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Hinduism: Fastest Growing Religion in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, & India

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I dunno man, the Abrahamic faiths might be at a disadvantage here, they have nothing like the Kamasutra or mosques/churches adorned with sensual carvings ...

What's wrong with Love Mahabharata? What would you prefer it be called?

I'd rather stick to facts than wild imaginations bro.

The day Hindus go on a conversion rampage like Muslims, subcontinent would essentially become a Hindu pakistan with minorities in decimals.
Nobody gets citizenship in KSA !!

That's not correct. Many non-locals (Arab as non-Arab) have been naturalized and until the 1950's everyone that settled in KSA could receive citizenship. Hence why KSA has large communities of Indonesians, Afro-Arabs, Turks, South Asians, Caucasians, Central Asians, South East Asians other than Indonesians etc. that are now citizens.

Al-Hindi for instance is not an uncommon surname in Hijaz. You can guess where that surname derives from or what it means.

KSA is not giving citizenship away these day neither other GCC countries as we locals would become a minority within a few years if we had lax citizenship laws and nobody is interested in that. 1 Dubai is enough. Of course there are 450 million Arabs in total but I am talking about the GCC specifically.

This is the right of KSA yet despite that KSA is second in the world in terms of remittances (only behind the US) and hosts millions of people from across the world. So clearly it does not stop foreigners from arriving.
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That's not correct. Many non-locals (Arab as non-Arab) have been naturalized and until the 1950's everyone that settled in KSA could receive citizenship.

In Najran region in order to make Shia Ismailis, also known as Sulaimani Bohras, a minority Saudi Arabia naturalized tens of thousands of Sunni Yeminis.

The Ismailis of Najran: Second-class Saudi Citizens: VI. Official Attacks on Ismaili Ethnic and Religious Identity
Najran's Shia Ismailis’ most acute concern at present is the naturalization of tens of thousands of Yemenis who have migrated into the Najran area at various times as refugees from southern Yemen, fleeing political persecution under the authoritarian leftist government of the former People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen. These refugees often share the Wahhabi religious thought that prevails in Saudi Arabia and have found jobs as teachers and judges in Najran. Their naturalization affects the demographic composition of the region, where Ismailis presently constitute a large majority.128 Viewed alongside existing discrimination and the forced transfers of Ismaili officials out of the province, the influx and perceived favored treatment of naturalized Yemenis lead Ismailis to fear that continued naturalizations threaten their ethnic and religious identity and the future of the spiritual capital of Sulaimani Ismailism.
In Najran region in order to make Shia Ismailis, also known as Sulaimani Bohras, a minority Saudi Arabia naturalized tens of thousands of Sunni Yeminis.

The Ismailis of Najran: Second-class Saudi Citizens: VI. Official Attacks on Ismaili Ethnic and Religious Identity
Najran's Shia Ismailis’ most acute concern at present is the naturalization of tens of thousands of Yemenis who have migrated into the Najran area at various times as refugees from southern Yemen, fleeing political persecution under the authoritarian leftist government of the former People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen. These refugees often share the Wahhabi religious thought that prevails in Saudi Arabia and have found jobs as teachers and judges in Najran. Their naturalization affects the demographic composition of the region, where Ismailis presently constitute a large majority.128 Viewed alongside existing discrimination and the forced transfers of Ismaili officials out of the province, the influx and perceived favored treatment of naturalized Yemenis lead Ismailis to fear that continued naturalizations threaten their ethnic and religious identity and the future of the spiritual capital of Sulaimani Ismailism.

Shia Ismailis in the ancient Najran province are the majority of the province and the main tribe there is the ancient Bani Yam tribe which is majority Shia Ismaili. There is nothing called second-class citizens in KSA. Every citizen in KSA has the exact same rights. We don't have castes in KSA.

In KSA there is a big Hadhrami diaspora and many of them have been neutralized because their ancestors arrived to KSA many, many decades ago some as early as 150 years ago. The numbers are/were not big anyway. I know for a fact that many of those Yemenis that were neutralized were people who either once lived in KSA themselves for years or had ancestors who lived in KSA, mainly the coastal cities of Hijaz (Jeddah being a major hub for they community).

Hadhrami people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The same Hadhrami people of Southern and East-Central Yemen have migrated for centuries upon centuries to Eastern Africa (Swahili coastline - itself an Arabic word), South Asia and especially South East Asia. The majority of the 10-15 million people of Arab descend in South Asia (Indonesia and Malaysia especially) are originally Hadhrami Arabs.

Your likes have been brainwashed into believing that Shias are murdered in KSA which is total bogus. Saudi Arabian Shia Arabs are mostly very well off (especially those in the Eastern Province) and many work for Aramco, major Saudi Arabian firms and many famous business families in KSA are Shia Twelvers.

Shia's have their own mosques, schools, Imams and even own Shari'ah law interpretations. They are also allowed to participate in all Shia Muslim festivals openly.

Shia (Twelver) from Eastern Province in KSA during Ashura.

من متنزه جبل كوهسنكي
by Tayseer Alabyadh, on Flickr

Ashura Al Hussain
by Tayseer Alabyadh, on Flickr

Ashura Al Hussain
by Tayseer Alabyadh, on Flickr

Ashura Al Hussain
by Tayseer Alabyadh, on Flickr

بين نخيل تاروت by Tayseer Alabyadh, on Flickr

ويبقى الحسين by Tayseer Alabyadh, on Flickr

ويبقى الحسين محرم الحرام ١٤٣٦ ه‍ by Tayseer Alabyadh, on Flickr

ويبقى الحسين by Tayseer Alabyadh, on Flickr

See this thread for more information:

Saudi Arabia in Pictures | Page 82

So much false nonsense bogus is spread about KSA here on PDF and elsewhere on the internet and the funny thing is that most of it is pure nonsense written by people who have never even been to KSA in the first place and do not know the country well.

For instance you claimed that no foreigner can receive citizenship in KSA earlier in this thread which is an outright lie. You are supposed to be a Muslim and every Muslim should at least know the basics of Arabia so no wonder that Indians and others think that South Asians are eaten for breakfast in KSA and that everyone is Osama Bin Laden (a person that was only born in KSA - his father was Yemeni and mother Syrian).

I have noticed that you are driven by hatred of KSA but maybe you should think twice and turn your attention to the House of Saud if you have a problem with them (1 family out of millions in Arabia) instead of spreading hatred/nonsense about Arabia and Arabians.
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I'd rather stick to facts than wild imaginations bro.

The day Hindus go on a conversion rampage like Muslims, subcontinent would essentially become a Hindu pakistan with minorities in decimals.
So 'Love Jihad' is a fact but 'Love Mahabharata' is not? Why?

That's mighty prejudicial of you to say.
So 'Love Jihad' is a fact but 'Love Mahabharata' is not? Why?

That's mighty prejudicial of you to say.

I'm not sure why most posters on this forum appear to be lacking ...

Anyways when you can delete the concept of conversion from Quran, then you can probably compare Mahabharata with Quran.

You see bro, its not me that's prejudiced, its Islam at its core, by declaring all kaafirs need to convert or got to hell/slaughtered.

Hindus rarely allow conversion, let alone force it.
The day Hindus go on a conversion rampage like Muslims, subcontinent would essentially become a Hindu pakistan with minorities in decimals.
I meant to ask you, since you stated that so confidently, do y'all have a 'Secret, sensuous open Lungi/Dhoti dance' that you would perform to entice all the Abrahamic wimmenz?

You might be confusing screams of horror and disgust at the sight with screams of passion and longing ...
I meant to ask you, since you stated that so confidently, do y'all have a 'Secret, sensuous open Lungi/Dhoti dance' that you would perform to entice all the Abrahamic wimmenz?

You might be confusing screams of horror and disgust at the sight with screams of passion and longing ...

Since you choose to stoop down to it, let me indulge.

We actually have a dance to woo women, its called bhangra.

Now I know you would be surprised by such 'sensuality' since its a foreign notion in ur neck of the woods.

Maybe we should borrow a leaf from your book and woo by force of the sword, or maybe indulge just a wee bit in paedophilia since that has worked in Britain for sure.
Since you choose to stoop down to it, let me indulge.
Really? I'm pretty sure the 'stooping so low' part was accomplished when you found nothing wrong with a derogatory and hate-mongering term like 'Love Jihad' that is meant to dehumanize hundreds of millions practicing a particular faith.
We actually have a dance to woo women, its called bhangra.
Yeah, we do too, this is more culture than faith so it's not really 'yours'.
Now I know you would be surprised by such 'sensuality' since its a foreign notion in ur neck of the woods.
Oh not at all, we're all about that 'Love Jihad', preferably without open Lungi/Dhoti dancing and prancing about of course.
Maybe we should borrow a leaf from your book and woo by force of the sword, or maybe indulge just a wee bit in paedophilia since that has worked in Britain for sure.
I say you borrow as many leaves as you need to provide some modestly during open lungi/dhoti wimmenz attraction dance.
Revive Sanatan Dharma and crush those powers who believe their religion is superior.
Revive Sanatan Dharma and crush those powers who believe their religion is superior.
But by doing so 'Sanatana Dharma' itself falls into the trap of being the 'ideology superior to all others', so does that mean it needs to destroy itself?
But by doing so 'Sanatana Dharma' itself falls into the trap of being the 'ideology superior to all others', so does that mean it needs to destroy itself?

Sanatan Dhamra is not a religion, it is a LAW! Dharma means righteous and Bhakti means religion or divinity. There is a difference.
Sanatan Dhamra is not a religion, it is a LAW! Dharma means righteous and Bhakti means religion or divinity. There is a difference.
It's a law/ideology that claims to be superior when it is referenced as a means of 'destroying all religions that think they are superior', as you did. By taking the position that you did, you essentially placed this 'law/ideology' in the same category as the ideologies you want to use it to destroy, so therefore Sanatan Dharma needs to destroy itself.
It's a law/ideology that claims to be superior when it is referenced as a means of 'destroying all religions that think they are superior', as you did. By taking the position that you did, you essentially placed this 'law/ideology' in the same category as the ideologies you want to use it to destroy, so therefore Sanatan Dharma needs to destroy itself.

it says there are many ways to attain salvation or know the creator. It is one's own choice which one to follow. Any kind of war which happens in the name of religion is derogating the creator hence Mahabharat did not happen due to religion but to protect the righteous. Action is something which is permanent for human beings ( good or bad) and no human can remain without doing it, hence the inequalities exists due to actions and action is rule of nature.
Really? I'm pretty sure the 'stooping so low' part was accomplished when you found nothing wrong with a derogatory and hate-mongering term like 'Love Jihad' that is meant to dehumanize hundreds of millions practicing a particular faith.

Yeah, we do too, this is more culture than faith so it's not really 'yours'.

Oh not at all, we're all about that 'Love Jihad', preferably without open Lungi/Dhoti dancing and prancing about of course.

I say you borrow as many leaves as you need to provide some modestly during open lungi/dhoti wimmenz attraction dance.

Ahh, now we get down to line by line bickering, move on find somewhere else to sell your snake oil, wouldn't waste my time on a "love jihadi, Mahabharata jihadi" fairy fantasies guy. :lol:

Just to help with your senility though, all these jihadi terms wee never my mention, you started off on those in your hasteful intent to equate Hinduism with islam.

Please carry on fapping to your jihadi wimmenizing fantasies.
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