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History Made - Russian Spymaster visits Pakistan, gets access to Gwadar Port.

Dear Sir

I do know that some of the Russian states bordering China can benefit from CPEC but its impact will be limited and economically may or not be viable depending on the nature of product. What I see is, CPEC ends near Urumqi, if some Russian find it interesting to import from Urumqi, its fine but it may little to do with Pakistan unless Pakistan takes Russiaj contracts and delivers to Russia through Urumqi and utilise Chinese extensivr network to reach in Russia

The point i was making is, Moscow is near Europe. Most of Russia already has abundance of natural resources so their bilateral trade with this region is limited that they can use to gain benefit from CPEC

1) Russians are involved in construction of natural gas pipeline (worth $2.5 Billion) from Lahore to Karachi, this pipeline can be extended (via CPEC route) and used to export Russian energy to Pakistan and beyond.

2) Moreover for strategic purposes, it will give strategic outreach to Gulf and Arab Sea and extended Indian Ocean region (epicenter of future geopolitical events)

3) It can also be used to export/import materials to develop the relatively less developed Russia's eastern regions.

4) Russian investment and presence is to keep a close eye on ascendancy of IS in neighboring Afghanistan, which is a burgeoning threat to Central Asian Republics and Russia itself, Russian presence also means a close eye on American presence in Afghanistan.

Being a revisionist state under Putin which wants to regain the role of global power, Russian access to Gwadar is natural.
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It is being reported that Defence.pk is being banned in India. In addition to being beaten at the border and feeling jealous, they are also unable to access this forum. Poor Indians.

Bro, your signature!
Very wise move.

Very well said bro.

Dear Sir

I do know that some of the Russian states bordering China can benefit from CPEC but its impact will be limited and economically may or not be viable depending on the nature of product. What I see is, CPEC ends near Urumqi, if some Russian find it interesting to import from Urumqi, its fine but it may little to do with Pakistan unless Pakistan takes Russiaj contracts and delivers to Russia through Urumqi and utilise Chinese extensivr network to reach in Russia

The point i was making is, Moscow is near Europe. Most of Russia already has abundance of natural resources so their bilateral trade with this region is limited that they can use to gain benefit from CPEC
Well it can have military uses no?
I am not sure how useful Gwadar is for Russia despite hearing about the news of warm water one of the key cause for Russia's intervention into Afghanistan.

Russia is too far from Pakistan and there are only few states of Russia which can really benefit from Gwadar. They are welcome to invest in Pakistan and be part of CPEC however the trade route of CPEC is economically not viable for Russia. They would have imported oil from middle east but they already have it in abundance so what exactly are they going to transport from Gwadar... not very much if nothing

Geography has been very "cruel" to her in the sense that it has left her virtually landlocked. In the north, her access to the world is frozen in winter. In the west. Europe blocks her entry into the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. In the east, China and Korea separate her from the South China Sea, while Vladivostok, her sole warm water port, is "neutralized" by South Korean and Japanese domination of the strait of Tsushima. In the south, Iran and Pakistan can offer her a passage to the Arabian Sea.Now if this is true, Gwadar port can be of great geopolitical or economic interest, Russia need a warm water port to have a well rounded economy like China or America.
Interesting development. So besides the Syrian port, now they will gradually get a foothold in the Indian Ocean via Pakistan? Their presence in Pakistan will surely affect the calculus of Indian strategy against Pakistan. But why not choose an Indian port??? Hmm...
Dear Sir

I do know that some of the Russian states bordering China can benefit from CPEC but its impact will be limited and economically may or not be viable depending on the nature of product. What I see is, CPEC ends near Urumqi, if some Russian find it interesting to import from Urumqi, its fine but it may little to do with Pakistan unless Pakistan takes Russiaj contracts and delivers to Russia through Urumqi and utilise Chinese extensivr network to reach in Russia

The point i was making is, Moscow is near Europe. Most of Russia already has abundance of natural resources so their bilateral trade with this region is limited that they can use to gain benefit from CPEC

There is route, then there is business.
Where are those people who were making fun of me when I was telling that Russia wants to join CPEC. I can't remember exactly but there were several members who were busy making fun of me. So are you still going to doubt me or what ?
@Arsalan @Horus @Path-Finder
did I make fun of you? I have said that via Kazakhstan, Russia will access CPEC. looking at the world map CPEC will also have links with Russia as there are no other viable routes to warn seas for Russia.
well a very very good news .........we should access all options , connect Russia through china .......connect Russia through Afghanistan ........we can built overhead bridges in Afghanistan or some underground tunnels because condition in Afghanistan is never going to improve in about a decade .......
we need to fill the pockets of afghans corrupt politicians to get access to Russia as fast as we can .......pamir is also part of gilgit baltistan , it is the region similar to ours ........the wakkan corridor is a small route that connects us to central asia and it is fairly terrorism free province in afghanistan ........we can work on that.
first connect to central asia and russia through china .......we have to work very hard and very fast on this , we have no time to waste and a new corridor should be launched ........ P.M does not work but he is really makes ties with C.A.R.s stronger day be day ........

and for all kids from my country
who just always come in every discussion just to brag that they are not isolated. your behavior suggest otherwise .
it seems like you are inviting Indian trolls to come here, so you have the chance to mock them .....
what difference does mocking them makes? they have their own agenda and thinking , let them be .....
at least everyone has this realization that pakistan is a major regional player and major countries such u.s.a and china has huge stakes with it .....so we are never going to be fully isolated . Also we would too have some permanent friends ......if we have a good foreign office we would not feel even a little bit isolation .
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