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History of TURKEY in 10 mins


Apr 17, 2009
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The history of Turkey. From this title , we can understand as the period between the formation of the Republic in 29 October 1923, and the present days or the period of Ottoman and Turkic Beyliks, but we are going to refer to the entire period of known history of this land. Practically the history of the region now forming the territory of the Republic of Turkey. Anatolia and not only.
seljuk was a badass.8-) guy was a Khazarian Jew who accepted Islam, all of his 4 sons had Jewish names.

its is said that ottoman royal family is descended from a greek Royal houses of komnenos via this guy.


Khazars were Turks, as were Mughals, Safavids, Mamluks etc for some reason some people like calling them everything but Turks.

Seljuks are one of my favourite to.
Khazars were Turks, as were Mughals, Safavids, Mamluks etc for some reason some people like calling them everything but Turks.

Seljuks are one of my favourite to.

Babur is one of my favourite commanders alongside Fatih, Timur, Mahmud of Ghazni, Yavuz Sultan Selim, Baybars and Ataturk.

Babur came from so many defeats and set backs only to come back and conquer Northern India.

I find Tugurl and Cagri bey underrated Turkic Commanders and rulers. Two brothers taking on the Abbassids, Ghaznavids, Fatimids and the Eastern Roman Empire aka the Byzantines.

Also laying the foundations of Turkey. Two brothers taking on everybody and kicking ***. This deserves a film alongside Ataturks military exploits in Libya. Too bad we will never get such films.
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Babur is one of my favourite commanders alongside Fatih, Timur, Mahmud of Ghazni, Yavuz Sultan Selim, Baybars and Ataturk.

Babur came from so many defeats and set backs only to come back and conquer Northern India.

I find Tugurl and Cagri bey underrated Turkic Commanders. Two brothers taking on the Abbassids, Ghaznavids, Fatimids and the Eastern Roman Empire aka the Byzantines.

Also laying the foundation of Turkey. Two brothers taking on everybody and kicking ***. This deserves a film alongside Ataturks military exploits in Libya. Too bad we will never get such films.

They should make more films like that
Babur is one of my favourite commanders alongside Fatih, Timur, Mahmud of Ghazni, Yavuz Sultan Selim, Baybars and Ataturk.

Babur came from so many defeats and set backs only to come back and conquer Northern India.

I find Tugurl and Cagri bey underrated Turkic Commanders and rulers. Two brothers taking on the Abbassids, Ghaznavids, Fatimids and the Eastern Roman Empire aka the Byzantines.

Also laying the foundation of Turkey. Two brothers taking on everybody and kicking ***. This deserves a film alongside Ataturks military exploits in Libya. Too bad we will never get such films.

Until recently history was written as Baibars who defeated the Crusaders and Mongols, put it bluntly not Saladin, the Seljuks which Saladin was a part of were a Turkic empire that practically change the face of the Islamic world, Ottomans in European, Mughals & Delhi Sultanate in India etc, Safavids in Persia, if it wasn't for the Seljuks Turks today the Muslim world would have been majority Shia and wiped out along the coast of the med.

There is a systematic and dishonest propaganda going on to wipe off the name of Turks from history. Babur himself calls himself a Turk, Timur, Baibars etc all did and were but what you hear "they were from so and so tribe" as if the common layman will know what these tribes are.

You dont see the same approach towards Arabs i.e "he was from banu this and banu that" it is simple, they were Arabs or Persians "he was of the lurs or tajiks" its simple they were Persians etc funnily this propaganda is also being done by none other then supposed Muslims who want to claim Turkic history as theres.
Until recently history was written as Baibars who defeated the Crusaders and Mongols, put it bluntly not Saladin, the Seljuks which Saladin was a part of were a Turkic empire that practically change the face of the Islamic world, Ottomans in European, Mughals & Delhi Sultanate in India etc, Safavids in Persia, if it wasn't for the Seljuks Turks today the Muslim world would have been majority Shia and wiped out along the coast of the med.

There is a systematic and dishonest propaganda going on to wipe off the name of Turks from history. Babur himself calls himself a Turk, Timur, Baibars etc all did and were but what you hear "they were from so and so tribe" as if the common layman will know what these tribes are.

You dont see the same approach towards Arabs i.e "he was from banu this and banu that" it is simple, they were Arabs or Persians "he was of the lurs or tajiks" its simple they were Persians etc funnily this propaganda is also being done by none other then supposed Muslims who want to claim Turkic history as theres.

Various European sources call Saladin the Turk.

Plus he also had Turkic heritage and was trained by the Zengids who were Oghuz Turkic themselves.

Saladin is a Turk hence why I find it insulting people calling him a Kurd. Can Kurds even build such an empire like Saladin of course not.

Saladin pretty heavily defeated the crusaders and took Jerusalem his biggest mistake was not wiping them off the map which would lead to defeats in the Third Crusade.

One thing Baybars got right was wipe out the crusaders for good with no mercy.

When it comes to the Turkic empires a lot of people are already wiping out their Turkic heritage and origin. Europeans have already began to claim the Ottoman Empires as theirs due to various Sultans having white skin and having European mothers.

To the Europeans, Arabs, Kurds, Indians, Persians, Chinese and other Non Turks. Us Turks are incapable of building an empire. What bullshit the Turks were nomadic even by being nomads they still built empires despite living in tents.

Germanics, Slavics, Celts, Vikings and other various Barbarian peoples all lived in huts none of them even built an empire like nomadic Turks before Islam.

Bulgarians have also been wiping out the Turkic heritage of their history by saying the founders of Bulgaria are not Turkic. Bulgarians have also been spreading their filth in Volga Bulgaria by telling the Volga Bulgarians they are not Turk.

Our history is getting wiped out and hijacked!!
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Turkey actually has a rich and noble history unlike the Gulf Arab countries. Turks were in essence builders and explorers, they were probably in the same league as the Spanish explorers.

If Turks were in the region of Spain now, it could have been them who discovered Latin America.
To anybody doubting that the Ottomans are not Turk or the Seljuks or the Timurids or the Mughals aka Baburs Empire.

They are all Turk end of story. Mixed or any other ethnic groups in these empires do not change the origin of their heritage and blood.

Do we start making the Abbassid Caliphate a Turk empire because afterall the Turks tookover the Empire became the rulers. Of course not because the Abbassids were Arabs even if they took up Persian culture.
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