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Helicopter damaged in bin Laden raid back in US


Aug 15, 2009
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Saudi Arabia

WASHINGTON (AFP) – Pakistan has returned the wreckage of a US helicopter used in the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden early this month, a Pentagon spokesman said Tuesday.

"The wreckage of the helicopter destroyed in the bin Laden operation was returned over the weekend and is now back in the United States," Colonel Dave Lapan told AFP.

The helicopter was damaged in a hard landing at bin Laden's compound and US special forces deliberately blew it up after gunning down the Al-Qaeda leader in the May 1-2 raid, officials have said.

Photographs of the tail of the wrecked helicopter fueled speculation among experts and aviation enthusiasts that the aircraft was a secret model with design features to reduce noise or foil radar detection -- most likely a modified Blackhawk.

Pakistan had said earlier this month that it would not share the damaged helicopter with China, which has been accused of buying up wreckage of US military aircraft to get an insight into American defense technology.

Tensions between the United States and its ally Pakistan have run high since bin Laden, the mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks and the world's most wanted man, was found living in Abbottabad, a garrison town near Islamabad.

Helicopter damaged in bin Laden raid back in US - Yahoo! News
Thanks, Pakistan... you done the right thing...

lets work together now to make Pakistan Stable
We need to pull the US outa the economic quagmire that it is in right now, and make it stable first before we play cowboy with any other sovereign country.
WTF?? This has got to be the most weakest government of Pakistan. Why didnt we show them some pics of wreckage on thela and told them it was sold off to raddi paper walay?? CIA operates covert games inside our country and we return their valuable wreckage. Im sure china is hell pissed about it. Back in the day, we did not return their tom hawks but now something as useless as chopper tail is being returned without proper analysis and reverse engineering. Shame on Pak government..today i feel ashamed to be a Pakistani!
^^^ Don't feel ashamed to be a Pakistani but just to have voted these people into the government. Next time when the elections come around, make this feeling of guilt your strength and vote for the right people.
Hahaha. And they were planning to block NATO supply line as they passed a resolution in NA right after OBL incident.
^^^ Nothing to laugh about pal. If anything you should be sad and worried about how the things are shaping up for the country and try to do something to change the flow of the things.
^^^ Nothing to laugh about pal. If anything you should be sad and worried about how the things are shaping up for the country and try to do something to change the flow of the things.

And what exactly should be done to save the country?.
^^^ Isn't that the crux of all the problems that we have? We are all so willing to jump the gun and pass the blame but when it comes to take tangible steps and change things for the better, we make an innocent face and ask " what should we do " ? The word that is doing rounds nowadays in the Pakistani media is " Inqilab". We think that inqilab is to change whats around you. On the contrary Inqilab means to change what is within you. Take a good look at yourself,introspect, and then ask yourself what can I do to make things better? Just a caution and word of advice before you start the process: It might be a bit more challenging than evading responsibility and passing the blame.
WTF?? This has got to be the most weakest government of Pakistan. Why didnt we show them some pics of wreckage on thela and told them it was sold off to raddi paper walay?? CIA operates covert games inside our country and we return their valuable wreckage. Im sure china is hell pissed about it. Back in the day, we did not return their tom hawks but now something as useless as chopper tail is being returned without proper analysis and reverse engineering. Shame on Pak government..today i feel ashamed to be a Pakistani!

Dnt worry u feel tht almost every second day.......Make it a habbit....... PPP is ruling.
^^^ Isn't that the crux of all the problems that we have? We are all so willing to jump the gun and pass the blame but when it comes to take tangible steps and change things for the better, we make an innocent face and ask " what should we do " ? The word that is doing rounds nowadays in the Pakistani media is " Inqilab". We think that inqilab is to change whats around you. On the contrary Inqilab means to change what is within you. Take a good look at yourself,introspect, and then ask yourself what can I do to make things better? Just a caution and word of advice before you start the process: It might be a bit more challenging than evading responsibility and passing the blame.

Your words did not answer my question, just solve me the equation in terms of an ultimate modus operandi unlike dud officials taking care of the national defense policy. The nation has been harking these words your are citing for almost 7 decades now but unfortunately they remained only the words and not the actions. Please turn to the Parliament who always deviates from the promises it makes prior to elections, its the Parliament who is to decide WHAT TO DO as it represents every single Pakistani; Ops sorry my bad its the PA who is to decide our fate.

I dont expect anything good from the clunker ruling the country..
This is proof America is the pimp of our COAS.

I think I'm going to be Sick!

What next? Give them back a drone when it drops due to mechanical failure?
WTF?? This has got to be the most weakest government of Pakistan. Why didnt we show them some pics of wreckage on thela and told them it was sold off to raddi paper walay??
Where light shines, that is beyond the ISI's control.

CIA operates covert games inside our country and we return their valuable wreckage -
My guess is that this is happening because the PM and prez don't trust the ISI or MI and seek info from the CIA instead. Why else would they approve of it?

Im sure china is hell pissed about it.
I'm sure the Chinese will be happy with whatever captured U.S. technology Pakistan passes to them. And that doing so will justify whatever suspicions they may have that Pakistan could very well hand over Chinese technologies to the U.S.

Shame on Pak government..today i feel ashamed to be a Pakistani!
It's your function as an ISI apologist you have to be ashamed of, isn't it?
Pakistan has had plenty of time to study and analyze the wreckage. Anyone who believe they will not share the data with China given the long history of technology cooperation is just being silly. It doesn't even matter what the government of Pakistan says, US intelligence will assume China has the salvageable tech in their damage assessment.
@ Emmie

If you see something wrong going on,try to stop it with your hands, if not possible, try to raise your voice against it and even if that is out of bound, then at least consider it wrong in your heart. Here is your Modus Operandi, apply it to everything that you do and see the change around you. Good Luck

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