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Hefajat-e-Islam Chief Shafi demands Ahmadiya Muslims be declared as non-Muslims

The best thing to do is quit this forum. The lack of 'healthy' & sane thinkers is astounding.

Anyways, some background on the Ahmadiyya Muslims. In the UK their mosques are referred to as temples, they are usually lavish cough cough (donors usually be of aristrocracy or gov funding), most of the adherents of Ahmadiyya are by far Pakistanis, although many Africans now.

In BD the Ahmadis don't flourish. Because there has only been one type of Islam there that is orthodox Sunni Islam w fringe deobandi/brelvi type groups in rural areas
Mollah Logic : Bangladesh is a country with 92% muslims except the Shias, Ahmedis, Hijabless women, Artists, Musicians, Actors, Sports personalities, Talibans, ISIS, Non Madrassah students, Gays/Lesbians, Saints, Non religious etc etc ..

but but but we are 92% muslim country

On a serious note, Live and let live .. It is very difficult for Mullahs to do that. Bunch of idiots
And what compromise would that be?
You know what I mean , still why asking question? It's not necessary that every time religious minority will get the benefit . But Sometimes majority should have the benefit too ! If not then fitna will start . let Ahmadis pray at their "Ahmadi Mosque" Muslims are not complaining slightly . Just ask them not to propogate their blunder that Mirza Gulam Ahmed is the prophet and the promised messiah of Islam . Or they can preach it too , but not try to convince others that they are the true Muslims and others ( mainstream )are not !

Again , if you want to wipe off the root of old religions by attacking dogmas in the name of freedom , then no govt can stop riot in this south asian region . Muslims , specially religious folks ( not talking extremists) is not going to tolerate this , you like it or not , that does not change the reality .

PS: Do you know about the online scum name Sefuda of Bangladesh ( living in Australia as far I know) ? He was in profile picture of @Mage . He ( sefuda ) recently came to live and Tear quran page and put it to toilet and insulted Rasulullah (pbuh) with profane words ( I can post it here , but you wont understand because all in Bengali).

Peoples of Bangladesh are extremely angry and none of them are Mullahs , but common folks in faceBook .

So if anyone call it freedom , and common folks as savage , situation will not change . Peoples should live in real life other than utopian mythology , because reality is totally different , and govt know this very well . In the end it is the duty of our govt to maintain the stability ,so they know the reality , and will act in realistic way .
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You would be surprised at the depravity. Atheism is increasing in BD at an alarming rate. Cultural Hindu practices are being celebrated and all sorts of folk superstitions are floating around.

There is simply no place left for Islam and Muslims.

You have Hindu Muslim girls marrying Hindu men, and it’s quite common. Prostitution and kidnapping/forced marriages are increasing. Their society is in collapse.

Extremism and Mullahism are rising in Bangladesh, not atheism.

If any Hindu or anyone allegedly say any thing offensive about Islam or say anything very bad hundred of thousands start demanding death penalty for the accuser.

So how come Islam has no place in Bangladesh? Islam is very deeply attached with Bangladeshi identity otherwise there would not be Bangladeshis but Indians only.
The difference Bangladeshis have with Indians is only because of religion. Otherwise both belong to same ethnic background.

Islam has bright future in Bangladesh because almost 90% Muslims of Bangladesh first identify themselves as Muslim first. Some even feel embarrassed of Bengali identity. It becomes more evident during Bengali New Year celebration where not only Mullahs but common religious minded people oppose the celebration with Mongol Shobhajatra (rally displaying art works of masks of human faces, birds, animals etc.
Internet is doing to islam what printing presses did for christianity, - Maryam Namazie

The only reason people in Bangladesh are scared to say anything against religion is because of the threat to their lives from the mullah's.
Atheism is in rise....
If given the chance for debate, Reason and truth will always truimph over fantasy and falsehood
Internet is doing to islam what printing presses did for christianity, - Maryam Namazie

The only reason people in Bangladesh are scared to say anything against religion is because of the threat to their lives from the mullah's.
Atheism is in rise....
If given the chance for debate, Reason and truth will always truimph over fantasy and falsehood
Apparently majority of Bangladeshis would choose Shariah to be the guiding principle in running the country in open surveys...but none of them ever vote for Islamists in secret ballot elections. people seem to be smart in secret but willfully appear to be dumb.
So Islam is a death cult according to you?

Wait until BD gets a load of Ahmadiyya propaganda.

Read my post again. I am talking about those who killed several Ahmadis, including two children, and an unborn Ahmadi child during an attack on an Ahmadi mosque, in 2014. Those people, and those who support them, are indeed followers of some death cult.

Not Islam, Islam preaches against killing of unborn children. Those people follow some other death cult that commits acts of violence against children and women.

The best thing to do is quit this forum. The lack of 'healthy' & sane thinkers is astounding.

Anyways, some background on the Ahmadiyya Muslims. In the UK their mosques are referred to as temples, they are usually lavish cough cough (donors usually be of aristrocracy or gov funding), most of the adherents of Ahmadiyya are by far Pakistanis, although many Africans now.

In BD the Ahmadis don't flourish. Because there has only been one type of Islam there that is orthodox Sunni Islam w fringe deobandi/brelvi type groups in rural areas

Which mosques are referred to as temples? You mean by you? Lol who cares.

Can you prove any of our mosques in UK are funded by government or this is just another brainfart from yourself? Just because some Muslims in UK prefer to live on government handouts, it does not mean most Ahmadi Muslims are like you folks.

We gather our own money for everything we do. Not ungrateful people like you, who abuse kafirs and still live on their handouts.

Their founder Mirza ghulam ahmad was a pawn of the British who wanted to create a more subservient sect, more malleable to British rule. Jihad was removed from their teachings and their prophet nullified most of the commands of the Quran like salat, reading Quran, etc.

They believe Jesus died in Kashmir and Mary came to Punjab, lol.

They view themselves as Momin, and the rest of Muslims as kuffar, yet they are insulted if we view them in a reciprocal manner

They came to the West and places like Africa and Israel to preach their religion in disguise as Pakistan refused to accept them as Muslims, hence they could not infiltrate Muslim communities there to convert them.

I am very proud of my nation for taking a tough stance against this heretic sect.

This is the historical problem which we have had with them, I don’t want to delve in religious discussion as it is not allowed.

No ahmadi is insulted if you call us kafir. Just in case you haven't noticed, it is when you persecute Ahmadis, that is when some of us do ask questions about persecution, which you folks try to justifiy.

Also, please stop lying about Salah being nullified, or that Qur'an is no longer needed. Have you ever been inside an Ahmadi mosque? Ahmadis don't believe in the abrogation of Quranic verses, unlike you Sunnis. So stop this beating around the bush inventing outright lies. You claim to follow the Prophet Muhammad (saw), yet sit here and lie shamelessly.

These are the first three conditions of ba'ayah that every person must pledge to become an Ahmadi:

I That he/she shall solemnly promise that he/she shall abstain from shirk (associating any partner with God) right up to the day of his/her death.

II That he/she shall keep away from falsehood, fornication, adultery, trespasses of the eye, debauchery, dissipation, cruelty, dishonesty, mischief and rebellion; and will not permit himself/herself to be carried away by passions, however strong they might be.

III That he/she shall regularly offer the five daily prayers in accordance with the commandments of God and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him); and shall try his/her best to be regular in offering the Tahajjud (pre-dawn supererogatory prayers) and invoking Durood (blessings) on the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him); that he/she shall make it his/her daily routine to ask forgiveness for his/her sins, to remember the bounties of God and to praise and glorify Him.


Accept that we have severe religious theological differences, why invent lies about Salah or Qur'an being nullified? A momin isn't supposed to lie, then why do you shamelessly lie?
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Which mosques are referred to as temples? You mean by you? Lol who cares.

Can you prove any of our mosques in UK are funded by government or this is just another brainfart from yourself? Just because some Muslims in UK prefer to live on government handouts, it does not mean most Ahmadi Muslims are like you folks.

We gather our own money for everything we do. Not ungrateful people like you, who abuse kafirs and still live on their handouts.

How is the holiest place for you? (Qadian).

Read my post again. I am talking about those who killed several Ahmadis, including two children, and an unborn Ahmadi child during an attack on an Ahmadi mosque, in 2014. Those people, and those who support them, are indeed followers of some death cult.

Not Islam, Islam preaches against killing of unborn children. Those people follow some other death cult that commits acts of violence against children and women.

Which mosques are referred to as temples? You mean by you? Lol who cares.

Can you prove any of our mosques in UK are funded by government or this is just another brainfart from yourself? Just because some Muslims in UK prefer to live on government handouts, it does not mean most Ahmadi Muslims are like you folks.

We gather our own money for everything we do. Not ungrateful people like you, who abuse kafirs and still live on their handouts.

No ahmadi is insulted if you call us kafir. Just in case you haven't noticed, it is when you persecute Ahmadis, that is when some of us do ask questions about persecution, which you folks try to justifiy.

Also, please stop lying about Salah being nullified, or that Qur'an is no longer needed. Have you ever been inside an Ahmadi mosque? Ahmadis don't believe in the abrogation of Quranic verses, unlike you Sunnis. So stop this beating around the bush inventing outright lies. You claim to follow the Prophet Muhammad (saw), yet sit here and lie shamelessly.

These are the first three conditions of ba'ayah that every person must pledge to become an Ahmadi:

I That he/she shall solemnly promise that he/she shall abstain from shirk (associating any partner with God) right up to the day of his/her death.

II That he/she shall keep away from falsehood, fornication, adultery, trespasses of the eye, debauchery, dissipation, cruelty, dishonesty, mischief and rebellion; and will not permit himself/herself to be carried away by passions, however strong they might be.

III That he/she shall regularly offer the five daily prayers in accordance with the commandments of God and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him); and shall try his/her best to be regular in offering the Tahajjud (pre-dawn supererogatory prayers) and invoking Durood (blessings) on the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him); that he/she shall make it his/her daily routine to ask forgiveness for his/her sins, to remember the bounties of God and to praise and glorify Him.


Accept that we have severe religious theological differences, why invent lies about Salah or Qur'an being nullified? A momin isn't supposed to lie, then why do you shamelessly lie?

Theological & *fundamental differences.

Can you prove any of our mosques in UK are funded by government or this is just another brainfart from yourself? Just because some Muslims in UK prefer to live on government handouts, it does not mean most Ahmadi Muslims are like you folks.

We gather our own money for everything we do. Not ungrateful people like you, who abuse kafirs and still live on their handouts.

Of course the Ahmadiyyas have been getting preferential treatment. Ever since their inception, Brit royalties and politicians have been funding their mosques. Like the one in Putney, South London.

Making a tomfoolery out of Islam, you think you're not going to get paid for that???
No I'm stereotyping your Mullahs not the average Pakistani. Plus you have no right to complain, maybe when Pakistan starts treating its minorities like humans then you can go around giving lectures to others, the same people who were crying about the terrorist attack in New Zealand but on the other hand celebrate deaths of minorities at home. I'm not specifically talking about you but the a certain section of Pakistani society.

You really think preaching against your majority Muslim population will win you any hearts and minds?

We have Parsi, Baha’i, Christian and Jew, in Pakistan, but they are not as arrogant and negative as Ahmadiyya propaganda is against the Pakistani state.

Your leadership is not doing you any favors by promoting anti-Pakistanism on the global stage.

Internet is doing to islam what printing presses did for christianity, - Maryam Namazie

The only reason people in Bangladesh are scared to say anything against religion is because of the threat to their lives from the mullah's.
Atheism is in rise....
If given the chance for debate, Reason and truth will always truimph over fantasy and falsehood

You seem awfully excited about this prospect. You have been reading too many atheist blogger websites.

Your reason and rationality is not helping you stop the global collapse of capitalism and liberal democracy.

Ahmadis don't believe in the abrogation of Quranic verses, unlike you Sunnis

This is exactly the mindset which aggravates the Muslim majority of Pakistan (Sunni and Shia.)

I’ll end it here as it can go on forever.
Internet is doing to islam what printing presses did for christianity, - Maryam Namazie

The only reason people in Bangladesh are scared to say anything against religion is because of the threat to their lives from the mullah's.
Atheism is in rise....
If given the chance for debate, Reason and truth will always truimph over fantasy and falsehood

Internet is helping Islam to spread, learn it more and becoming practicing Muslim. Special thanks to Atheist bloggers (perhaps you as well) who have launched the initiative to go to west in a short cut way.
You seem awfully excited about this prospect. You have been reading too many atheist blogger websites.

Your reason and rationality is not helping you stop the global collapse of capitalism and liberal democracy.

Not reading blogs... Just reading Quran, Authentic hadith and using my own brain. You should try it too sometime (using your brain)

Internet is helping Islam to spread, learn it more and becoming practicing Muslim. Special thanks to Atheist bloggers (perhaps you as well) who have launched the initiative to go to west in a short cut way.

lol..... The Atheist bloggers would never be targeted and killed if the mullah gang could answer their factual arguments.

For example, Mullah's would mock hindus preaching in front of stone statues and yet they would do the same by worshiping infront of a stone cube. Both equally funny if you ask me. .. Do you guys even know how absurd the idea of Noah's ark is? Or the idea of a man using a flying donkey to travel from arabia to Jerusalem? Some Greek mythology is more believable than the absurd idea of splitting moons or flying donkeys. Do you really think any major religion would survive a proper scrutiny of all its stories and teachings?
no muslim worships the kaaba, its the qibla, direction of worship so that muslims are unified in their prayer, you dont even know the basics of islam

Worshiping in direction of a stone.... That makes it sooo different... lol
it is different :lol: we don't worship any object, qibla has to be the same so muslims are unified in prayer, the first qibla was jerusalem then it was changed to mecca, now don't say we worship jerusalem :lol:

For a sane thinking person, this is just as absurd my friend.
You do not worship a stone but pray in its direction...... Not to mention, it is almost impossible to face Qibla when you are hundreds of miles away from it (since even a single degree variance would mean you are missing the direction altogether).
So what is your expert opinion on Moon splitting and flying donkeys?

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