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That is a useless and highly inaccurate Wikipedia map that has nothing to do with landscapes, micro-climates, topography or diversity by any means. There are 8 micro-climates in KSA alone.

No other part of the world has as much cultural heritage and diversity as the Arab world which speaks the same language and shares the same Semitic past and history. Nobody.

Sudan and Morocco alone have more micro-climates than all of Iran.

Also when will you Iranians finally grow some balls and deal with your Wannabe-Arabs in power? If you do that then give it 40-50 years or so and Islam will barely have any presence in Iran. Return to fire-worshipping. This would come as a blessing for us and probably also for you so you won't be cultural and religious slaves anymore to your former conquerors (Arabs).

The only reason Islam exists in Iran, a Islam that you changed to a small sect, anyway, is because your rulers have used it as a political instrument to rule your people.

As your Wannabe-Arab Mullah's have done since 1979. Deal with it please.
Sudan and Morocco alone have more micro-climates than all of Iran.

Morocco = Berber and Sudan = African. Your shitty Arab world is the most monotone and uncivilized place on earth.

Oh, yeah sure it is. Morocco is Arab-Berber land. They speak Arabic, consider themselves Arabic are ruled by an Arab king and are Muslims. Sudan is fully Arab land now when Southern Sudan got their own independence. Only mixed with some African blood. No big deal. They all have a Semitic past and share a similar gene pool which modern genetic studies confirm.

You must have mistaken your isolated, poor, sanctioned, drug and mut'ah infected country with the Arab world or any other place for that matter.

Speaking about minorities then 40% of your population is non-Persian. You are a half-Kurd yourself - a stateless people. How about that?

Now answer this Ali/Haider/Reza/Hussein or whatever Arab name you have.

Also when will you Iranians finally grow some balls and deal with your Wannabe-Arabs in power? If you do that then give it 40-50 years or so and Islam will barely have any presence in Iran. Return to fire-worshipping. This would come as a blessing for us and probably also for you so you won't be cultural and religious slaves anymore to your former conquerors (Arabs).

The only reason Islam exists in Iran, a Islam that you changed to a small sect, anyway, is because your rulers have used it as a political instrument to rule your people.

As your Wannabe-Arab Mullah's have done since 1979. Deal with it please.

Oh, that Wikipedia map is still useless, highly inaccurate and has nothing to do with landscapes, micro-climates, topography or diversity by any means. There are 8 micro-climates in KSA alone. You posting the same map is not going to change that.:omghaha:
Speaking about minorities then 40% of your population is non-Persian. You are a half-Kurd yourself - a stateless people. How about that?

Iran has been a multi-ethnic empire/country ever since it ruled the Middle East. But my country isn't named Persia. It is called Iran, which refers to at least 80% of the people in this country, among them the Kurds, which are Iranian by language, culture and history.
Oh, that Wikipedia map is still useless, highly inaccurate and has nothing to do with landscapes, micro-climates, topography or diversity by any means. There are 8 micro-climates in KSA alone. You posting the same map is not going to change that.:omghaha:

That map is the best and most reliable map in the world, as Köppen-Geiger is accepted by all geographers and taught in schools worldwide.
Return to fire-worshipping.

It was much much more than this.
Never heard about the Gathas? because many Iranians care about it.

Well fire was an element even for the celtics in Europe. That we see we have many common roots with European.

It was as well worshipped before zoroastrians and in the all region .
Indeed Zoroaster only was keeping cult of fire and didn't keep all the other ones , which as i said above you can find many similarities from India to the old religions of Europe.

Ahura Mazdā did take away the cult of fire and fire was symbol of Light.

by the way in France they dance around the fire and it is quite the same meaning than us jumping above fire. we do it for tradition purpose like French do it for tradition purpose.

No need to insult.
Iran has been a multi-ethnic empire/country ever since it ruled the Middle East. But my country isn't named Persia. It is called Iran, which refers to at least 80% of the people in this country, among them the Kurds, which are Iranian by language, culture and history.

Whatever. Kurds are a stateless people that are mixed with every one of their conquerors much like Persians and the remaining groups in Iran. Just look at the modern genetics that confirm this or open history books about people who conquered your lands.

If Kurds and Persians have suddenly become the same people then I can say that Arabs and Jews are the same based on being Semitic people.

Or I could go longer and say that Arabs and Berbers are the same because both are from the Afro-Asiatic branch in terms of linguistics.

Anyway I see that you cannot answer my questions. I know it must be painful.

Secular, pro-monarchist half-Kurds like you must despise the Arab-Wannabes that have ruled you since 1979. So in that sense we have a common enemy for now. But we will not die for you. The change must come from you once you grew some balls.

The Iranian immigrants in the Arab world are all atheist more or less and escaped the Mullah regime. They are hardly doing anything to change Iran. Nothing will be left of your country if they continue for another 35 years. They already destroyed a lot on all fronts.

Instead of being an apologists for Wannabe-Arabs you should do something to change it.

Your avatar is of the Safavids another culturally conquered people

Do yourself some favor and use something from before the Arab conquest.

I am only writing all this to get you going and other Iranians so you can remove your Mullah's.

Regarding the Wikipedia map then it is still useless, highly inaccurate and has nothing to do with landscapes, micro-climates, topography or diversity by any means, cultural heritage or anything else. There are 8 micro-climates in KSA alone. You posting the same map is not going to change that. Any sane person knows that it shows no micro-climate, geography etc. Anyway keep believing it. A few pictures from across the Arab world, would shatter that map in few seconds by posting the diversity from Morocco to Oman. But not really bothered since that is obvious for all sane people.
just compare this paradise with the united deserts of Arab world.









No doubt that there are beautiful places in the Arab world too, since geography and climate are not the merit of humanity, but al-Hasani's claim that the Arab world is climatically extremely diverse isn't true. In the end, Iran is more diverse than the whole Arab world together.
Nobody cares about your so-called greenery that is limited to small parts of Iran. I could easily find similar landscapes just from parts of Western and Southern KSA.

Just visit the photography threads from KSA or Yemen on this forum. I have nothing to prove to anybody. They can google themselves. You are the insecure one here posting 7 pictures from Iran to make a false point, LOL. I know that I mentioned some topics that are just the reality and hard to accept as a Iranian nationalist, Kollang. It's ok. You still have time to remove your Wannabe-Arab Mullahs before they destroy your country completely.

None of that is Persian Iran btw. Probably just the small area around the Caspian Sea and the Azeri north.

Persian heartland cities such as Yazd receive less rainfall than Riyadh and Baghdad LOL.

The Köppen climate classification is one of the most widely used climate classification systems. It was first published by Russian German climatologist Wladimir Köppen in 1884, with several later modifications by Köppen himself, notably in 1918 and 1936. Later, German climatologist Rudolf Geiger collaborated with Köppen on changes to the classification system, which is thus sometimes referred to as the Köppen–Geiger climate classification system. The system is based on the concept that native vegetation is the best expression of climate. Thus, climate zone boundaries have been selected with vegetation distribution in mind. It combines average annual and monthly temperatures and precipitation, and the seasonality of precipitation.



As you can see, the Arab world isn't the most diverse place on earth, but rather the most monotone place on earth.

The US on the other hand is among the most diverse places on earth.
LOL. You just scored an own goal I see. The map you keep posting (now for the 3 time - you must be really insecure) has NOTHING to do with cultural heritage, topography, geography, diversity, micro-climates or anything else.

Oman and Yemen alone have large areas that have a tropical climate someting that is non-existant in Iran. Parts of Yemen and Oman even have the Khareef (Monsoon) 4 months every year which makes the lanscape look like a rainforest in Sri Lanka or Southern India for 1/3 of the whole year. Your map is obviously not showing that since it is useless and has nothing to do with what I mentioned in the beginning with is all important.

According to that map Western Europe has the same climate from Spain to England (LOL) and all of Eastern and Central Europe has the same climate too. Every sane person knows that this is a complete joke.

Also your map shows that Iran has 3 climates while the Arab world has 6. If we go by your useless map that has no relevance to all what I mentioned at the start of this post.

As I said Morocco and Sudan alone have more micro-climates than Iran and KSA has 8.
You are delusional, really. There isn't a better map in the world than the one I posted.

Iran has 5 different climates, as you can see here:


And if you consider the fact that Iran is much tinier than the Arab world, it is much more interesting

Or compare Iran with KSA:




KSA is truly one big monotone desert.
in yaru kheyli jushiye...asabesho khurd kon bad postasho gozaresh bede.se sut ban mishe!!!be hamin sadegi!
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As I said those maps are useless because they have nothing to do with cultural heritage, topography, geography, diversity, micro-climates or anything else.

Everyone knows that the Arab world is much richer in terms of history and diversity on all fields be it cuisine, history, cultural landmarks, culture etc. Egypt alone has a more impressive history than the Persian. Yemen alone has a older history than the Persian.

Oman and Yemen alone have large areas that have a tropical climate someting that is non-existant in Iran. Parts of Yemen and Oman even have the Khareef (Monsoon) 4 months every year which makes the lanscape look like a rainforest in Sri Lanka or Southern India for 1/3 of the whole year. Your map is obviously not showing that since it is useless and has nothing to do with what I mentioned in the beginning which are the only important parts.

As I said Morocco and Sudan alone have more micro-climates than Iran which is all that matters if we solely talk about climates which has nothing to do with anything other than, well, climates.:omghaha:

Just a little part of the Arab world has tropical climate something that all of Iran does not have at all.


Yemen alone has 200 islands. How many does Iran have? 10?

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