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High rates of Divorce in Pak society and esp in Military class

Although this is not the thread but as you mentioned that song so I am asking.
baba g What is wrong with that Song ????????????????? I don't get it ? what your wisdom says ?
Pak women cannot be subjected to such vile sexist demeaning terms.

You misunderstood me quoting zibago there that show is over with khosa referring to attacking on hospital etc by lawyers.

But you still did not utter the word on topic there and chose to follow the mob routine
Hi Everyone @Oscar @Horus @Windjammer @Everyone else

I have recently seen four marriages dissolving and family going into disarray with destruction of family and children. This is all what i have seen in last one year. All have come from our military class and not the high officers class but from relatively decently educated middle grade young officers class. The divorce rates are already astonishingly high in civilian classes and that is all due to the 'faminine revolution' and rules being drafted in legislature giving females unprecedented rights in name of female liberty. Most certainly these females living with young officers are not oppressed, they come from good origins, have good education. They are not like the poor unducated class. This is bizzare and i was distressed with that. In one case, the female not only destroyed the life of the young man but also took away the children and now he has to present himself to court every month to meet his children. In this case, the female's father is a former brigadere and he has concieved several bogus charges against him in addition to divorce ( i say they are bogus, because i know the family for 25 years atleast).

This is all happened when we have embarked on dajjals feminist revolution and started drafting all kind of pro-female legalities and rules changing the balance between male and female as ordained by Allah SWT. I feel shattered to see this. We need to kickstart a campaign to stop this fanatic course of destruction.
When the men of society are busy watching drama serials or obsessing over buying the latest bike or obtaining exotic guns for their collections, when society becomes too comfortable in its slight increase in luxury and standard of living; the people will begin to forget their origins, deeming them "out-dated" and "old-fashioned".

But why are you upset? Did Pakistanis not want this? They wanted to be "middle class". They want to celebrate Valentines Day and Halloween and Christmas. They want to be a parody of the modern Westerner. The girls want to be like Kim Kardashian. Most of the followers of Kardashians are Muslim girls lol.

Islam is "old" and "out-dated". Islam is "boring", it "belongs to the 7th century". Only "bearded cavemen" advocate it. Let's all become affluent and Liberal and demand more women's rights and sexual liberation for women. The less clothes the people of a society wear, the more advanced it is by the logic of many here.

@Nilgiri @Psychic @Timur @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
abusive marriage
Explain abusive marriages ? Also explain Why marriage turn abusive ? Different people involve and there rule .
Also , What if marriage is abusive from bride(woman) side (because of her) ? What if marriage is abusive from groom(men) side (because of him)? ……… Also put some light on families of both bride and groom rule in abusive marriages .
Explain abusive marriages ? Also explain Why marriage turn abusive ? Different people involve and there rule .
Also , What if marriage is abusive from bride(woman) side (because of her) ? What if marriage is abusive from groom(men) side (because of him)? ……… Also put some light on families of both bride and groom rule in abusive marriages .

you are asking too much from a person who has a principle stand against the institution of marriage as understood culturally in Pakistan
Sorry Ma'am its too late in Pakistan. U can see the growing number of 'feminists' in Aurat march displaying immoral Comments and wanting Vulgarity to become norm.
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The education in elite institutions plus combined with Social Media is polluting the minds of young ppl who consider Man and Womam to be equal hence negating the social position of men and women. Women nowadays consider House work to be some kind of disgrace. They want all social evils which were prominent among men like smoking, hanging around late with friends etc. Ppl view West to be some kind of Progressive Social lifestyle where rights of all Genders are 'equal' which are not in Islam. These divorces do happen in West where couple get divorce without a need of compromise. Nevertheless, the bad condition of women in Rural areas and Crimes against Women(shown in media) makes Men look bad in front of women and thats how Liberals take advantage by polluting the minds of young innocent minds of Women against men
These are copy-paste feminists

They're not even original.

All of their slogans and placards are copy-paste from American Feminists

At least these incompetents could have been original
When the men of society are busy watching drama serials or obsessing over buying the latest bike or obtaining exotic guns for their collections, when society becomes too comfortable in its slight increase in luxury and standard of living; the people will begin to forget their origins, deeming them "out-dated" and "old-fashioned".

But why are you upset? Did Pakistanis not want this? They wanted to be "middle class". They want to celebrate Valentines Day and Halloween and Christmas. They want to be a parody of the modern Westerner. The girls want to be like Kim Kardashian. Most of the followers of Kardashians are Muslim girls lol.

Islam is "old" and "out-dated". Islam is "boring", it "belongs to the 7th century". Only "bearded cavemen" advocate it. Let's all become affluent and Liberal and demand more women's rights and sexual liberation for women. The less clothes the people of a society wear, the more advanced it is by the logic of many here.

@Nilgiri @Psychic @Timur @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
damn Sir G , Brutal post …… Great post , hard/harsh reality …. We are living in 21st century , As per one Hadith Shreef "You will copy them in every thing , even if one of them have sex with his mother one of you will do the same" (May Allah Forgive if I m using wrong words or not able to put it right way) ..

you are asking too much from a person who has a principle stand against the institution of marriage as understood culturally in Pakistan
But still you are here , on this thread , related to marriage and divorce …..
Doesn't matter I will still be happy to know what you have to say about things I asked you in my post.. Please let me know , let me grow some knowledge , let me see how things look like from outside ……. Thanks
When the men of society are busy watching drama serials or obsessing over buying the latest bike or obtaining exotic guns for their collections, when society becomes too comfortable in its slight increase in luxury and standard of living; the people will begin to forget their origins, deeming them "out-dated" and "old-fashioned".

But why are you upset? Did Pakistanis not want this? They wanted to be "middle class". They want to celebrate Valentines Day and Halloween and Christmas. They want to be a parody of the modern Westerner. The girls want to be like Kim Kardashian. Most of the followers of Kardashians are Muslim girls lol.

Islam is "old" and "out-dated". Islam is "boring", it "belongs to the 7th century". Only "bearded cavemen" advocate it. Let's all become affluent and Liberal and demand more women's rights and sexual liberation for women. The less clothes the people of a society wear, the more advanced it is by the logic of many here.

@Nilgiri @Psychic @Timur @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
You SIR, have spoken the Truth !!!
“Thora paisa kia aagya, mizaj hi asmanon par pohanch gaye”

Have a look here as well

Ma’am, hats off to you truely !!!

Knowing that you were a working lady and yet having this thinking is really GEM, you the real example of a Successful Woman!!!
May Allah Bless you more in this world and the hereafter.

Unfortunately, the west has used social media and NGOs, have introduced their “FREEDOM” in Pakistan. These NGOs are the main deal. They exploit the current generation, as the generation is quite commonly hearing all the bogus specifically highlighted news from media about women abuse, they are surrounded by such an atmosphere that these NGOs then take advantage of the situation the exploit the young girls, in universities, schools and colleges (Example : BeaconH, City, Nixor, Roots, Educators)

These institutes blatantly promote this mentality since junior years so that it gets hardcoded by adolescence.

We have lost quite much of my generation to this filth and the expectation from future generation is dark and bleak. They have made women more aggressive and intolerant than standard behavior, destroying the beauty of a woman.

Lets take the motto of these feminists to give equal rights to women. Lol. Go to a bank, you will rarely see a man, go to some corporate offices, government offices, from top to bottom you have female employees. Go to institutes, female hi female. And yet those blind bi**es are bi***ing every where just to give more air to their false narrative and hence win the sympathy of young female students.

Students of today are given less importance by parents, they make wide friend circles, and as we say “Jaise apke dost waise ap”, most of these friends are like them, immature, kids. These people instead of focusing on education, try all other thing that aren’t necessary at their age. Hence the lack of dedication towards research and studies and as a result Strong local industry (other variables matter as well). I have seen kids of 10, talking about relations, age 15 gone physical, like wth is happening !!!!

Parents give a damn blind eye thinking their kids to be angels while kids are busy hugging boys/girls or going alcoholic (especially Islamabad).

There is this one more thing i once experienced when i was like 7 or 8, even at that time, i had this unusually upper-thinking/observational skills, so i was with mom, at a small female gathering, during a long 5 day wedding, they were having this “Dars”, talking on Quran and Ahahdith, the lady who was speaker, after all finished, guests went back, we were there, and then came her 18/19 year old daughter out of the room during maghrib, wearing short skirts telling her mom “Ok i am going, will come back after 9”. I was like “1 taraf yahan amma Deen ka jhanda gaar rahi hain dusri taraf apni beti ko nanga baher bhejrai hain”.
This is the hypocrisy or what you may call, MISTAKE. Parents these days, try to be a bit open even having good religious background, ignoring how their parents raised them, they just allow their children to have all sorts of immodest clothing even after teenage, but little do they know that their kids are using this little window of open mind to go all liberal.

As for the divorces, this high intolerance and aggression is one of the many reasons. I would also like to highlight that it is not surprising to see these figures among military families. Allah had made a women in a way that she demands attention more & more especially from husband. These wardi bhailog are busy in their desks/mess and rarely get time to visit their wives, hence their wives get irritated, some turn to others. I as well personally know an ex major as well as an ex-colonel who had divorced their wives. The major caught her wive with a boy while the colonel’s wife’s family were having disputes with the col due to this lack of attention.

@messiach @Mangus Ortus Novem
They want all social evils which were prominent among men like smoking, hanging around late with friends etc.
Correction: ARE*

Nevertheless, the bad condition of women in Rural areas and Crimes against Women(shown in media) makes Men look bad in front of women

Look, honestly there is a dearth of men in Pakistani society.

And let's not forget that women do more violence against other women. The case of that lady who beat her girl servant to death. Most of these liberal middle class women treat their female servants like they wouldn't even treat a stray dog infected with rabies.
For us, you are. lol

Start with Free the Nipple movement. That should do the trick for any women from our region to say tauba tauba instantly and stay away from feminazis :lol:

Brother, we at first, think you lot are perfect until we get over there.
Wife knows.
Hi Everyone @Oscar @Horus @Windjammer @Everyone else

I have recently seen four marriages dissolving and family going into disarray with destruction of family and children. This is all what i have seen in last one year. All have come from our military class and not the high officers class but from relatively decently educated middle grade young officers class. The divorce rates are already astonishingly high in civilian classes and that is all due to the 'faminine revolution' and rules being drafted in legislature giving females unprecedented rights in name of female liberty. Most certainly these females living with young officers are not oppressed, they come from good origins, have good education. They are not like the poor unducated class. This is bizzare and i was distressed with that. In one case, the female not only destroyed the life of the young man but also took away the children and now he has to present himself to court every month to meet his children. In this case, the female's father is a former brigadere and he has concieved several bogus charges against him in addition to divorce ( i say they are bogus, because i know the family for 25 years atleast).

This is all happened when we have embarked on dajjals feminist revolution and started drafting all kind of pro-female legalities and rules changing the balance between male and female as ordained by Allah SWT. I feel shattered to see this. We need to kickstart a campaign to stop this fanatic course of destruction.

Another delusional person generalising based on so called "personal experience". Yes its all feminisms fault, we are surrounded by utter idiots.
These are copy-paste feminists

They're not even original.

All of their slogans and placards are copy-paste from American Feminists

At least these incompetents could have been original

Pakistan is essentially a 'white worship' society. What the Westerner believes today, his sychophantic follower will believe tomorrow.

They have stopped thinking for themselves, and their only belief is in their own inferiority.
damn Sir G , Brutal post …… Great post , hard/harsh reality …. We are living in 21st century , As per one Hadith Shreef "You will copy them in every thing , even if one of them have sex with his mother one of you will do the same" (May Allah Forgive if I m using wrong words or not able to put it right way) ..
Yes, I think it went along the lines of "even if they crawled through a lizard's whole you will follow them" or something like that.
You SIR, have spoken the Truth !!!
“Thora paisa kia aagya, mizaj hi asmanon par pohanch gaye”

Have a look here as well
Strange isn't it? How humans can become extremely arrogant with just a slight increase in wealth and standard of living.
There are two different vines here, one is western, where there is a gender war going on... He and She are perspectives not actual genders and they are subjective and can be changed once someone realizes or well, wishes, they'd rather be called a She or it after a life long he... in fact it is becoming common with people having Signature reflecting a pronoun they'd be comfortable with, such as He/him/his etc...

The second vine is latent insecurities and there manifestation in a family. Not having enough depth to handle the ebbs and flows in a marriage or whimpering out, resorting to violence, anger/hostility or withdrawing emotionally. All of these are things that reflect a hollowness in upbringing, a deficit in character.
Orr kuch maulvi sahab.

I will answer your query since you can't answer on your own, you ask me if I will allow, will you allow it? No? But suppose she still disobeys, what will you do then? Tell me, how come you can't answer.

I am not a parent, so I can't answer. Regarding anything else, I don't hold authority.

Is mein ghalat kia hai libral sahab.
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