in the late 1990s. it was frightening and depressing.
India has at least 4.7358 millions registered HIV carriers,so far in 2017.

China has around 0.75 million officially HIV carriers,but I guess the number should be 1.5 millions!

The main mode of AIDS transmission in China is “man-to-man” homosexuality and the transmission imported by foreign HIV carriers.
In some areas, mainly in Yunnan and Guangxi, China, due to the proximity of the drug-flooding Golden Triangle, intravenous drug use is the main form of AIDS transmission.

The reason is that in order to take drugs at all costs, they don't care if they share a syringe with others.
India has at least 4.7358 millions registered HIV carriers,so far in 2017.

China has around 0.75 million officially HIV carriers,but I guess the number should be 1.5 millions!

The main mode of AIDS transmission in China is “man-to-man” homosexuality and the transmission imported by foreign HIV carriers.
In some areas, mainly in Yunnan and Guangxi, China, due to the proximity of the drug-flooding Golden Triangle, intravenous drug use is the main form of AIDS transmission.

The reason is that in order to take drugs at all costs, they don't care if they share a syringe with others.

what ever the actual numbers are HIV/AIDS is something that has been controlled except for few places in Africa
I'm just 26 so dont have much idea of how NGO's operate and why they have a bad reputation.

It's because a lot of NGOs are fronts for money laundering, and are also used for many anti-India activities, particularly the religious ones.
So disheartening to see the vile, sadistic nature of many of the posters here.
what ever the actual numbers are HIV/AIDS is something that has been controlled except for few places in Africa

On, AIDS is controlled everywhere except Africa and India. Don't forget to add India, otherwise the OP may disagree. :omghaha:
So disheartening to see the vile, sadistic nature of many of the posters here.
People are unlikely to change thier biases, even if confronted with direct evidence. I believe there has been a study done on this behaviour. Thinking that the entire population of India has aids and ignoring one's own country struggles with many preventable diseases gives them peace of mind, let them . Those unwilling to discuss facts and persue truth are best ignored.
People are unlikely to change thier biases, even if confronted with direct evidence. I believe there has been a study done on this behaviour. Thinking that the entire population of India has aids and ignoring one's own country struggles with many preventable diseases gives them peace of mind, let them . Those unwilling to discuss facts and persue truth are best ignored.

Face it dude ... HIV/AIDS was a potential time bomb in the mid-1990s. Let us say India dodged a bullet here
It is almost the original poster was living in the 1990s
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