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Hindu militants copying tactics of jihadis: Chidambaram


Nov 8, 2009
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New Delhi: Union Home Minister P Chidamabarm on Wednesday said Hindu militants are copying the tactics of the jihadis.

Chidambaram moots new security structure for India

Giving an overview of the different kinds of war waged across the world during various periods, he said, "It is said that the Cold War came to an end with the fall of the Berlin wall on November 9, 1989, but that was not the end of all wars. Just as the Cold War came to an end, we witnessed the emergence of another kind of war, namely, jihad."

Delivering the 22nd Intelligence Bureau Centenary Endowment Lecture here, Chidambaram said, "Jihad employs terror as an instrument to achieve its objectives. Such terror is directed against all and sundry, its victims are usually innocent people, and its goal is to overawe and overthrow the established authority.”

"The tactics of the jihadis have been copied by militants belonging to other groups too, not excluding militants professing the Hindu faith," he said

Hindu militants copying tactics of jihadis: Chidambaram
"The tactics of the jihadis have been copied by militants belonging to other groups too, not excluding militants professing the Hindu faith," he said

Would Mr. Chidambaram care to elaborate on the "militants professing the Hindu faith"? Is there a really Hindu terror group that he has identified? Or is it another way to impress some sections? It smells something - he had to so specifically mention the statement in bold.
Chidambaram is doing a great job in home ministry, today he proposed national counter terrorism center, which he learn when he was visiting USA. The good thing is that, he has plans to rectify the problems of home ministry and will to do it. Forget about the order of words regarding Hindus, understand what he meant, he is not good at diplomacy.
Would Mr. Chidambaram care to elaborate on the "militants professing the Hindu faith"? Is there a really Hindu terror group that he has identified? Or is it another way to impress some sections? It smells something - he had to so specifically mention the statement in bold.

Haven't you heard about Sanatan Sanstha and Abhinav, both of whom have been implicated in a series of bomb blasts across which they tried to pin on Indian Muslims and ISI?

Have you heard about a serving Indian officer Col Purohit who was trying to establish a Hindutuva government in exile?

Haq's Musings: Hindutva Terror to Spark India-Pakistan War?
Would Mr. Chidambaram care to elaborate on the "militants professing the Hindu faith"? Is there a really Hindu terror group that he has identified? Or is it another way to impress some sections? It smells something - he had to so specifically mention the statement in bold.

I think he is alluding to the Malegaon blasts which were suspected to be the work of Col. Purohit and that yogini, Ptagya Thakur. If I remember correctly they were members of an association affiliated to the VHP and RSS.

I don't think it should come as a surprise that they used tactics otherwise thought to be used only by Islamic terrorists. And there's isnt the only example of non Islamic terrorism in India. We had the Khalistanis and the ULFA earlier, the latter still active to an extent.
Mr Chidambaram is doing an excellent job in the Home ministry, far better than his predecessors.

It is certainly ironic that organistions such as VHP & Shiv Sena who believe that killing animals is against Hinduism have no qualms in killing humans.,

Bunch of hypocrities..
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This is ridiculous!

Jihad means struggle and is an integral part of the Islamic faith!

This guy doesn't know what he is talking about!

These CIA-backed terrorists have nothing to do with Jihad or Islam!
New Delhi: Union Home Minister P Chidamabarm on Wednesday said Hindu militants are copying the tactics of the jihadis.

Chidambaram moots new security structure for India

Giving an overview of the different kinds of war waged across the world during various periods, he said, "It is said that the Cold War came to an end with the fall of the Berlin wall on November 9, 1989, but that was not the end of all wars. Just as the Cold War came to an end, we witnessed the emergence of another kind of war, namely, jihad."

Delivering the 22nd Intelligence Bureau Centenary Endowment Lecture here, Chidambaram said, "Jihad employs terror as an instrument to achieve its objectives. Such terror is directed against all and sundry, its victims are usually innocent people, and its goal is to overawe and overthrow the established authority.”

"The tactics of the jihadis have been copied by militants belonging to other groups too, not excluding militants professing the Hindu faith," he said

Hindu militants copying tactics of jihadis: Chidambaram

While I agree Chidambaram is an intelligent guy who is certainly doing good on internal security related issues. One can not avoid the political stance taken by him, not his particularly but rather his party line. This votebank politics is not healthy for nations. :disagree:

Technically he is correct that there are some people from "Hindu faith" as well who are involved in evil acts. However, this new found Hindu militancy is more of retaliationary as a product of long dutarion majority negligence.I am not defending this and this should not happen at all cost.

Overall I accept there should be an end to all types of terrorism still naming a prticular community could and should have been avoided.
Chidambaram and Congress have taken their politics to a new low gutter level with this stupid statement. Firstly he should acquaint himself with the tactics of "jihad terrorism" before rattling off his mouth. Which Hindu movement in India promotes the killing of any innocent people by sending in brainwashed poor to blow themselves off in crowded civilian areas? Which popular Hindu movement promotes the killing of any person or people in either India or the world? Chidambaram is starting to sound like some of the brainwashed Pakistani Muslims who believe that Hindus are inferior evil people who have as a specific purpose in life to worship evil and to dirty the pure Abrahamic religions with their evil faith. I hope that the Hindus of India teach Congress and fools like Chidambaram a lesson in the next elections. They did it in the past. If Congress wants to rely on its vote bank of minority religions in India then they must sit in the opposition benches.
Technically he is correct that there are some people from "Hindu faith" as well who are involved in evil acts. However, this new found Hindu militancy is more of retaliationary as a product of long duration majority negligence.I am not defending this and this should not happen at all cost.

Agreed the party in question has been known to play vote bank politics especially when it comes to minorities, and there is to some degree a feeling of 'giving it back' amongst Hindu masses. But that still doesn't take away the fact that terrorist acts have been perpetuated by people with 'suspected' Hindu fundamentalist leanings.

May be I am wrong, but you inadvertently kind of justified the acts by delving into the reasons that led to it. :coffee:
Agreed the party in question has been known to play vote bank politics especially when it comes to minorities, and there is to some degree a feeling of 'giving it back' amongst Hindu masses. But that still doesn't take away the fact that terrorist acts have been perpetuated by people with 'suspected' Hindu fundamentalist leanings.

May be I am wrong, but you inadvertently kind of justified the acts by delving into the reasons that led to it. :coffee:

I am not defending it. I was just trying to point out why it went this way.

There is no so-called ideology which talks about killing people. If some members are caught, they should be punished no doubt about this. However we should also look into the root of the cause why it happened. This is only way to deal with not only religious extremism but all other such as Naxalite movement for example. I regret if I soudned otherwise.

My point is, there is a cause and few idiots are exploiting it. Remove the cause. Everything would fall into place. If we do not remove the reason behind it, all actions are temporaray.
I am not defending it. I was just trying to point out why it went this way.

There is no so-called ideology which talks about killing people. If some members are caught, they should be punished no doubt about this. However we should also look into the root of the cause why it happened. This is only way to deal with not only religious extremism but all other such as Naxalite movement for example. I regret if I soudned otherwise.

My point is, there is a cause and few idiots are exploiting it. Remove the cause. Everything would fall into place. If we do not remove the reason behind it, all actions are temporaray.

Brother, I completely agree when you say that we should delve into the root cause of issues like Hindu fundamentalism. But is the Indian polity willing to do that? Kashmir, naxalism, the North-east insurgencies, we just want to wish them away.

And coming back to Hindu fundamentalism, correct me if I am wrong. In my chats with a lots of people and the events of the last 25 years, it seems like a lot of grudges that people hold stem from historical events. Events that happened 500-700 years back but affected the psyche of the Hindu. That to me sometimes seems hard to assimilate. And unfortunately the harder to re conciliate. What are your thoughts?
Haven't you heard about Sanatan Sanstha and Abhinav, both of whom have been implicated in a series of bomb blasts across which they tried to pin on Indian Muslims and ISI?

Have you heard about a serving Indian officer Col Purohit who was trying to establish a Hindutuva government in exile?

Haq's Musings: Hindutva Terror to Spark India-Pakistan War?

Not a single court have given their verdict in both cases, investigations are on. More over if a very tiny number of any religion involve in any bad activity (That is even to get revenge/retaliation) no one has the right to accuse that community.

Chidambaram is atheist, Known as a Hindu and Hindi hater.

In India or any other civilized country ruled by law a person is innocent till he proves guilty beyond all reasonable doubts.
Brother, I completely agree when you say that we should delve into the root cause of issues like Hindu fundamentalism. But is the Indian polity willing to do that? Kashmir, naxalism, the North-east insurgencies, we just want to wish them away.

I guess we ar on same page. But only we have to solve this mess. Be it Kashmir, NE India, Naxalism etc. We have to work on this issue.
Luckily there is awakening in Indian mindset of these issues. I hope with the time, these issues will be solved. :azn:

And coming back to Hindu fundamentalism, correct me if I am wrong. In my chats with a lots of people and the events of the last 25 years, it seems like a lot of grudges that people hold stem from historical events. Events that happened 500-700 years back but affected the psyche of the Hindu. That to me sometimes seems hard to assimilate. And unfortunately the harder to re conciliate. What are your thoughts?

I differ on this part. What I think is that people are not living in past. It might be a matter for few idiots to cry about that but an average Indian does not give a sh!t about what happened hundreds of years ago. :)
Most of the issue, which are spoken, are very recent one. Lack of education or underdevelopment also plays role in this.

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